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Everything posted by CadCom

  1. Hurt Rira, heal the Northern Dominance. Iri - 9 Rira - 8 Reshi Isles - 7 Herdaz - 10 Aimia - 10 Shinovar - 6 Jah Keved - 6 Alethkar - 10 Northern Dominance - 5 Eastern Dominance - 3 Western Dominance - 2 Terris Dominance - 8 Hallandren - 10 Elendel Basin - 10 The Roughs - 9
  2. Out of curiosity, what age do people think I would be?
  3. Granted. You remember all the terms, because you've become an Elantrain. Unfortunately, Elantris has fallen, and you are a Hoed. It will be close to 7 years before Raoden becomes an Elantrian, so you have no hope of surviving. Edit: I wish I could remember to ask for Boons without having to return and edit my original post.
  4. So, @Ethan_Sedai reversed it back to me Then thankfully, @Butt Ad Venture reversed it back to Ethan, even though it wasn't his turn. (If we're playing normal UNO rules). But then Ethan use the NO U card to send it back to Butt Ad Venture? So Now It's completely avoided me! Perfect. I win!
  5. I'm going to try a similar strategy that was attempted a few pages back, but I'm hopefully going to make it better, hoping to help myself win. Please note, I in no way harbor judgement against anyone for having different thoughts about any of these characters. Please also note, that the following statements do not necessarily reflect my opinions on these different characters, just that they represent controversial opinions. The next person to post automatically thinks all of the below. 1. Moash did nothing wrong. 2. Meridas Amaram did nothing wrong. 3. Torol Sadeas did nothing wrong. 4. The Lord Ruler is a true savior 5. Kelsier is a saint, with only the best interests of others in mind. 6. Vivenna should have stayed in Idris.
  6. Additionally, something I sometimes do, is I choose basic information regarding my character before the game begins, such as career, interests, etc. RP isn't mandatory in SE, and you'll see that many people just choose to do analysis. When you RP, you'll want to RP the character you created, and not the role the GM gives you. If you're an eliminator or a powerful role, and RP that role, then you will become target of other people's actions, and you may die early on, and also hurt your team's chances of winning.
  7. If you're young enough to read, you're too young to die.
  8. But would someone who is actually evil so blatantly oversell it? I feel like an evil would try to blend in.
  9. Hello everyone. I admire your attempts to win, but alas, they are all in vain. For I am the winner.
  10. Hmmm. I'm not too much of a shenanigan-ey person, but, I suppose I did pretend to almost get stuck and fall off a cliff while driving my wife up to the spot I was going to propose to her. My friends who were supposed to have some stuff set up and take pictures from a hidden location weren't quite ready yet, so I had to buy some time.
  11. Just popping in to interrupt, and let everyone know that there's a threnody based mafia style game that's going to start in Sanderson Elimination on Tuesday. If anyone wants to give it a go, we're looking for as many players as possible.
  12. Everyone! We've broken 14,000 posts now! We are well on our way! Oh... and I win!
  13. I believe the purpose is "an attempt to make the longest thread ever" If they are already the longest thread, then there's no purpose of it. By giving them chase, we give them purpose. But obviously our purpose is a greater cause. we got this!!!
  14. Granted. They become hosts to a mind-altering virus that keeps them alive forever. Unfortunately, this virus has a different effect on humans, and causes a zombie apocalypse. Then all the zombies eventually die of hunger. You've brought about the end of the human race. I wish that opposite day never happens.
  15. Alright everyone! I've done the maths! The Longest Thread was started 6 or 7 months before this thread (The Last Post Wins) and by the time this started, The Longest Thread had 178 pages, and about 4,444 posts!(Coincedence? I think Not!) If we subtract 4,444 posts from The Longest Thread, we're left with 14,505 posts in that thread. And we can probably safely assume that there had already been some comments from November 4th, 2018 when this started, so we can subtract 5 more, making it an even 14,500 This thread currently only has 13,985 replies if we include this one. That means that for the time that this post has been open, we are 515 behind, In the long run, though, we are 4,965 replies behind. The 515 gap is totally attainable That would give us a higher post/day average. And with long work, we can over come the 4,965 post gap as well. Let's do this!
  16. Granted. Your bane is that you have to reboot your computer every 20 minutes for the rest of your life. I wish to have no enemies
  17. I heard this quote the other day "I don't wish death upon my enemies. I wish Explosive Diarrhea on them, while they're stuck in traffic, and that they keep sneezing."
  18. @Lunamor @xinoehp512 @Lumgol @Nathrangking @Gancho Libre #IhavenoIRLfriendsonthiswebsite
  19. The alibi is submitted in the main thread, or through PM to you as the GM?
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