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Everything posted by Life&Death

  1. I'm just disappointed I didn't get to kill anyone. Oh well. There will be more opportunities.
  2. Chaos is merging my two accounts under the name Soul. So I will now only have this account.
  3. While I do have two accounts(only because I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to) neither of them are Kidpen. I am willing to delete one of them. Who should I contact about my mistake?
  4. Soul Grins. More fighting to watch. What could be better, besides actually taking part in the fighting?
  5. Ouch Grey Knight. Are you just going to let him say that?
  6. Do we need a new character for this, or is our current one okay?
  7. Disappointed that nothing interesting happened yet, Soul wandered off into the dark alley, to see what other mysteries it held. "Maybe today I will actually get to kill someone." He muttered as he wandered off, being chastised by his spren for his bloodlust. Again.
  8. Soul walked out of the nearby shadows and saw Rashan. He had not met him before, but had seen and heard of him. "Clearly he cannot hold his liquor." Soul said to his spren, Eleftheria. Grinning he settled down to watch what would happen, Aluminum burning comfortably in his stomach.
  9. A sword that sucks the life energy out of enemies when dealing a death blow, and gives it to the wielder. Grants a limited form of immortality, in that you will never die, and will heal any wound, but you do not heal any quicker than normal. So if you are decapitated, you must suffer the pain until your head slowly regrows itself.
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