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Ivory Dragonfly

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Everything posted by Ivory Dragonfly

  1. Rhino and I got Warform gems D1, so either Heron/a teammate got the third or you got the third while Vulture and Heron are elim teammates, with one of them being the Scholarform that made Heron's Warform.
  2. Let's see if my earlier suspicions of Heron pay off. I don't entirely follow Lion's analysis, but if he's evil I think we've already lost. Heron. Seven votes on Heron, but that's only five more than are on Vulture and Weasel, so an elim hammer to save an elim!Heron could still succeed, especially if multiple Heron voters are evil. Can anyone else confirm getting a PM from Tuatara today? Looking for @Emerald Falcon and @Amethyst Scorpion specifically.
  3. Malibu can't take forms, so Tuatara being able to make two PMs at once means they can't be Malibu. I can confirm getting a PM from Tuatara today that also includes Weasel and Heron, the last of which has not yet responded.
  4. Beagle (3): Tuatara, Hyena, Dragonfly Tuatara (3): Mouse, Falcon, Beagle Hyena (3): Lion, Rhino, Vulture Heron (1): Flamingo Falcon (1): Heron Vulture (1): Scorpion I'd rather vote for Beagle, hence the vote. You can still switch to untie it.
  5. Beagle (4): Tuatara, Vulture, Hyena, Dragonfly Tuatara (3): Mouse, Falcon, Beagle Hyena (3): Lion, Flamingo, Rhino Heron (1): Flamingo Falcon (1): Heron Vulture (1): Scorpion Looks like it's time to break a tie. I'll go for Beagle, mostly for gemstone reasons. Hyena voting on a 2 vote train instead of 3 when they also only had 2 votes counts as self-preservation in my opinion. This is a cycle where we really have to be wary of Meditationforms and Workforms, so who knows if a broken tie will stick.
  6. I did tell you that, but actually looking at the PM, Rhino is right that it opened at what would be 12:56 EST D2.
  7. Penguin (3): Scorpion, Flamingo, Lion Vulture (3): Falcon, Penguin, Heron Heron (2): Dragonfly, Vulture Falcon (1): Rhino Once again we have a lovely tie. We also have three people who've come out to vouch for Heron but couldn't really come up with any reasons other than that they feel Heron is village, which is strange. I would hope elims defending a teammate would at least have some evidence-based arguments. Lion saying Heron could have voted for Ross anyway is true, but Ross died anyway, and also I'm stronger village!Lion than elim!Heron so I'm not counting this as a likely defense of a teammate. I would rather exe Penguin than Vulture, but I'll keep the vote on Heron until it becomes untenable since there's no reason Mavset-Im shouldn't have submitted the N1 kill unless the elims planned to go for the 'I just forgot to use a gemstone N1' excuse all along.
  8. You mentioned that you wanted to vote for Vulture but chose to put a second vote on Scorpion instead. At the time, there were more than 35 hours left in thread making threats of a tie far distant, and all six candidates only had one vote, which would have given plenty of time for a vote on Vulture to create pressure and start a train. Voting Albatross to make sure there was an exe is something someone who wouldn't have been able to post again until rollover might do. It's a very different thought process to retracting that vote in favor of someone you suspected more, making a tie. I do understand having different priorities based on how well rested you are at the time. And now your current vote diverges from a perceived pattern of voting for optics rather than efficacy, which is nice. I'm not ready to retract though.
  9. Going to start off with Mint Heron here. I get the sense they care more about how their voting patterns will be perceived than in voting for elims. D2 they first voted for someone other than their #1 suspicion because they didn't feel like creating a tie ~35 hours before the cycle ended. After switching to said suspect, they moved to Albatross to secure an exe, which would be neutral except they then retracted after public backlash. Villagers are supposed to get themselves read as village, but I think Heron's caring too much about deflecting suspicion.
  10. Time to get a new gem I guess. Not sure why the elims would have gone for one of the 7 people who could have possibly been Warform even before any PM information they had other than Lion making a N1 PM. @Chartreuse Penguin, would you have broken a tie yesterday had it come up? @Oxblood Beagle, did Albatross getting themself killed make you want to save them?
  11. Mostly for being less suspicious of the others, I'm afraid. Plenty of games have villagers with extra lives and the possibility for no exe. It's never in the village's favor to purposefully go for a tie, and even less so in this game since there aren't any village kill roles, so for the elims a tie is a great opportunity to get a free kill and then go for the same two people next cycle since nothing was resolved the first time. Hitting a Warform with the exe or even the kill doesn't guarantee they're village. Well in this case it was Rhino who pointed it out. Yes. While an elim will be more likely to go for a villager who already has votes and a ready made excuse than look for other alternatives. Albatross (3): Rhino, Lion, Dragonfly Penguin (3): Vulture, Albatross, Flamingo Dragonfly (1): Scorpion Tuatara (1): Heron We currently do have a tie. Anyone want to do something about it?
  12. Right okay so we have a tie. The elims would actually be fine with a tie since it gives them another chance for a kill without giving any concrete information being revealed. Tempted to vote for Albatross just for this. Dingo hasn't come back with their read through but I am feeling better about them than I did yesterday for pushing on Rhino for false reasons when a doc could have pointed that out. I don't think Vulture would have pushed so hard on Lion if they didn't actually think Lion was evil. Making it personal as an elim strategy is less likely. Confused by Penguin not looking for any other alternative since from their POV, death and, if village, a tie, are bad outcomes. An elim Penguin would be happy to vote for a village Albatross near rollover in self-preservation, which has yet to happen. Albatross, which I fill in fact do. Now that it's no longer a tie, we'll see what happens, noting that ties are fine right up to rollover upon which we need a plurality. "Workform is a welcome change from Dullform", Kethri thought as they marched with their fellow singers towards freedom. Not the flashiest or most specialized form, but versatile and well suited to adapting to problems. Most importantly, wearing Workform allowed for a clarity of thought far superior to anything that could be achieved in Dullform, without requiring a spren of Odium. Greater intelligence allowed Kethri to remember exactly who Odium was and why he and his servants had to be resisted. Every god on Roshar had betrayed the singers, and now they had to make their own life free from the petty squabbles of these beings whose great powers failed to impart upon them any common sense or decent manners.
  13. 17 people who are still alive had the opportunity to go for gems, so 7 people didn't submit an order, failed, or took an elim gem. Mavset-Im probably goes for a village gem just for deprivation purposes.Everyone on the player list showed up so I'd guess there was significant over-requestation for Scholarform and Warform. Do think it's a little odd to mention kills, but it's also on par with noting that 10 gems were taken or that Scholarform/Warform were popular choices. 7 people failed to get a village gem vs. 10 living players who succeeded. And presumably if Lion got a regal gem they would have used it. So options are Mavset-Im or went for Scholarform/Warform and failed. I'd guess 5 or so people out of 7 are in the latter category, which would mean half the people who who went for those gems succeeded and the other half failed. Unfortunately, we don't know how much that RNG skews village, but certainly more likely to be evil. A lot of elim teams don't like to kill high posters N1 unless they're really in trouble. Or if they find a good role, like killing Kas N1 in LG 78 for being Beedle. The point of anon games is not to base your reads on a player's history. You're also not really supposed to claim an actual identity, or at least not be able to prove who you are. Ties don't lead to a failure to kill anyone unless the vote is tied at the end of the cycle, so it's fine to tie the vote before that. Otherwise, the first person to have a vote stick on them would die every time. Any moderator can merge two posts together and then make the combined post say whatever they want without it showing up as being edited.
  14. Didn't go back that far in Steel's post history or read the signup thread after the first post. So that means knowing who did and didn't manage to get gemstones is less likely to be alignment indicative, so not a lot of information gained from knowing who failed to get gemstones.
  15. If you're only wanting people who didn't get gemstones to claim, and since not getting a gemstone is slightly indicative of being an elim because they won't get any gems if villagers order the entire stock are less likely to get gemstones if villagers order the entire stock, elims who went for a gem and didn't get one could stay silent. If two villagers and two elims failed to get gems, and one of those villagers claimed failure, at best all we'd know tomorrow is that three people didn't speak up about failing to get gems. This is further complicated by elims going for regal gems, so if only 13 gems are missing it could mean that five people failed, or that four people failed and one elim got a regal gem, etc. Also an interesting perspective, weighed against the fact that someone who failed to get a particular gem is much more likely to be evil than the confirmed good players those who succeeded in taking that same gem. For the elims, Meditationform is top tier since double votes help much more when you know who's evil. I do know that replacement gems are not added to the stockpile except for unused gemstones in the case of death. Where did Steel say that, since it wasn't in a post?
  16. I will vote Dingo as well. Besides the Scholarform thing, there's also saying there are probably 5 elims in once sentence then that there are 15 villagers in the next, and for singling out Rhino as the only one who didn't explain their votes and retractions.
  17. Lots of votes on Tuatara. I don't know many elims who are willing to be purposefully wrong about mechanics analysis in such a way that they'd be likely called on it. Real TJ spotted. No wonder you care about elephants so much. Except you're claiming a different timezone than TJ, so really, who knows? I do lean elim on Rhino, but also their vote on Dingo makes sense. Again it does seem blatant for an elim to advise against going for Scholarform, but it's less obvious than Tuatara's post. D1 is grab a gem day and opening a PM today means not grabbing a gemstone, allowing the elims a better chance of getting useful gemstones. A one-cycle PM isn't worth missing first pick of gemstones.
  18. Which would limit the ability to clear nine people straight off, even if it does tie two elims together. I'm not a fan of asking everyone to go for one kind of gem on principle anyway. Votes disappearing as in there are 3 people voting for a player but only two votes registering because one of them is removed by Workform. Extra-lived people often do claim if they're about to be exed. Meditiationform in elim hands is a concern, but chances are those gems will go to the village unless there's a plan to give up on them. Workform makes up for having a lot of gems by not being especially powerful, though it is dangerous in some circumstances.
  19. The ability to provide anonymous messages to the writeup is useful, but everyone else would need to RP even without Artform or the messages wouldn't be anonymous. We would need to prove who got those gems. Nimbleform could be proven by having those players send out two PMs in a single turn, Mateform by seeing which PMs open, and Workform by observing whether votes disappear. In theory, if everyone went for one gem today, then everyone who got one would be a confirmed villager, but PMs could be faked by elims covering for each other and vote cancelling can be counteracted by elim Meditationform. And of course this would mean the elims get their pick of gems. Scholarform doesn't have to give away their gemstones, but they also can't use any of them without giving up Scholarform. Even if someone was given a regal gemstone, they wouldn't become an elim unless they chose to use it, which for a villager would be betraying their teammates. Does that mean that the writeup will not specify which form the dead players had? Or that the form of the player who got replaced would be revealed? Are Scholarform informed of which forms are still available to research, or just learn whether a form is still available depending on whether the research action fails? Kethri attuned to the rhythm of ... to the rhythm of ... Peace, yes that was it. Peace for keeping time and marching. Rhythms were harder to remember, but couldn't be forgotten entirely. One could sooner strip out their souls. "I march, we march, left, right, left, right. We flee Odium, we seek freedom." It was important to keep these things in mind. Already, freedom was far away and unimportant, and Odium only a distant memory. "I march, we march, left, right, left, right. We flee Odium, we seek freedom." Nobody else was joining in. What rhythm was suited for that feeling, of being alone? Kethri kept humming Peace. They couldn't think it, so the only option was to sink deeper into dullform and keep marching on.
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