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Everything posted by Doomdrinker

  1. “Hon, that joke started dead,” he said. “I’m just givin’ it a proper burial.” one of my favourites
  2. He I'm not sure if I believe he was another crasher but I realized that it would certainly be possible. It is mentioned that the bandits ripped a steel door right of it's hinges which seems a bit of a stretch that a regular coinshot could accomplish that. “Couldn’t stop them. They threw bottles through the windows.… And then the doors ripped off. Steel doors, Pushed into the room, twisted off their hinges like they were paper…”
  3. In well of ascension Zane levitates himself by pushing and pulling on a coin against the side of a tower.
  4. What if the other guy on the train was a crasher to? We know the Set makes extensive use of heamalurgy.
  5. So I've been re reading warbreaker and thinking about how awakened objects imitate life and I've been wondering if we know why this occurs? Also if a non human where to become an awakener, a sleepless for example, would awakened objects they make try to imitate hordlings rather as human forms?
  6. My money's on cultivation, we know from Brandon that she has been actively doing things and we already have direct evidence in OB showing that she has plans for Dalinar.
  7. I would love to find out what happened to tukks especially given how highly Kaladin thinks of him.
  8. Tukks died before Kaladin was made a slave, Kaladin mentions it in the way of kings I think. "They were all dead. Cenn and Dallet, and before that Tukks and the Takers. Before that, Tien. Before that, blood on his hands and the corpse of a young girl with pale skin." I'd thought along these lines myself until I remembered that quote. A thing to note is that another of kaladins sergeants from amarams army Hav is potentially still alive so he could make a return
  9. I think marsh has probably been helping Harmony with stuff mostly. Also marsh gained access to feruchemy in The Hero of Ages, so I assume he is used the same trick TLR used to not age.
  10. Ye it was totally just tien. Kaladin even points out in WoR that Shallan had an effect on him that only tien did before.
  11. I hadn't actually read warbreaker till after OB but thanks to the forums I new zahel was from the book, so her first colour metaphor was what tipped her of as being related to him. It was also a weird experience seeing what vivenna was like in warbreaker after only seeing her being a badass shard bearer.
  12. Honestly I think this might be Cultivations work, we know from WoBs that she is actively still working against odium and it makes sense that she'd be very subtle in her influence.
  13. I wonder if lightweaving could be used to make you invisible, that could certainly be useful in a battle.
  14. I assumed the stormlight it self would help with that
  15. This is of topic so I apologies but reading that quote has convinced me to start reading mistborn.
  16. That picture is the chaper header for Jasnah in her oathbringer chapters.
  17. "Dalinar charged toward the king, moving with a speed and grace no man—not even one wearing Shardplate—should be able to manage." And "Dalinar held back the claw and matched its strength, a figure in dark, silvery metal that almost seemed to glow." These two lines seem to suggest he was using stormlight
  18. I am a huge 40k nerd and am wondering if there many others who also read cosmere stuff? One of the biggest things I love about 40k is just how expansive the universe is, there is just so much lore to dig into. This is also one of the things that really got me into the stormlight archive, finding all the little things that just tie it to a bigger story.
  19. Hey so what are some of the things you guys missed when reading through stormlight? Specifically things that took you a long time to notice them and now that you do, you see how obvious it all is? For me it was all the little references to potential hordlings, even once I had read edgedancer and seen the hordlings in that I still didn't think to look for more of them in the rest of stormlight until after a couple reads of OB.
  20. I think I have cried through almost every emotional scene in the book. Of the top of my head I think the one that gets me the most is the scene where Rock finally meets up with his family and is introducing them. "Last daughter is another Song. Beautiful Song.” He stooped down beside her, smiling. She was only four, and she shied away from him. She didn’t remember her father. It broke his heart."
  21. It is mentioned in are arcanum that there might be another set a abilities on roshar "I’m not certain yet how the ten levels of Voidbinding or its cousin the Old Magic fit into this paradigm, if indeed they can. My research suggests that, indeed, there should be another series of abilities that is even more esoteric than the Voidbindings. Perhaps the Old Magic fits into those, though I am beginning to suspect that it is something entirely different."
  22. As I remember the bottom 3 levels are engulfed by a highstorm at one point in the book.
  23. When T and odium meet near the end odium mentions that T wrote a letter to him so I assume that contains t asking the fused to attack urithiru and telling them he would help. Also the oathgate at Kholinar was corrupted and being directly controlled in order to kill Kal, Shallan and Adolin. So far as we know a corrupted oathgate can function completely normally.
  24. Shallan unlocked the oathgate at Kholinar so it only needed to be activated from urithiru.
  25. I'm not sure if you'd have read far enough but it is mentioned how they infuse spheres there. I don't know how to do spoilers but it's on page 54
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