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Everything posted by Ink

  1. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm getting it in the mail later today and having basically my entire friends group (perfectly 8 people for 8 player smash) coming over. SOO MUCH HYPE!!!! Edit: played about 8-10 hours of it. World of Light is fun. I like regular smash more though. Main is still random; I don't have everyone yet, but I'm submaining Lucas, Pokemon trainer, Daisy/Peach, Inkling, and K-rool.
  2. SUPER SMASH BROTHERS ULTIMATE IS OUT AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Okay, dunno why I put it as a status update but I'm hyped. my new name and profile pic are Galeem from the story mode. I haven't got the chance to play it yet but it'll be arriving in the mail sometime today and I JUST CAN'T WAIT COME TO ME NOW!!!

    Also, if anybody else has a Switch and you know your friend code (I sure don't know mine), and want to be my friend on the switch, pm me or put it here. if you want. no pressure though.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AonEne


      So long as I can still call you Ink, I'm good with it, but Inklingspren is good. Whatever you want though.

    3. Ink


      Inklingspren it is then. After Koloss Head-Munching Day.

    4. BitBitio


      No guarantees on me staying Bit.

  3. *she's getting close...* *what do we do?* *Hope she doesn't guess...* I definitely don't have anything planned... Nope... no more deaths... In all seriousness, there is only one character whose death may or may not happen. YKYASFW you are procrastinating doing homework at school so you can shard. I feel like this is overused but so true. When your dreams are a hybrid of Smash Ulitmate, the shard, something else, and being glass-blind (like birds are apparently).
  4. So I'm going to this advanced highschool thing called NUAMES (Northern Utah Academy of Math Engineering and Science) next year, and was wondering if anyone else does/has gone there, and if so, what did/do you think of it? I'll be going into 10th grade there next year, so if any of you are there, maybe it'd be fun to meet up too. If i'm the only one, then... *shrug* that's fine. I'm just curious. I'll be leaving @Ookla to go to [REDACTED] High School, which, don't get me wrong, sounds great too. He is the only sharder I know/have met irl.
  5. So... uhh... my shardic access is now extremely limited

    Me and my parents were talking last night and I told them about being a furry. We had a long talk, and they said they still loved me and everything, and everything is okay, but they decided to remove the news app (which is how I get to the shard in a very roundabout way) from my phone, which is how I shard most of the time.

    So... I won't be on very much, if at all. However, I still read everything in mail, which is mostly shard, so I'll be keeping up on everything.

    My temporary solution is to text bit what I want to say and have him copy/paste into all of the roleplays. It's not a perfect system, but it'll have to do.

    So that's why I'm going to be inactive. See ya all! Hopefully all goes back to normal soon...

    1. Show previous comments  39 more
    2. AonEne


      Oh wow, you went digging, huh 

    3. Just_a_Fan


      what part of "archeologist" doth thou not understand? /j

    4. AonEne


      didn't know you were one /lh

  6. Okay I’m curious why I’m mentioned twice and nobody else is... also please don’t kill me... though tbh I have had dreams about the shard, including the entire alleyverse meeting up in... Urithuru. Inkwing arts? Huh. Never heard of it. what is it? When you pass through Tuba city on your drive through idaho and are proud that TUBA has its own city. (This was a while ago but I just remembered.) edit: when you read “whose head was garnished with tenderer spikes.”(Tale of Two Cities) and your first imagining is a child Inquisitor.
  7. Oh no. Why bit why... nobody likes APHG

  8. I’m sorry. A friend of my mom died recently who I didn’t know, but that’s always horrible. Dunno what to say, but... have a hug.
  9. “I say we level up. Try to grind if we can.” Wister said. “Anyone have or know how to make arrows? I gave myself archery, but forgot fletching...” wister said, a bit embarrassed. “I may just be able to use wood from my body for a bow...”
  10. So, uh, just random question for those of you who draw and stuff, or i guess anybody.

    I’ve started drawing things just as a new hobby, and I was wondering if you guys had tips. I’ve found that more animal-like things are easier to draw than people (human faces and hands... ugh...) so pokemon have been inspiration, but do any of you guys have pointers/tips/guidelines/etc. that might help me improve? I know practice is the most important, but just little things.

    1. Snipexe


      Focus more on drawing the shape itself, not what you think the shape is.

      be forgiving to yourself, don’t expect to be able to draw it perfectly the first time

  11. “I built hi... I’m more of a scout/long range. I know how to use a bow and have improved vision and observation. Dunno why I put that on an ent...” wister said. “Sounds like we have a semi-balanced group.”
  12. Check my post again. I edited it. Don’t want to waste posts

  13. Mission 10: Phantom confirmed. Edit: huh? aren't there 10 in a flight? 8 are in now and 1 ground crew. or stick's idea. Other base
  14. Wister pulled up the pop-up menu by tapping his chest, and accepted both invites. He’d seen that way of opening the pop-up menu in a movie once. The sun was getting lower and lower. With night would come enemies. They needed to find weapons and armor, or shelter. Wister voiced his concern to the others. The centaur put him more at ease, but the wraith... something about it unsettled him. “We do also need money. Killing monsters should get us that.” Wister added.
  15. So Kidpen wanted this, it’s 

    20 QUESTIONS FOR INK’S 1000th POST!!!


    1: game ends on 20 questions, answer, or by noon tomorrow MST. (For reference this is posted about 7pm ish)

    2: i reserve the right to RAFO.

    3: Y/N question format.

    and... uhh... that’s it.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Sherlock Holmes

      Sherlock Holmes

      Will your post be a meme?

    3. Ink


      Depends on your definition of a meme

    4. Ink


      Most likely not

  16. That sucks buddy. Hope everything starts clearing up and getting better. Dunno what else to say. yeah, that’s like sans. Except he’s completely apathetic. At least you care. *big fluffy hugs*
  17. “Wister” he said. “I... i never imagined this happening. I’d heard this game was lifelike, but... wow. Never expected this. Definitley a suprise. I’ve been studying everything about this and had just saved up enough to get it at the update. Seriously, these new bosses, man we’re going to have to get our cha- I mean ourselves...? Yeah ourselves, really strong. If the final boss lets us go home, I don’t want to screw it up.” ”oh sorry, I do that a lot... I tend to be long winded. Which is weird. Because I usually keep to myself unless there are other nerds. Y’know what? Nevermind.”
  18. Oh yeah, this. Uhh, I built Wister to be more of a scout/long range. also, I’m trying to post less to conserve my 1000th post, so I apologize if I am not super active here. Jan 9th is when I want to. I’m basically only going to be posting on this RP and maybe if I really need to other places.
  19. Don’t doubt yourself. Most of us are amateurs too, so it’s nowhere near as well of writing as any author. Who knows, maybe you’ll find that what you’ve written is better than you imagined. Just give it chance, maybe you’ll feel better.
  20. That sounds horrible. We have a writers guild here if you want to share it with us! I’m sure we’re better support than those people. Those kind of people are the worst. *hugs*
  21. Those are tough. Just remember that there are people who care about you and your hobbies. Your ideas are unique, and though you may find them silly or dumb, you probably way underestimate your abilities. Show friends and family what you’ve done. I almost guarantee that they’ll show you just how talented you are. You have talent. You aren’t a fraud. You’re you and you’re unique. Everyone has their downs, but never forget that there is always the sun behind every cloud. anyways, point is, be yourself, never back down, and don’t hide.
  22. I’m reaching my 1000th post pretty quickly, and I want to do it on my shardiversary, so I’m going to only be posting in certain threads. I’m still going to be reading longest thread, last post wins etc, but I’m just going to be posting in Game of Guilds, Bad Day, and other threads. So that’s why I’m going to be less active on the forum part.

    just a heads up for everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ink


      Thanks to you, i’ve lost. I wont be posting there.

    3. Doomstick


      Post it here instead!

    4. Ink


      No guess for codenames.

  23. Ink


    What’s going on with M-Bot’s sluggish friend? I’ve seen theories that he is the Cytonic Hyperdrive, but what is the general consensus? Was he/she like a dog, a companion for M-Bot’s pilot? A native species? Is he actually able to use the hyperdrive? Or is he the pilot itself? The way he can mimic human speech is interesting, too. So what do you guys think he/she is?
  24. Ink or Fox. Or StarFox. Because starfox.
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