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xinoehp512 last won the day on January 28 2021

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    Just a little bit Forgotten
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  1. *sigh* What is the point of it all?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Condensation


      Life can feel hopeless, but when I feel that way? I like to think of it like a pencil. When it's dull, it feels pointless. So you sharpen it. (Or your friend sharpens it for you.) All of a sudden, the pencil holds almost infinite possibilities! It has a point, and it can use that point for anything you can think of. Every line creates something new, every dot makes a meaning.

      And then we discard the pencil in favour of a keyboard.

    3. AonEne


      I think the point is different for everyone, and I think it is possible to know it in your lifetime. I would find an existence where we were too small to find meaning very sad. 

      It can be hard to decide sometimes, for sure. But there can be multiple points too. Like to love and be happy; that can be a point on its own. 

    4. Zephrun’s Imperium

      Zephrun’s Imperium

      I don't know how I missed this SU, but....

      Xino, I love you so, so much. You mean more to me than you could ever know. I loved meeting up with you so much, seeing you smile and hearing you laugh with me and the water sisters. Filling your cup with water over and over again during the movie, talking about how salt could kill you. That. That is what the point is; enjoying those little moments in the sun. I'm so so sorry your weather has been overcast lately. But I promise you the sun will come out. And when it does, I want to be right there next to you. 

      Remember: I love you when you're light, I love you when you're dark; I love you when you're full and when you're void. 

      You're my best friend, hun. Don't give up. I hope you have a wonderful evening. <3

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