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AonEne last won the day on June 6

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About AonEne

  • Birthday 01/06/2003

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  • Member Title
    Am I doing something I can't take back? (Relax!)
  • Pronouns
    he/him in an enby way
  • Location
    Utah, USA
  • Interests
    Roleplaying, reading, editing, organizing, psychology/sociology, animals, humans, Wings of Fire, The Magnus Archives, The Owl House, Hollow Knight

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  1. Okay, I’m gonna try a thing. Who knows if it’ll work, but you never know if you don’t try, yeah? And I haven’t tried this before. If you don’t care about things I may creatively write, no need to read this. I can elaborate (and would be delighted to elaborate) on basically anything, just ask. 

    So welcome, everyone, to Ene’s Tentative Writing Schedule: 

    Mondays - Longer RP posts, plot, character/flashbacks 

    Tuesdays - planning (and later maybe writing) for my current book child; I haven’t written anything like a book in ages, and I’m really nervous, but more details later 

    Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Sundays - miscellaneous projects and/or finishing anything unfinished from other days 

    Saturdays - A long multi-chapter fanfic I’ve been wanting to do; again, more details on this later 

    Subject to change without notice because it do be that way sometimes. My plan for the next week can be found in my About Me for easy referencing, as can the following list: 

    Misc. Projects: 

    Planning things *shrugs* 

    Editing, particularly editing certain RPs into something more like a coherent story. It would take so much editing on so many levels, and I’d want to gain permission from some peeps before doing some of it if I planned to publish, but there are gems of potential in certain RPs especially. Happy to give more details if asked. 

    Mod projects 

    Oneshot fanfics (possible series of these, I have some ideas which I’d love to elaborate on should anyone be interested) 

    Finishing the sequel to the Augury poem already because it’s been a freaking year... 

    Song parodies, especially Sanderson/Shard-themed ones. Billion ideas :D 

    Revising Enemies and making a version of it that’s purely original fiction, then writing a sequel or maybe prequel of the same characters 

    A series of essays on consent, both critiquing and defending Twilight, because it has problems but it also does some things very right (highlight on soulmate tropes/why I’m not pissed about Jacob/Renesmee) (possibly doing some other series/topics along the same lines) 

    Okay but I had this idea (famous last words lol) to write a short story, doesn’t matter what about, where all the dialogue is in a fake language that means nothing, and how much context I can get people to figure out from actions alone 

    That cosmere Monopoly board. I haven’t forgotten I swear 

    ...if I have time, maybe the roast thread. MAYBE. 

    I just have this odd urge to write Alleyverse oneshots sometimes, and it’d be a good way to get out random cosmere character ideas, so: that, perhaps 

    Like fifty other things that I just...don’t remember right now :P More things will be added to this list as I come up with them, and things will be taken off as I complete them. 

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    2. AonEne



      The one with the sweet bean character?

      ...yes? Was there a sweet bean character?


      That sounds super cool! Any characters you’re particularly excited about writing?

      Thanks! And maybe




      how does one ship Nightblood x Chiri-Chiri (no autocorrect, not Nightblood x Christmas) (okay but I want a cosmere holiday special now) (just imagine the chaos of they all sat down to a lunch together) (when I say all I mean all of the cosmere characters) (well at least as many as possible) (why am I writing this like I’m on Tumblr) (I’m going to stop now sorry)

      1. I don't even know, it was a weird Discord conversation :P

      2. NO APOLOGIZING (I need to like...get a picture of Pattern but slap "no apologizing" over "no mating" so the two of us can use it)

      3. Sometimes I write like I'm on Tumblr too, to be honest ;) WHICH IS A HALFWAY-DECENT SEGUE to what I TOTALLY DIDN'T FORGET TO SAY EARLIER - I recently made Tumblr and Ao3 accounts, which I'll throw somewhere in my profile eventually when I actually post things on them :lol:





      THIS. Yes. This. What was the ship name...black hole? Something like that. I don't know..

      I think it was something like that, yeah...

    3. AonEne
    4. Ghanderflaffle



      maybe the roast thread

      I'll have a spot for you in the next tournament if you have time. ;)

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