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Everything posted by Cracknut

  1. +1 for D'ivers. Erickson's magic system is awesome but he can't be compared to Sanderson IMO. Erikson has a lot of stuff going on but he's magic systems lack exact rules and limitations.
  2. Yeah, it wasn't book about Logen Ninefingers. I enjoyed Logen from Red Country more than Logen from trilogy. Abercrombie is getting better and better and Red Country is his best work so far(imo).
  3. Survive and save the world vs. get killed by some innocent soldier who wouldn't mind killing you. Yes, I would prefer if a man with a history like that would've been a bit hardened by life. I mean, he would've died thousand times before the story even began for acting like that and there's nothing except author's will that lets him live. Hadrian NEVER has his sword when he needs it, and its not even funny after first 2 books... It wasn't worst but it had nothing special imo...
  4. Raven's Shadow - Anthony Ryan First Law - Joe Abercrombie Broken Empire - Mark Lawrence
  5. Kelsier, Jasnah, Sazed, Dalinar, Kaladin From other books: Kruppe, Kallor, Karsa Orlong, Fiddler, Itkovian, Tool, Trull Sengar, Anomander Rake..... (Malazan Book of the Fallen) Logen Ninefingers, San dan Glokta, Cracknut Whirrun, Craw..... (First Law) Kvothe (Kingkiller Chronicle) Vaelin Al Sorna (Raven's Shadow) Kylar Stern (Night Angel) Jorg Ancrath (The Broken Empire)
  6. Those swords don't look like Shardblades. More like common swords used by common soldiers. It shouldn't be that hard for a skilled Surgebinder.
  7. You CAN read them in any order and they'll do it as a standalones but you'll have to do rereading for Cosmere stuff. Or you could read them in order of release dates to catch a bit more. Though for me best reading order is: Mistborn Trilogy - got most info about cosmere atm Warbreaker/Elantris - good stuff for catching crossover character/s and getting bit more clue about cosmere Alloy of Law - you should read this only after trilogy but I think reading it right after it won't work well Way of Kings - try reading this after Mistborn, Warbreaker and Elantris. Its standalone and you'll be able to start from here but its still first out of ten and you will miss lots of awesome stuff. You can catch them later of course but first time is always best for me. Emperor's Soul - you'll have lots of questions about laws of Cosmere after reading them all and you'll find some answers here.
  8. 16 and 10 aren't special only on Scadrial and Roshar. There are 16 shards and if I'm not mistaken 10 planets. There can be more metals but 16 and 10 will still be special. + Ruin could've been '16th shard'. Ruin was leading him to Well of Ascension. Ruin had plans for Vin as well and having exactly 16 year old girl on 1024th year can't be coincidence. Maybe shard itself has some kind of irrational inclination to its number.
  9. Duraluminum - Instantly uses up all burning metals for more power. Aluminum - Instantly uses up all metals for less power. They aren't that far from each other and they have smart uses. Aluminum and Duraluminum Mistings are just unlucky, stuff like that happens all the time in real. Though they could make some interesting alloys with godmetals and if Mistings can use godmetal alloys of their metals...
  10. Its not multiplier. It adds strength of at least five very strong men. Otherwise Ham's physical superiority would've been obvious against Vin.
  11. Changing weight didn't affect size when Sazed used it to "fly", otherwise it wouldn't work that way. Therefore size = weight is wrong assumption, at least in Cosmere.
  12. Yes. Storing/tapping weight changes Feruchemists weight without changing his size. So, if you tap size it won't change your weight and it'll have same effect: Wind will take you if you make yourself bigger but won't change your weight(ofc it depends on how much size you're tapping).
  13. I like idea of storing skill. Toughness is interesting as well, would it make you more elastic when storing it or something? Nope, it would've been like storing weight.
  14. Heroes was best for me in series but I liked first three too. I don't know if you're right or wrong about him hating epic fantasy but whatever reason for all the non-traditional-epic-fantasy parts, it doesn't matters to me because I liked these books just for those parts, not to mention gritty humor and awesome writing style.
  15. $10 billion? Breaths, Shardblades and Nightbloods. would've been useful. I wouldn't choose Hemalurgy even in the Cosmere. Maybe earing or something like that. Even though spike eyes look awesome its still too much. Doing that to yourself for power is pathetic imo. Original Allomancy and Feruchemy would've been enough for me or Being Returned+Awakening but only if I start with 100k breaths or more. Btw where are Elantris magics?
  16. I know a lot people hate it here but still. One month left till Red Country's publication. Anyone waiting for legendary Logen Rip-Your-[REDACTED]-Face-Off Ninefingers' comeback?
  17. Hemalurgy? And what would you steal in this world? Or is it 'if I were in cosmere?' Allomancy and Feruchemy or 100k Breaths.
  18. As far as I know Nightblood harms physical and maybe spiritual too. Shardblade cuts only spiritual if object has spiritual aspect. Nightblood would win most likely because it has radiance or something like that when activated and it would start destroying Shardblade before contact. Nightblood is rarer than Shardblade and it needs big amount of Breaths for activation. It won't be fair Shardblade to be stronger then Nightblood.
  19. Mistborn and Way of Kings - Brandon Sanderson Malazan Book of the Fallen - Steven Erikson Kingkiller Chronicle - Patrick Rothfuss Warded Man - Peter V. Brett Night Angel - Brent Weeks
  20. Dawnshards are swords too? If so I doubt Heralds would use Nightbloods. 1. They would need Breaths to activate it. Maybe they could use Stormlight though. 2. Dawnshards were before Warbreaker. Vasher's connection is unlikely. 3. Burning 'souls' to destroy 'everything' in their path isn't Herald way imo. Most likely those would be used by Voidbringers. But binding is Honor... I doubt how swords like Nightblood could bind anything.
  21. Fallen title - Knights Radiant Tower - 1) Big plateau where Sadeas abandoned Dalinar's army. 2) Wasn't it Tower where Knight Radiants resided? Crown - 1) Dalinar won Elhokar's faith 2) Kaladin becomes king. Spear - 1) Kaladin (Dalinar befriended him) 2) Kaladin picked up spear. Thats how I see it. "The tower, the crown, and the spear!" - tower and crown referring to Kholins and Spear to Kaladin... idk I think each of them means different thing or all together something one. Shardblades... Honorblades... I think those are same. 1) Honorblades were blades of honor, then someone(Odium) corrupted them and they became Shardblades. 2) Back then, people wielding Shardblades were honorable, now they see Honor as foolishness. 3) Both. Windblades? What are those?
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