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Glaring at the Survivor

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Everything posted by Glaring at the Survivor

  1. Was Tanavast the "idiot king"? The one that had Szeth's oathstone in the end? If so. I may be anle to provide some more evidence or something.
  2. I have another theory that is most likely incorrect, since I havent read every book that takes place in the cosmos or anything. But maybe at least a portion of the reason Adonalsium (am i spelling that right?) Shattered was because of how out of unity it was. It seems to me that each of Adonalsium's Shards (well, a bunch of them) fight with each other quite a bit, and each have their own personalities. Maybe Adonalsium was being tormented by itself/himself/herself and then that somehow contributed to the Shattering? Of course, I'm probably totally wrong since I havent read everything about the cosmos... but I'd like to know that I'm wrong, not just guess.
  3. Direct Quote from Email: One thing I forgot to mention is, by "second draft". I mean I totally revised chapter one because I didnt like how it used to be.
  4. Do I still send my chapters to [email protected] ? Um… Wait… So what do I do? Im really confused, with the google docs and dropbox and stuff… lol. Thats what. I get when I leave for ~8 months.
  5. If I understand things correctly, such as that (we assume) Hoid travels through Shadesmar/the spiritual realm (they are the same, right?) to Hop around, and that (we assume) Shardblades, when not Physical, are Spiritual (in Shadesmar)… Does Hoid have the capability of accessing any Spiritual Shardblade in existence, whenever he enters Shadesmar? And Shallan as well, if she had the practice? If so, this brings up the question what would happen if Hoid is holding one as he leaves Shadesmar? Would it come with him? Would then the original(er-ish) owner just lose it, or be able to summon it away from Hoid? A question-theory. Because I am a noob and dont study the books. And I didnt see an idea like this.
  6. The world changes. Here's the whole intro: I think its better than the info-dump it used to be
  7. I'll bet we get at least an interlude in book two with a Renarin POV.Unless I'm wrong. Nobody else sees, not nobody else saw.Brandon chooses his words too carefully... Wait...Which one is Elhokar and which one is Renarin? I need to read that book again. Get in a good twice-over before book 2.
  8. All the links in the "Recent News" box are broken. They all end up in "We couldn't find that page" page. Dont know if this has been noticed yet.
  9. Sort of. Back. I think. Maybe? Until school/vacation/I forget again.
  10. I'm back! Sadly, due to a recent problem, the book I was working on so long ago was for some reason was not transferred to my new device, so… I ragequit. I just hate it when I lose my books. But anyway, I have a new idea now (a shorter book set back in the past some many years). I've been working on it for a few days, and I just recently decided that I think that I didn't like the first intro, so I revised it. It probably still needs a little work, and I'm missing a couple of details I had in the original version, but I think it will be done (well, the major stuff) by tomorrow. So could I submit it tomorrow, or do you want me to wait until next week? (And BTW my chapters are really short. So I may ask to send in two at some times.)
  11. Very fascinating. Do we know the release date for this book? (Or is this in August, also?) It kind of reminds me of Warbreaker, in that there are living things. Chalk with life, and Awakened stuff. Awakened living chalk.
  12. Is the Transformstion thing actually a power-like thing (excuse me if I know none of these terms, I have a horrible memory) that is Shallans, or is it a Spren, like with Kal. I like the title of the book, and the possible-but-unlikely one for book five and the one for book three—which is my favorite.
  13. Everyone's skills of perception are bewildering. I also forgot what Shadesmar is.
  14. This stood out to me because of the tense oddity. The first part is past tense, the second is future. This struck me as odd since her nickname as only ever been 'Liza as far as I'm aware. And now it's Eliza.
  15. Um... I have, like 10 chapters ready, over 10k words. I guess I'll send in (if there's room) chapter 6 through 9. If there is room, therefore, I'd like to send in those three chapters.
  16. I didn't honestly notice too much, so I'm kind of late. I was confused a bit, feeling like I missed something in chapter two (I think it was chapter 2). Because originally, when Jorah went to the testing grounds, he didnt get stuck. The people from his childhood life didnt get stuck, either. And then suddenly, Dexter and Lance get stuck? I feel like this should have been mentioned somewhere in chapter two, that the testing grounds make people stick to the ground. Although I guess this could have something to do with the beads. Also, I really felt bored waiting for them to enter the testing grounds. It seemed like you were procrastinating. I understand a little of it, but I think you may have gone a little far, because instead of reading Jorah in the testing grounds, I was reading him delay the book. I kind of got bored near the end. Although I do have to say that I think I read and write maybe a bit too much action, and so this happens to me. Although your other two (or three?) POVs were good for non-action.
  17. A desert is actually a place that gets under a certain amount of rainfall. Up north, deserts are cold, and usually, during the night, hot deserts become cold. When you say 'they' here, I first think you are talking about the Scardrons. You may want to say 'humans' or something. Also, at the beginning of the bprologue, I sort of get the feeling of a third person view, which you switch to second, and it seems back to 3rd at one quick point. Other than that, along with a few spelling errors and lack of spaces, I think you did a pretty good job. That last few sentences left me wanting to read on, but, well, honestly, I'd read on either way. I guess you can't take my say on that then.
  18. Yes, I'm working up to that. In fact, in not too much time, a few more of them meet. Also,,you may be able to see a little relation with them like this: Panther and Valcar - Well... They're on the same planet, they are friends, they both are Gifted and have Partial Gifts. Fallout and Scilair - Scilair is Bihorak. Fallout hates Bihorak. You can see a problem here. Fallout and Panther - As you may have noticed, they both have "Gifts" and "Partial Gifts". More relation coming soon(ish) And more soon: they intertwine pretty quickly, and Scialir's life is drastically changed. They don't have that many resources to use, and so far there have been no storms to harvest electricity from. He worked elsewhere. In most people jobs, if they aren't the boss, they don't know how to do everyone's jobs. Um... I'll check and fix all that I see. That was my attempt at causing you to want to continue reading. It's explained in the next chapter anyway. (Next Scilair's POV chapter.)
  19. Elantris: Not yet read AoL: Not yet read Mistborn (Currently reading): Sazed WoK: Szeth, Kaladin, and Kal (Kaladin Flashbacks) Warbreaker: Vasher (Lightsong very close second) Alcatraz: - - - - - - (really couldn't decide ) Legion: Legion/Stephen
  20. Now I'm waiting for the movie to come out. Whenever it does. That was a nice snip-and-paste of random movies to be made into one movie. I really can't wait! (Why did you have to show me?)
  21. I joined. Haha. For seeing him. I guess that counts. Yay.
  22. That's what happens when I outline. Edit: however, I think that most of the chapters of Scilair's PoV will be shorter like that. Also, the planets will be explained later. I have an awesome, thoroughly flawed idea for them.
  23. I wanted less, but I couldn't get the story to work that way. Oh, sorry. I thought I had that in chapter two, but I guess I didn't. Oops. You'll see later. (It has something to do with how he and Panther befriended each other. After being enemies for decades. Him being the miner that fell. I fixed that, thanks. The people stopped, too, and most of them were near the location. And it's kinda hard to miss a gaping hole in the wall that wasn't there a few seconds ago. He did, didn't he? They hadn't–yet. And the "earthquake" will be explained in the next chapter of Valcar' POV. Oops. Oh, yes. It is something very important to the story. Very important indeed... All right. I'll see what I can do. He heard that, but he blocked it out, as he did with the farmers. Didn't I say that Panther usually starts Listening at that time, and so almost all crimes are prevented? I think I did, I'll go check. If you looked closely, you would see that this takes place on a different planet–Sorcshen. Which is, in fact, vital later on. Minions? Good point. Now, as to the moving and acting, you will find out about that in a later chapter of Scilair's POV. They can, if you remember correctly, read minds. And they have studied these people for quite some time—longer, even, than the residents of planet Hysterax have dwelled on their new planet. Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?
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