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Gancho Libre

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Everything posted by Gancho Libre

  1. "Рвгоушифау?" Narrator Ganvcho asked. This translates into "Huh?" He was pretty sure he didn't double post.
  2. "Пвоицуццнпгнфмсрофыр!" Narrator Ganvcho said, laughing evilly. He thought that, because most people wouldn't be able to type in Russian, that the cycle would shatter.
  3. Fah'loofah started laughing like a lunatic fool when the drumstick shattered over her head. "That's kinda funny!" She said, feeling intense pain and rubbing her head to see if there was any damage. She paused. "Hey, do you know what people are doing in that building over there? I'll tell you my social security number if you help me," She cocked her head. "Well, I'll probably tell you anyway, but this way it feels even. Can you help me?" @beantheboy12
  4. The universe entered a state in which everything that happened was immediately repeated. The universe entered a state in which everything that happened was immediately repeated. The universe entered a state in which everything that happened was immediately repeated. The universe entered a state in which everything that happened was immediately repeated.
  5. Vesuvius pulled something out of a drawstring bag he had been carrying on his back. It was a large, black orb, roughly the size of a bowling ball. He grabbed Benson by the arm, waited for a second, then smiled at the orb started glowing. After a second, the two of them were gone.
  6. Then she remembered that it only works when you use lemon juice, so she got some of that instead.
  7. Only a fool would accept the invitation to visit a creepy old tower. Fah'loofah accepted the invitation to visit a creepy old tower. It was gonna be awesome.
  8. Wait, is there already a thread up? EDIT: Oh, nvmd. I see it. I'm so stoked!
  9. Vesuvius stared at Benson for a long time. The crowd was beginning to disperse. They couldn't do anything, anyway. Why watch? Vesuvius grinned. "You," he said, "Are going to have a blast with me. I'm excited for our time together," He grabbed Benson by the neck and started walking away from the city. He had done everything he needed too. Wait... had he? Was there something he was forgetting? Oh. Right. Absentmindedly, he pushed a detonator button. He could almost hear the explosion, the screams. He smiled even wider. @beantheboy12
  10. Narrator Ganvcho was glad the ghanderflaffle-ites were spreading. They were his evil minions, and he wanted them ready to take over the universe.
  11. Vesuvius nodded and picked Benson up off the ground. Of course, they'd put a tracker in him. He should have seen that coming. Gee. Too bad Vesuvius was so intimidated by Devaan. The man's threats were so scary. Gosh, what would Vesuvius do? If he crossed Davaan, then... Then absolutely nothing. Vesuvius picked Benson off the ground and sneered. "You better stay still, boy," he said."Twenty lives rest on your shoulders." @Nohadon @Sorana @beantheboy12
  12. I got a character for this! It isn't totally detailed, but I think she'll work:
  13. I... I can't... I can't believe this isn't a thing yet!!! Whoops I wasn't tagged yet. Allow me to put strikethrough to good use.
  14. Meanwhile in the Physical Realm... Pedro Romanov tried to do a one-armed pushup. It didn't work out so well.
  15. Narrator Ganvcho, because he was a narrator, decided that he would not, in fact, rue that day. He actually quite enjoyed it.
  16. Vesuvius smiled as Hellbent crossed the forcefield. obviously, this man meant to attack. They made a mistake. The trap that would destroy the children was no ordinary trap. all they would do is maximize the damage. "I hope you know what you're doing," Vesuvius growled. "Because your choices will have dire consequences," The child he had been holding had transported away. That hardly surprised him. He knew investitures in the alleyverse that could do such things. However, whoever had done it had neglected to remove the small explosive embedded in the childn's arm. A simple bulge in the childn's skin. Vesuvius pressed a small button on his alivened arm. The explosive went off. Not that any of these people would know it, but it was still worthwhile. He could almost imagine the short scream. Vesuvius met Hellbent's eyes. "Hand over Benson," he said. His last reminder.
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