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Status Updates posted by BitBitio

  1. moment when you realize you posted something twice :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doomstick


      you didn't post this twice, how could you?

    3. BitBitio


      nno i didnt i dunno what you’re talking about

    4. BitBitio


      nno i didnt i dunno what you’re talking about

  2. fee fy fo fum 

    yours truly sort of forgot

    Bit’s 4th Shardiversary was like 5 days ago but he’s dumb

    at least he’s not a bot

  3. fee fy fo fum 

    yours truly sort of forgot

    Bit’s 4th Shardiversary was like 5 days ago but he’s dumb

    at least he’s not a bot

  4. you were at 2,799 upvotes and it bothered me hi how are you

  5. I don't get it.

    For well over a year now, I've been on and off on the Shard. An overwhelming amount has changed now that I'm back here, once again. Some of you, I knew for a month, just long to get to know you, and then forget you. 14 days ago marked my second anniversary of joining the Shard. Every time I get back on the Shard, hundreds of new notifications bombard me, but time doesn't allow that I view these.

    My life has changed too. When I was consistently on in early 2019, I was a completely different person than I am today. I came to be great friends with many of you, and alas, the me whose words you read today isn't the same person. Hundreds of days, summer days where I find myself hard at work, busy throughout the day, autumn days of school and sadness as winter rolls in, winter days where I sit in the comfort of my home and venture outside only when necessary,and spring days, acting as almost a rebirth, where I grow a year older and school ends. It feels like a never-ending cycle as the years go by, yet I know that time, inevitably, will pass away and change will come. Change that, while good, makes me queasy when I consider it. 

    The world has changed. In early 2019, I began to pursue interests outside of the Shard, in addition to the growing pressures of school as the year ended, and as a result the time spent in this community dwindled to meet my needs outside of the Shard. Over the summer, I held several summer jobs and was always busy. And then, I began high school that fall. While I made attempts throughout this period to reenter the magical world, friendly community, and happy place that the Shard was, new challenges and roadblocks occurred. Including COVID-19, which one might assume would allow me more time, yet my circumstances at home result in me having less time. 

    For well over a year now, nearly 15 months, I have done my best to rejoin continually, and have consistently found it unviable or not possible. And believe me, I want to.

    I hate saying goodbyes. 

    But I can't keep doing this, leaving you amazing people with a tiny semblance of hope that someday, I might return with full activity, when in fact, that possibility isn't really a possibility. So, though many of you that may see this don't know me, and won't ever know me, I am saying goodbye. Goodbye to all the members of these forums, regardless of whether you knew me in my time or not. Goodbye especially to those in the Alleyverse, TUBA, and the other various roleplays I participated in throughout my time here. In the various PMs and other places, I always looked at the names of those who hadn't read the PM for a long time and laughed to myself, thinking I would never be one of those people. 

    I am. And I know that to many of you, this message will mean nothing, having either moved on, or never having known me. That's okay.

    I don't want to lead you on with a false hope, but I do believe that there is a miniscule possibility that one day, I might return in full force. The odds are against that possibility, so it's safer to say I might pop back up occasionally with a little status update or message in a PM. 

    So again, I offer my thanks to all of you. It was a wild ride. Stay safe and stay healthy. 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Doomstick


      Goodbye my friend! May we meet at a signing someday!

    3. Ark1002


      We love you Bit!

      Have a wonderful life!

    4. AonEne


      I don’t know what to say that hasn’t already been said. I’ll just echo Silva and Rebecca. I’ll miss you, but the time I had with you - joking around in TUBA, competing to be the first to post on a new page, spying on the DA - I will value that time so much. You’re amazing. And I can see that you’ve changed. And I will hold out hope for that minuscule possibility, but if it doesn’t come, that’s okay too. Whatever’s best for your life. Good luck in these crazy times to you and your family. 

      Guess I had some stuff to say after all. :P Happy late Shardiversary, and goodbye, sule. 

  6. Happy late birthday!

    1. AonEne


      Thank you, Bit :D 

  7. Guys. Does anyone remember me?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Silva


      Bit!!! We missed you! How are you?

      Also, we did notice your absence before Ark's reminder, like Ene said, just silently. :rolleyes:

    3. AonEne


      Oof yes high school will tend to do that. 

      Yay, though! If you need to ask questions about anything or anything, my metaphorical PM door is open! 

    4. Rebecca


      Yeah, I feel you Bit. :wacko: I’m in my senior year right now, and boy does it get hectic sometimes. I’ve had to take some breaks from the Shard too. Hope your schedule lightens up enough for you to join us again! We’d love to have you back.

  8. *sup

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Rebecca


      You should, we miss you too. -_-

    3. AonEne


      You’re amazing, and we’d love to see you more. However, don’t stretch yourself - take care of yourself, we’ll live. ^_^ 

    4. Doomstick
  9. I salute you, Apollyon. 

  10. So what's a patron?

    1. Sorana


      It means that I support the 17th shard on patreon.

      Here's the link to the news:



    2. BitBitio


      Ohhh. Saw that news already. Thanks for letting me know!

  11. This is officially depressing. It's been more than six months.

    1. AonEne


      I'm starting to think something actually happened to him, because if he was leaving of his own volition, wouldn't he say...something?

    2. CadCom


      Did anyone ever find him on Discord?

    3. AonEne


      I didn't, but I haven't tried. I don't know what his username is or if he even has an account.

  12. It's official now!

    1 year!

    1. Rebecca


      Happy Shardiversary BitBitio!!! :D

  13. It's official now!

    1 year!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BitBitio


      Whoops looks like I posted it twice.

    3. Doomstick


      apparently a blank white screen is all I can see

    4. AonEne


      WOO BIT! You're awesome, by the way. I don't tell you that enough.

  14. Dang... 1 year of membership tomorrow!!!!!

    1. AonEne


      It goes by so quickly. :P Just over six hours away!

  15. Well, okay. I'm putting this on Ink's profile as well.

    Hey everybody. As many of you may know, I know Ink IRL. So, this morning, he came up to me and told me that, well, basically, his already limited Shard access has gotten even more limited. In twenty words or less, he got grounded and now won't have access for anywhere from a couple of weeks to even months. He wants all of his RP characters to become NPCs for the foreseeable future, as well. I'm sorry I have to be the one to make this announcement. But this is addressed to Ink: You have my, and hopefully everyone else's support. I'm excited to see you back soon!

  16. Well, okay. I'm putting this on my profile as well.

    Hey everybody. As many of you may know, I know Ink IRL. So, this morning, he came up to me and told me that, well, basically, his already limited Shard access has gotten even more limited. In twenty words or less, he got grounded and now won't have access for anywhere from a couple of weeks to even months. He wants all of his RP characters to become NPCs for the foreseeable future, as well. I'm sorry I have to be the one to make this announcement. But this is addressed to Ink: You have my, and hopefully everyone else's support. I'm excited to see you back soon!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Doomstick
    3. Doomstick


      do you know anything more?

    4. AonEne


      He's on Discord, in the TUBA server I think? 

  17. Hey everyone, as you may have recently noticed, I haven't been on a lot recently. There are a few personal details, but basically, I will only be able to get on once a day for at least a week and up to three weeks. Don't worry, I will still be here, but I'm going to be more sparing with my time. My involvement in the Alleyverse RP will remain about the same, however. Don't worry, this is only temporary. But just so I have a goal in mind, by March, I'm going to be more active again.



    PS, the profile picture and name change will remain until the period of less activity is over, so that you all know when I'm all the way back.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ed Venture

      Ed Venture

      I'll miss you! Just try to post on the Misadventures a bit...we need you!

    3. Ashspren


      Aw, we’ll miss you, Bit! Can’t wait until you’re back. :) 

    4. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi


      Why u do dis to us


  19. Should someone DM you on Discord?

    1. Doomstick


      Probably a good idea

  20. AP




  21. @Sazedezas your palindromic name is perfect for the backwards crew:P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BitBitio


      I did it and people followed.

    3. Ark1002


      You were inspired by Voidus.

    4. BitBitio



      Though I was the one who first did it officially.

  22. Regarding the reversed names: Its my fault. 

    I'm officially announcing it, I did it first. I wasn't expecting all of this insanity. :P

    The way I did it is obviously the correct way, where you capitalize the letter at the beginning only.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. AonEne



      The way I did it is obviously the correct way, where you capitalize the letter at the beginning only.

      If that's how your name was, then sure. Mine always had multiple capital letters.

    3. Ink


      I did mine the right way. Ene did for her name

    4. Borio Singaldi
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