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Gancho Libre

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Everything posted by Gancho Libre

  1. Riathor looked down at his spike, the one in his leg. Did he... had he told the man what he wanted gone? But, there was the spike... it didn't hurt as much as he thought it would. Maybe it would help him. Maybe it would save him. He reached down and ripped the spike from his leg, then tried burning his metals.
  2. I hope you guys don't mind what my character is doing. She'll just kinda hang around, her Talent keeping her mostly hidden from you guys, and she'll just make trouble until... either she dies, or she snaps out of it. I dunno. Either are fine with me.
  3. The room Fred entered was empty except for one man, who lounged on a tabletop, facing the far wall. Fred knew the man. The man was hardly unnoticeable, with his seven-foot height and metal left half. In a whirring of gears, Vesuvius looked back at Fred and grinned, his metal lips curling up mechanically. "I know you, pewterarm," Vesuvius said, his voice twisted into a snarl despite his smile. "Or, should I say, pewtermouth," Fred yelped, but when he tried to speak, no intelligent sounds escaped his mouth. He flared pewter immediately, and spun away, turning back towards the door. Fred had outrun the man before. Fred could do it again. The last thing he wanted was to be in a room alone with Vesuvius. Fred could understand the metal man's anger. He knew why the man wanted him. He had to ge- He took a single step towards the door, and something hard and dull smacked into the back of his skull. Fred fell forward, unconscious.
  4. Yeah... Methinks the poll has evolved into a higher form, one in which the Waffles are superior.
  5. SHHHHHH! Ene, if he doesn't believe his character is the best, HE'LL SNAP AND DESTROY US ALL!!! Uh... Yes, Lord Meeker! Yes! The cap. 65! Of course! Grovel! Grovel! Sniffling sound!
  6. You got this! If need be, a good strategy is to say the same thing. I know, being repetitive can feel like you're being redundant, or like you're saying the same things over and over, but it's great at taking up space! Just Kidding. I've never actually written that large of a paper before. Good luck!
  7. Fah'Loofah noticed everyone crowding around the door out of the magical room. She didn't like that nobody was giving her attention. Why else would she hide in the corner, silently, without moving? She just wanted to be noticed. Well, it seemed everyone was going to go out of the room. She wasn't going to miss this. Fah'loofah leaped out of her hiding spot and dashed across the room and up the stairs towards the door. The funny thing is, she seemed to be moving faster than she ever had, despite the press of people up to the stairs. She seemed... to pass right through them. Oh, well. She didn't really care. The person at the top of the stairs seemed to think the door opened inward, but when Fah'Loofah pushed, it opened. Strange. There had been a slight warping around the doorframe when she had done that. Well, the door was open, now. without looking forward, she jumped out of the room. To make sure she was surprised, she closed her eyes, preparing to open them and be amazing. She was excited about the surprise! @Sorana @Voidus @ZincAboutIt @I think I am here. @Ark1002 @Everyone else
  8. Because that huge bonfire attracted the attention of the local Fire Department, so he could meet them at the fire and ask them for money.
  9. Fah'loofah eagerly joined the group but didn't make any noise so that they wouldn't know she was ever there. She quietly eased her way past them, finding the deepest, darkest corner of the cellar to hide in. The drumstick man was nowhere to be seen, and she didn't pause a moment to think of why everyone was hiding in a cellar. She did find a barrel, though. That was cool. She took a seat on it, completely covered in shadow, and she put her hand over her mouth to make sure that no sounds escaped her lips. @Voidus
  10. "I... I need..." Riathor looked up at the question. A man was standing over him, the occasional... molasses smear on his clothes. "I need... a spike," Riathor finished. Now that the words were out, the tears stopped coming. Finally, he could be redeemed. @Fatebreaker
  11. Goodbye, bean. I had a blast, and I hope you did too.
  12. Because... obviously... the potato was the Narrators' super secret hideout?.
  13. Hi! Welcome! We're glad to have you!
  14. I see what you did there! Ahahahahaha!!! Hehehe... You know. Dog-earring pages. Growling. Puppies. Hehehe...
  15. That's why he was getting them. At the local 'Ye Olde Shoppe For Nigh Omnipotent Narrators'.
  16. This is so weird. I introduced a Misadventures game to my un-Brandon friends, and I have that going at the same time as this one... Narrator Ganvcho wiped a tear from his eye. Darn, he was getting sentimental.
  17. Fah'Loofah stuck her head into the room gingerly. "Uh... she said, "Did something just go 'Boom'?" @ Everyone involved
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