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Everything posted by CadCom

  1. Oh, so this was just a practice round? Do we get to lynch someone anyways?
  2. Sounds good! I'm excited to wake up to discuss what happened last night!
  3. Kaz would. ----- Bastille Shasta Quentin Folsom Angola ----- Who would be the sweatiest after a long day painting fences?
  4. Hurt Aimia, Heal the Northern Dominance Iri - 9 Rira - 9 Reshi Isles - 7 Herdaz - 10 Aimia - 9 Shinovar - 6 Jah Keved - 6 Alethkar - 10 Northern Dominance - 4 Eastern Dominance - 3 Western Dominance - 3 Terris Dominance - 8 Hallandren - 10 Elendel Basin - 10 The Roughs - 9
  5. Granted. You are handed a platter, with your own eyeballs, which have been steamed, then roasted. Too bad you're blind now. I wish for neither a boon or a bane.
  6. If anyone has considered joining Sanderson Elimination, but hasn't for one reason or another, this would be a good opportunity to test the waters. It's going to be in a smaller amount than SE is and likely will be quicker to run.
  7. Hidden Yearly Dog Running Organizations Practice Hiding Old Breeds In Cement. Penguins Excitedly Navigate Gaping Underwater Interstates Now Sleeplessly. HIGHSTORM (Cosmere themed)
  8. And Mraize attempts to win the post with the laziest comment of all. Too bad I took the victory from him!
  9. I'll join as well haha every new game on the other one has different rules, so it can get very confusing. But the levels of deceit can go so much deeper!
  10. Granted. A cheezit falls from the sky directly in front of you at the rate of one cheezit every two minutes. Af first you believe that this is the bane, that you are only able to receive on cheezit every two minutes. However, by the end of the day, you find that you've had about 150 cheezits, and are satisfied. As you lay down to rest though, you get hit by a falling cheezit every two minutes. This keeps you awake for over an hour before you're finally able to ignore the falling and fall asleep. After a good night's rest, and 8 hours of sleep, you wake up to discover you've been covered in over 200 cheezits. Throughout the remainder of your 8 hour work day, and 8 hours of extra time, you are bombarded by almost 500 more cheezits. Your family and colleagues love you, and you begin to see how this can be good. You start collecting containers to hand out your extra cheezits, as you are not able to handle that many in a day, day after day. A week passes. Soon your family and friends lose interest, only coming periodically for more cheezits. You've found that you've run out of tupperware and other containers for your cheezits. After a month, no one is interested in your cheezits any more, and your skin has begun to turn orange. You realize that this orange tint is not good, and determine that you need to cut down on your cheezit diet. Unfortunately, every 2 minutes, another cheezit falls from the sky, tempting you, luring you to just eat one more. One year later, you find that your diet consists of cheezits with every meal, your skin has turned full orange, and you've gained over 50 pounds in a year. Yet the cheezits continue falling. Once. Every. Two. Minutes. Crunchy. Delicious. Demonic. Cheezits. Crunch. I wish for 3 "Crunch" bars, and 10 "Hundred Grand" bars per week.
  11. Welcome! Also, who is your favorite character? If you're interested in RP as well as fanfics, or other Sanderson based Forum games, there's a section for that! My favorite portion is Sanderson Elimination. It's like that party game, Mafia, or Werewolf, but we've expertly adapted it to a forum setting!.
  12. Awefully Subtle: Don't Ingest Yams! Entirely New Times I Realize Aren't? CADMIUM
  13. Granted. You are given @Truthless of Shinovar while he has unlimited power. He does not like being held captive. So he destroys you using his unlimited power. There is some residual unlimited power coursing through your bones, unfortunately you are dead, and cannot use it. I wish for Luna's cookie dough Ice cream.
  14. I will bring incorrect-verbiages through the green glass door.
  15. What do you have against bananas? Have you ever had Peanut Butter and Bananas on toast? If you've had it, Do you like it? If the answer to either of the above questions is no, how do you reconcile with the fact that you are wasting your toaster's potential? If one day your toaster came and woke you up, like a small puppy, would you be creeped out? Would you donate your toaster to the military for study? Have you heard of the Hollow Earthers? Have you heard of the flat earthers? If you had to profess to one of the theories espoused by the two groups above, which would it be? Do you personally profess to believe either of those theories? (No judgement from me no matter what your answer is? What is the longest hike you've ever done?
  16. dare I dare you to, when you arrive home today, determine one thing that you are not doing as well as you could, and make a promise to yourself to do better. Will you do that? I will ask for a report if I remember. You're sitting at work(or school) in a room filled with computers. It's raining hard outside. Suddenly one of the ceiling tiles collapses, and there is a Miniature-Niagara- in the room you are in just a few feet from you. All of the computers short out except for yours. However, on your screen, you see the image of water slowly filling up the monitor. You know it's not real because water can't really fill up the monitor. Then a message appears on the screen that says "When this water reaches the top, this message will self destruct. This entire room will be in flames. Stay tuned for the message." Then it continues stating something in a language you assume to be ancient Egyptian. What do you choose to do?
  17. 1. Other than Jaywalking, if you could break any law (Statutory, not natural), and not have to face the legal consequences, which would it be? 2. If you could break any natural law, which would it be? 3. You wake up one morning to find that everyone in your metropolitan area (Or county if you live in a more rural area) has mysteriously disappeared. Attendance at your school is mandatory to graduation, and monitored by a chip that has been inserted in your neck as an infant. You do not have a pre-approved absence on this day, and make-up attendance is not an option, without a doctor's note, supplied within 24 hours of the absence. This means that attendance is reported automatically, without manual intervention. You have no idea if, or when the people will return, and you learn by listening to the news while eating breakfast that the people have not left. National news reports that they all simply disappeared. On your first day you now are faced with the decision of attending school or not. You know that by day two, a military team will come to extract and relocate you if necessary to continue your schooling. Do you choose to attend school on day 1? 4. Have you ever delved into Sanderson Elimination? 5. Why do you have a toaster. 6. Do you feel any moral obligation to your diet? 7. Favorite brand? In general, not limited to any type of product. (Could be cars, shoes, clothing, publishing company, food, etc...) 8. Apples or pears 9. (Answer to question above) or bananas? 10. (Answer that you did not select on question 8) or bananas? 11. (Answer to question 9) or (answer to question 10)? 12. (Answer to question 12)? 14. Did you notice I skipped 13? 15. I can keep going. Do you want me to keep going?
  18. I lived in Chile for a couple years, so I'm pretty fluent as well. I will bring Vallenar through the green glass door. (It's a town in Chile that I lived in)
  19. NOOOOOO It's My Fault!!!!!!! I'm sorry everyone! Melon you led me astray! Now time to find out who you were. Edit: Randuir.... Well done Randuir.
  20. I don't think the mods like bots. If you did this and they caught on, they would probably lock the thread, after they make a comment stating they are locking the thread. So by doing that, you would end up losing. The key to winning is wait until this thread goes inactive in 2022, then wait another year or two (~2024) Then comment, asking the mods to close it without adding any additional comments. If Chaos isn't too set on winning, he'll let you win. If he feels like winning on that given day, he will comment saying he is locking it, and will win. Moral of the story, is if this ever goes inactive, it's more than likely that chaos will win, and the game will be over. But as of this moment, I am the winner. Let it be known that for all intensive purposes, at exactly 12:44 and 22 seconds MDT on Thrusday September 19th, 2019, Cadmium Compounder was the Gold medalist for the Last post on this site.
  21. What if my least favorite food is a live mouse? In that case, I would choose live mouse once. In the case where we assume food is a dish that has been killed, and prepared in some way, and I'm limited to the foods I've tried... (If I haven't tried a food, It can't be my least favorite, right?) I would rather eat my least favorite food for two days. Would you rather live in industrialized Scadrial, or Industrialized Roshar? You won't have any powers.
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