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Ed Venture

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Everything posted by Ed Venture

  1. Ha! I win the argument!! You lose!!! Too bad so sad!!!! The OG poster agrees with me!!!!! And I didn’t just cut off a bit to make my claim more valid!!!!!! Besides, I’m WINNING!!!!!!!
  2. You could ask a mod to lock the thread! Just spam them! They’ll get so annoyed at you that this thread will be locked! Then you Win forever! A little like I’m winning now! Ninja’d
  3. Therefore, she had grown a giant tree on her back and shaped it to act like armor...she was also a wolf.
  4. Sanity is Butt’s long lost sister, the name was quite ironic because everyone in a tree mile radius of her went insane
  5. I think you mean voidspren! Normal spren don’t bite because they’re not far enough into the physical realm and radiant spren are better than that! Welcome to Pedanticast! The Brandon Sanderson Pedanticast! Here to give you tons of thoughts, theories, and a whole lot of pedantic on Brandon’s works and the cosmere!
  6. Forumlurker falls prone begins rocking back and forth repeating to himself, “It’s ok Forumlurker. You’re not the center of attention. Someone doesn’t want to put you in charge” Forumlurker begins fading away by harnessing the surge of Reclusiveness.
  7. “Eat slugs!” -Ron Weasley Who would win? Voldemort or Kelsier? Answer in the next post and then give your own Cosmere V.S. Non-Cosmere!
  8. The power of Yawnder made the universe yawn, so it exploded. Everyone survived though! Ninja'd
  9. Where are you my friend!!!!!!

    I know you IRL but no matter how much I plead you won't post!!!


    1. Vogelsang


      Oh my goodness, we spent like all of lunch forcing you to sign up! Would you at least post something?!

      Do you feel me giving you the death glare?!

  10. When your family is planning to get a dog and you recommend cosmere names Mother: "Let's get a dog! what should we name him?" Me: "How about the Lopen! Or Kriss Or Nazh! Or how about Dalinar!" Sister: "Where are you getting all these strange names??" Me: *Smiles* "Funny you should ask...
  11. Are we just going to make this a Out-Of-Character thread or are we continuing with the roleplay stuff? Also, it's been more empty recently and I want to know if it's time for this thread to die.
  12. @Singer those singing () skills are fantastic! I love the song parody too, definitely going to share with my friends by singing endlessly! Upvote!
  13. Perhaps "The Greatest Show" could become The Greatest Worldhopper sung by Hoid, I've already put a bit of thought into it. Ideas?
  14. Narrator Forumlurker realized his spelling mistakes and asked if he could fix them and retcon all the previous stuff...
  15. “Hi there...um...sorry about the mess, this is indeed the temple of Fanithriu do you want to join us in our awkward oaths? *mumbles under breath asking for ANYONE other than him to take care of this because it’s not really his job in the first place* Do you know the words?
  16. It was a good thing that Odium didn’t smile then, Bob Venture Buttington did. ninja’d
  17. Awesome profile pic bro!

    1. Ink
    2. Vogelsang


      Oh by the way Inkling, this is Forumlurker. Forumlurker, this is Inkling. I don’t know if you two have talked before on the Shard. Anyway, I know Forumlurker IRL. He’s my neighbor and like my best friend.

    3. Ink


      Oh cool! I’ve talked to him once or twice. 

  18. I promise I don’t use paint or any external software to alter the text. It did give you the reaction I wanted. If you want I’ll PM you the truth
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