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Everything posted by Doomdrinker

  1. Well it's a military installation and being in the middle of a mountain range makes it completely impossible to attack by traditional means, add to that the oathgates and it has no need to care about it's location as everything supply and logistics wise goes through an oathgate. Magic sure makes city building a hell of a lot easier.
  2. I'd always believed he was waiting for the listeners to be rediscovered, that was the pivotal moment that set the whole sequence of invents into motion. I bet Gavilar started getting visions the first highstorm after discovering them.
  3. If I'm remembering it correctly regular soulcasters slowly turn into what there soulcasters makes, a soulcaster that makes stone would slowly turn into stone. This happens because the soulcasters spiritweb is warped by the power and as that warping occurs there physical body is changed. This doesn't effect radiants to such an extent because the nahal bond acts as a filter through which the power flows thus causing less warping, but apparently said warping can occur with radiants as well over a much larger period of time. I found the WoB i was remembering I think.
  4. Ok but the problem is your assuming that the plants don't have enough sunlight, c02 or water and I just think that's shown to not be the case. The only resource nessecery for plant survival that we don't see plants having is a source of nutrients which are instead provided by crem. As an aside I do like your theory and would love to see some plant life that makes direct use of investiture in it's lifecycle.
  5. All I really want to happen is getting a bunch of new radiants getting introduced.
  6. I'd guess it's a mix of photosynthesis (many plants do this without leaves cactus are a good example) and crem which is basically a magic fertiliser.
  7. Something I've been considering is would a gemstone buried in crem get infused? Actually it makes sense that there should be very little leaf based plants on roshar, leafs are very costly to produce for a plant and are usually not suited to extreme weather and highstorms are pretty damnation extreme.
  8. Something to consider also it that it's not like Nale was specifically looking for the poisoned wine incident, he was looking for anything to allow him to execute Ym.
  9. To me it makes perfect sense just because your creative at one thing doesn't mean your creative with everything. It's just anecdotal but I do some art and I consider myself reasonably creative yet I'm garbage when it comes to names.
  10. I'm not saying it's strength is a result of a connection to ruin. I'm asking if you where to see Nightblood spirit webs would there be lines of Connection to ruin there due to Nightbloods nature as a investiture eating monste.
  11. I was reading another thread and someone mentioned their theory on Nightblood and Ruin, it got me thinking about how Kelseir was Connected to Ruin in mistborn and I was wondering if Nightblood could also have some significant Connection? Obviously he'd have a very strong Connection to Endowment being made with 1000 breaths but with his command being destroy evil and the way he interprets that being extremely destructive, corrupting and consumeing the investiture itself, I think he'd have a very strong Connection to Ruin as well.
  12. But what about the months leading up to his death, when he spent a lot of time going from place to place talking with ska? He was recruiting sure but I always assumed that's where he did the majority of his inspiring for the actual revolution, with OreSeur being the final push.
  13. Id always assumed that kelsier talked about it when he was recruiting and inspiring the ska, and thus demoux picked it up second hand from them.
  14. It depends on how advanced scadrial gunsmithing is. If it was close to modern tech levels than they'd have no problem with heavy armour like shardplate. but I'm not convinced scadrial has anything like that as that would be a perfect counter to lurchers, just load the AP ammo and watch as your shot goes strait through their armour.
  15. I may be misremebereing but I though I've seen it mentioned somewhere that at the start of TLR's reign the people he turned into mistborn with the leraisuim where equally as powerful allomancers as him.
  16. From my understanding of it you are some what correct the spren do mostly form the nahel bond with people who are "broken" as these people do have cracks in their spirit webs that are easier filled by the bond. Though I think this isn't a set rule and some nahel bonds can be formed to people who are not broken.
  17. After giving oathbringer more time and reading all of mistborn era 1 and 2 I feel like it's now one of my least favourite Sanderson books. Having said that I did love reading OB and still enjoy it a lot.
  18. I believe they where in WoK or WoR. So far I've found this "He also remembered the face. The Stormfather himself? Surely not. A delusion. Yes … yes, he’d certainly been delusional. Memories of death-spren were blended with relived parts of his life—and both mixed with strange, sudden shocks of strength—icy cold, but refreshing. It had been like the cold air of a crisp morning after a long night in a stuffy room, or like rubbing the sap of gulket leaves on sore muscles, making them feel warm and cold at the same time. He could remember those moments so clearly." Way of kings chapter 40
  19. He was cold in the highstorm because it's a giant storm. I'm pretty certain the "freezing" is describing the plate locking up, not actually being cold. Though it is worth noting I remember another scene were Kaladin describes stormlight as cold. I'll see if I can find it.
  20. Well there's school in mistborn era 2, and I'm fairly confident that there are schools in azimir from what we hear from Zigzal about him failing the tests. Perhaps the arentia is somewhat school like when they are teaching crafts and skills to darkeyes. Other than those I can't think of other places with obvious schools, As for how they would deal with magic, in mistborn for example, perhaps the classrooms have aluminium lining or perhaps some Leechers on staff. We haven't really seen much of the acadamy unfortunately.
  21. Honestly I don't think there is an exact spider equivalent but there are probably some species of cremlings that are somewhat similar to them.
  22. Your assuming the kandra can impersonate someone from roshar well enough to not be noticed. If the kandra has no or very little knolege of roshar in general it would make sense to choose a persona of someone who can get away with not knowing basic info that everyone would know. I feel like I've explained my point badly but I'm just trying to show there would be good reasons to be a foreigner instead of a rosharan.
  23. Here's the full scene. "Zane hung a few feet away. He'd found a coin—Vin couldn't fathom how—and was Pushing against it below him. However, he didn't shoot away. He hovered above the wall top, just a few feet in the air, still in a half tumble from Vin's kick.As Vin watched, Zane rotated slowly in the air, hand outstretched beneath him, twisting like a skilled acrobat on a pole. There was a look of intense concentration on his face, and his muscles—all of them, arms, face, chest—were taut. He turned in the air until he was facing her" I seem to have made up the side of the tower bit, my bad.
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