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Status Updates posted by danex

  1. dont mind me just reading oathbringer again and sobbing

    i love dalinar so much

  2. so we do a lot of fancasts on this website

    like what actor you want to play what character 

    but what if we did the reverse?

    congratulations, you just got cast in the cosmere adaptation of your choice. What character are you playing and why?

    I don’t think i could take any of the main roles. it’s too much pressure and i’m not a good enough actor. i could be a good bridge 4 guy i think. just like a Scar or a Drehy. nobody super unique like Rock or Lopen but still a named member.

    the arrogant part of me thinks i’d be a good Hoid. Specifically on Roshar as Wit. i’m definitely knowledgeable enough in the cosmere lol. i think i could strike that balance between “goofy silly little guy” and “insanely somber powerful being of old” pretty well. And while he’s an important character, he’s never a focal character, so i wouldn’t be in the spotlight that much. 

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I think I'm like Renarin in enough ways that I might be able to portray him. Other parts I'd completely fail at.

      Hm...I'm not enough of an actor to say anyone else for certain...

    2. Scars of Hathsin

      Scars of Hathsin

      I am not sure, as I am slightly shy. So maybe just a prominent background person.

  3. how hard do you think it would be to buy the rights to a cosmere property myself

    like if i choose a niche medium and a smaller property, could I convince brandon to let me buy the rights

    like what if i try to by the videogame rights to 6th of the Dusk or something

    and then i just make like a tiny fishing minigame but it’s officially licensed for no reason

    1. Slowswift


      "Licenced for no reason" is where I think you'd run into trouble. But that aside, I wholeheartedly support this idea.

    2. Experience


      i dunno if videogames would qualify as a niche medium...

  4. When is brandon going to realize that he can just crowdfund a movie. 

    like he made 41 million dollars from the year of sanderson kickstarter alone, and another 23 million from the WoR leatherbound. 64 million dollars for relatively small products.

    The LOTR trilogy cost 514 million dollars, adjusted for inflation. That’s not that much more.

    Okay sure it’s about 10x as much, but the fandom would be WAY more excited about getting a movie than about the Year of Sanderson. Probably around 10x as excited, by my estimation.

    And then Brandon would have COMPLETE creative control. It’s the perfect solution. 

    1. Experience


      Idk how rights work, but companies already own the film rights for his different books so idk can he just take the rights back or is there probably a contracted time?

      Otherwise i think it's an awesome idea.

    2. danex


      I assume he can offer to buy the rights back pretty easily, especially if the company isn’t doing anything with them. And he hasn’t sold the movie rights for everything iirc, just for adaptations of a few specific novels, like MB.


      edit: wait cool there’s a list on the coppermind: https://coppermind.net/wiki/Media_rights

  5. hatsune miku is an honorspren


    thats it

    that's the post

    1. Slowswift




      I can't tell whether I should be angry at this post or not

  6. Do you ever just randomly find a work of art that moves you in a surprisingly deep way

    I've been staring at this for like 3 hours



    Just a random image found while searching for visual aids for my dnd campaign

    inspired me to add an entirely new plot thread.

    1. danex


      can't find any original image for the life of me, I'd love to see what else this artist has done

      its been around for a while though, seems like there's reposts of it since 2019 at least

    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      It tells a story, somehow...

    3. shortcake


      it wont let me view the image ;-;

  7. Anyone have any unique ideas for a cursed weapon

    i feel like everything's been done before

    in a dnd campaign that im running, i just had a player find a cult hideout, where they picked up a sickle covered in blood that they found lying on an altar.

    so like naturally this is gonna be some kind of cursed blade

    but i dont actually know what it's effects are gonna be yet

    any ideas? all the obvious stuff has been done a million times, "steals its user's life force" and "drives the holder to a murderous rampage" are a bit well worn at this point

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Every wound inflicted by it is also inflicted on the wielder, but with a time delay.

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      By like an hour at least.

    4. danex


      in case anyone was curious, i ended up going with “as soon as you picked up the blade, you were mentally transported to a plane of existence similar to what you would call hell. You were tormented there for millions of years, unable to die, before being transported back into your body at the same moment you left, with all memories of the experience erased.”

      (inspired by the heralds being tortured on Braize.)

      ofc i didn’t reveal this to the player until much later. It tied into the plot pretty well, was def a cool reveal,  i’m happy with it. 

  8. 631

    the numbers mason

    what do they mean

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AonEne


      If we don't know before Dragonsteel, I'll be surprised 

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I would like to please know what's happening...

    4. AonEne


      As of the last couple months, the numbers 631 have started popping up in Brandon's weekly updates and a few other places. In the last couple days, people noticed, and we're finding them everywhere now and meming about it but some of them do seem actually relevant and I do think it's intentional. There's a lot more discussion on discord and also on reddit I think, but here's some: 


  9. So I have been using tumblr a little bit.
    as a shard alternative since this place broke.

    and it kinda sucks for a multitude of reasons

    but i came here today to complain about one thing in particular

    CosmereTumblr doesn't care about spoilers at ALL

    it makes me so PISSED

    like the website is literally built around TAGS. "Tagging" things is the core that the whole site is built around.

    and people DONT TAG SPOILERS

    saw someone post the most climactic moment of TLM, literally the very end of the book and the very end of the TRILOGY

    and there were ZERO spoiler tags. but it was worse than that, they tagged it #cosmere and #brandon_sanderson. The most GENERIC TAGS POSSIBLE FOR COSMERE FANS ON TUMBLR. Someone just getting into the series could be looking through that tag, and just get hit with the very end of a book or a major character death. its terrible. 

    i miss this place so much somebody get them to fix notifications so i can come back

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Dannnnnnnex! Hey! How's it going?

      If it's SUs you're talking about, it's really super easy to still look at the stuff without getting notified for everything. I honestly prefer it at this point to being notified endlessly where it blocks being quoted and all that. You can make a place where you can check it and scroll through the SUs. If you don't like that, then that's fine, but it's still really easy. 

      THo, that thing with Tumblr, that sounds absolutely horrendous. I would hate being a new reader on there.

    2. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      SHARD FOREVER! It is the best place. Sorry you have had bad experiences elsewhere.

  10. Nobody sees these anymore but *things* have been happening with the minecraft server so figured I'd update y'all.

    So remember how I said we'd be resetting the server in July
    did not happen

    So long story short, but our server hosting provider, Minehut, absolutely messed up and deleted our server, with our only backup being from over a month ago. Nobody wanted to redo an entire month of work, so we started Sharders Season 1.5.

    Brand new world, much more polished serverside, cool discord integrations now, its nice. A world download is available for Season 1 in our discord too, if you're just curious what we've been up to.

    So if you want to join a brand new SMP, check it out, now's the time. We're gonna be adding plugins and datapacks and stuff and just generally have fun with this. Season 2 is still scheduled for minecraft 1.21, so this isn't gonna be a super longstanding world. Or maybe we keep this world and just update, not sure yet. 

    Gotta verify your account in the Discord now, join here: https://discord.gg/w5444SzaXd
    And ofc the server IP is still:  sharders.minehut.gg

    1. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      I’m thinking about trying to convince my parents to let me play MC on the PC 😂 it sounds like a lot of fun

    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Danex, people do see these things. Streams!

      *sighs in I want both you and Fadran back on here more because I miss y'alls awesome thoughts*

      But, yes, I might be want to join the server. We'll see. But I don't have disc anyways, so who knows-

    3. danex


      I have also added a plugin that should let bedrock players join!

      if you're on a version that lets you add your own servers that is

      haven't tested it at all so it may not work, but ip would be "sharders.bedrock.minehut.gg"

  11. todays date reads like how i count 5/4 measures

  12. Notifications are broken, site is unusable, prob not gonna be here much anymore except for actual brandon sanderson conversation. i just can't use it as a "social" platform anymore it just doesn't work. 

    add me on discord if you wanna stay in touch ig

    might go back to using my tumblr (ew cringe) for when i have the "gotta make a status update" thought 

    so if you've ever liked any of my quote unquote "poetry" posts or mindless rambles maybe go find me over there idk


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      Noooooooo! I am sorry to see you go!

    3. Slowswift


      I still get notifications for your updates, for what it's worth. In any case, I'll miss seeing you here too.

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      It does work! Just make a stream to look at notifications. It's much easier tbh than before.

      Please stay!

  13. i have not gotten a single notification from this website in over a week

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      That's the neat part.

      Almost none of us have, unless we're insane.

  14. Art is Divine.

    I do not care what religion you believe in, or if you are religious at all. Art is Divine. Or let me say, Art itself is Divinity. Outside of any other religious mental framework. 

    The Act of Creation, in all its forms, is the most noble and glorious thing one can do in this life. 

    When you create, you are violating one of the most basic laws of this universe. Taking raw materials and ending up with something more complex than its parts. That's decreasing entropy. Now that's not entirely true, 2nd law of thermodynamics and all that, but in at least a local and not quite literal sense, in that limited system, entropy is decreasing. Complexity arising from simplicity is the most unnatural thing in this universe, and the single most natural thing to humanity. It is ingrained in our deepest instincts to dance and sing and love and create

    Life itself follows this pattern. Procreation is the exact same thing. Taking raw matter, bunches of atoms, and giving way to consciousness. Do you realize how insane that is? Matter becoming self-aware. In a universe where entropy is meant to increase. Human Consciousness is the single biggest mystery in the entire universe. How are we? Literally? Conscious beings seem to be contrary to every natural physical law, even more than simple biologics already are. 

    So we have a group of self-aware monkeys that suddenly popped up on some small planet in some small system in some small corner of the universe, defying entropy by their very existence. And what do they do? They actively defy it even more. We draw and write and compose and paint and sculpt and build and farm and plan and love. Organizing matter into something more complex than its parts is the single most human thing you can do. We create art because we are art. We are complexities creating complexities. Monkey see monkey do. Heh.

    It's more than defying physical entropy, we go even further and defy informational entropy too. We give art meaning. The curtains aren't just blue. We try to give our art the same consciousness we have. We create worlds and people. Self-aware beings with no self. 

    Are you seeing the pattern yet???? The glory???? The divinity?????

    Creations creating creations creating creations. Attempts at eternity in a definitively temporary universe. Finding meaning in the meaning that we are.

    I'm lost in the sauce. I don't think I'm making sense any more.
    but i am making. and that's the whole point. that's the whole. point.

    Just gonna end with this: 

    Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
    Because their words had forked no lightning they
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Make your words fork lightning friends. 

  15. Art is frustrating

    One of my core philosophies that I try to live by is that "Art has intrinsic value". Which sounds obvious until you notice that art is nearly exclusively valued proportionally to the amount of attention it receives. The idea that "Art seen only by the artist is just as valuable as art seen by millions" is really rather idealistic. But that's okay because it's my ideal. Ideals are allowed to be idealistic aren't they?

    The hard part is staying true to that ideal. Finding the motivation to create when you know nobody else is going to appreciate it is so difficult. The idea that "value = attention" is so corruptly ingrained into me (and probably you all too) that making art exclusively for myself feels like a waste. But it isn't. At least that's what I try to convince myself every day. 

  16. “i want to become a content creator so i can be rich!”

    “i want to become a content creator so i can be famous!”

    ”i want to become a content creator so i can play videogames for my job!”


    i want to become a content creator so i have an excuse to do a merch drop and make an irl dannex puffball plushie. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Morningtide


      I would 100% buy a Dannex puffball

    3. Slowswift


      Don't they already make soot sprite plushies?

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I want one.

      Just... I want one.

  17. just found out theres a 12 year old 17th Shard steam group



    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      is it still active?

    2. danex


      it could be


      if we make it :ph34r:

    3. Just_a_Fan


      oh hey, that's my post on the thumbnail. not my meme tho.








    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. danex


      i mean it’s just 23 characters. only slightly above average length considering all the people with multi-word usernames. mine just looks extra long cause repeated character and no spaces. i still haven’t found any instances of it actually having text box issues myself either, looks perfectly normal everywhere on my end. sounds like a device specific issue not a site one.

    3. Mat


      Editable, yes, but at the cost of no one getting this notification :P 

    4. Chaos


      There have been issues before on the old site; we may require you to put a space in it. Its the lack of the space that causes some problems. It did break certain things without that. So please be aware that may be a thing we require for you. 

  19. the word truly should be spelled truely and this is a wrong opinion but it is mine and i stand by it

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Another educational episode of... Danex has thoughts and opinions!

      *theme music plays*

    2. Sequence


      Honestly, that’s not all too disagreeable.

  20. Y'all know the minecraft server I run

    you should, i'm plugging it all the time

    well if you'd ever thought about joining it, now would be the time.

    we're exactly halfway through the server's lifespan. I started it 233 days ago, and I'll be rebooting it in roughly 233 days on a brand new world for the new update. So if you join now, you can still say you experienced a majority of the entire server lifespan.

    You should all join at least once, just to take a look around. we've got some insanely talented builders over here and they need to be appreciated more <3

    1. danex


      its  sharders.minehut.gg  if you'd forgotten

  21. just got a new phone

    tell me what i should set my wallpaper to, and i’ll take all the replies and put them in a rotating playlist

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Frustration


      The Adobe Flash and Dannnnex J. Trump, because those are my favorite edits you've done.

    3. danex


      i made a trump edit???????

    4. danex


      lmao i did

      forgot about that guy

      thats an old one, it’s still pixel-y dannex as the base

  22. I would like yalls thoughts on this question that our resident channelknight posed to me in DMs earlier 

    A single star destroyer from the galactic empire at its peak suddenly appears in orbit around earth, with the intent to occupy the planet for the empire. Can the united forces of earth defeat it?

    If you think we can defeat one, what about 2? how many of the empire’s forces can we withstand?

    the empire’s goal here is occupation, not annihilation, so no need to worry about a death star or anything. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ravenclawjedi42


      It depends on the Star Destroyer, I think. One that has been through some bad times and barely works we might be able to defeat, something like Vader’s or Thrawn’s we’d have no chance, a normal Star Destroyer I still doubt we’d be able to get it away from out planet.

    3. Frustration


      LOL, easy dubs for Earth.

      The USA on its own could win the entire thing.


      In ep 5 we see an Ion Cannon is able to disable a Star Destroyer, a nuclear weapon can easily produce more ions while also breaching the hull and destroying the entire thing.

      The US has (publicly confirmed anyway) 450 Minuteman 3 missiles which are capable of reaching high atmosphere, and could probably enter orbit if we tried to get them there, so that's 450 Star Destroyers minimum right there.

      Then we get to ground troops. The fact of the matter is that Galactic Empires ground vehicles are comically flawed, and easily destroyed. And hopelessly outmatched by US armored vehicles, and anti-tank weapons.

      During the height of the Iraq war an IED was going off once every 45 minutes, with the US Heartland under attack I could easily see that number dipping into the low seconds.

      So there goes who knows how many forces.


      And that's just the military:

      US civilians own around 390,000,000 guns and over a Trillion rounds of ammo, and they aren't giving up without a fight.

      Bombs are hilariously easy to make, as are Napalm, chemical gases, powerful acids, etc.


      Basically I think Earth could take the entire Galactic Empire so long as they focused on subjugation rather than destruction.

    4. Morningtide


      I think we win against 1, probably 2. I don't know about more. Earth has got some pretty cool technology and the Galactic Empire really is mostly useless

  23. heres a thing I made a thing last week and forgot to share it

    its basically a really complicated pair of dice. and it took like 6 hours. but i think its cool so there.

    its a writing prompt generator based on inktober, coded in python.

    here's the .exe i threw together with pyinstaller. it'll probably give you a bunch of security warnings because its a brand new file that nobody has ever downloaded before and also i dont know how to do proper signature handling. but i promise its not malware.


    and if you don't like downloading things, here's the entire source code, if you know how python works you can just copy and paste and run it yourself:

    import random
    ink16 = ['Fast', 'Noisy', 'Collect', 'Hungry', 'Sad', 'Hidden', 'Lost', 'Rock', 'Broken', 'Jump', 'Transport', 'Worried', 'Scared', 'Tree', 'Relax', 'Wet', 'Battle', 'Escape', 'Flight', 'Squeeze', 'Big', 'Little', 'Slow', 'Onedozen', 'Tired', 'Box', 'Creepy', 'Burn', 'Surprise', 'Wreck', 'Friend']
    ink17 = ['Swift', 'Divided', 'Poison', 'Underwater', 'Long', 'Sword', 'Shy', 'Crooked', 'Screech', 'Gigantic', 'Run', 'Shattered', 'Teeming', 'Fierce', 'Mysterious', 'Fat', 'Graceful', 'Filthy', 'Cloud', 'Deep', 'Furious', 'Trail', 'Juicy', 'Blind', 'Ship', 'Squeak', 'Climb', 'Fall', 'United', 'Found', 'Mask']
    ink18 = ['Poisonous', 'Tranquil', 'Roasted', 'Spell', 'Chicken', 'Drooling', 'Exhausted', 'Star', 'Precious', 'Flowing', 'Cruel', 'Whale', 'Guarded', 'Clock', 'Weak', 'Angular', 'Swollen', 'Bottle', 'Scorched', 'Breakable', 'Drain', 'Expensive', 'Muddy', 'Chop', 'Prickly', 'Stretch', 'Thunder', 'Gift', 'Double', 'Jolt', 'Slice']
    ink19 = ['Ring', 'Mindless', 'Bait', 'Freeze', 'Build', 'Husky', 'Enchanted', 'Frail', 'Swing', 'Pattern', 'Snow', 'Dragon', 'Ash', 'Overgrown', 'Legend', 'Wild', 'Ornament', 'Misfit', 'Sling', 'Tread', 'Treasure', 'Ghost', 'Ancient', 'Dizzy', 'Tasty', 'Dark', 'Coat', 'Ride', 'Injured', 'Catch', 'Ripe']
    ink20 = ['Fish', 'Wisp', 'Bulky', 'Radio', 'Blade', 'Rodent', 'Fancy', 'Teeth', 'Throw', 'Hope', 'Disgusting', 'Slippery', 'Dune', 'Armor', 'Outpost', 'Rocket', 'Storm', 'Trap', 'Dizzy', 'Coral', 'Sleep', 'Chef', 'Rip', 'Dig', 'Buddy', 'Hide', 'Music', 'Float', 'Shoes', 'Ominous', 'Crawl']
    ink21 = ['Crystal', 'Suit', 'Vessel', 'Knot', 'Raven', 'Spirit', 'Fan', 'Watch', 'Pressure', 'Pick', 'Sour', 'Stuck', 'Roof', 'Tick', 'Helmet', 'Compass', 'Collide', 'Moon', 'Loop', 'Sprout', 'Fuzzy', 'Open', 'Leak', 'Extinct', 'Splat', 'Connect', 'Spark', 'Crispy', 'Patch', 'Slither', 'Risk']
    ink22 = ['Gargoyle', 'Scurry', 'Bat', 'Scallop', 'Flame', 'Bouquet', 'Trip', 'Match', 'Nest', 'Crabby', 'Eagle', 'Forget', 'Kind', 'Empty', 'Armadillo', 'Fowl', 'Salty', 'Scrape', 'Ponytail', 'Bluff', 'Bad Dog', 'Heist', 'Booger', 'Fairy', 'Tempting', 'Ego', 'Snack', 'Camping', 'Uh-oh', 'Gear', 'Farm']
    ink23 = ['Spiders', 'Dream', 'Path', 'Dodge', 'Map', 'Golden', 'Drip', 'Toad', 'Bounce', 'Fortune', 'Wander', 'Spicey', 'Rise', 'Castle', 'Dagger', 'Angel', 'Demon', 'Saddle', 'Plump', 'Frost', 'Chains', 'Scratchy', 'Celestial', 'Shallow', 'Dangerous', 'Remove', 'Beast', 'Sparkle', 'Massive', 'Rush', 'Fire']
    all_inks = [ink16, ink17, ink18, ink19, ink20, ink21, ink22, ink23]
    #all of this just to remove the one duplicate word:
    mega_ink = []
    for prompt_list in all_inks:
        for prompt in prompt_list:
            if prompt not in mega_ink:
    #these 3 functions were just used during development and I figured I'd leave them in:
    def make_list(string):
        string = str(string)
        list = string.split()
        final_list = []
        for i in list:
        return final_list
    def test_length():
        for prompt_list in all_inks:
            if len(prompt_list) == 31:
    def test_unique():
        all_prompts = []
        duplicate_prompts = []
        for prompt_list in all_inks:
            for prompt in prompt_list:
                if prompt not in all_prompts:
        for dupe in duplicate_prompts:
            original_list = None
            duplicates_present=  []
            for prompt_list in all_inks:
                if dupe in prompt_list:
                    if original_list is None:
                        original_list = all_inks.index(prompt_list) + 1
                        duplicates_present.append(all_inks.index(prompt_list) + 1)
            print(f'{dupe} is present multiple times. The original is in list {original_list}, and the duplicates are present in list(s) {duplicates_present}.')
    #actual program starts here:
    def random_writing_prompt_by_day(number_of_prompts, day_of_month):
        day_index = day_of_month - 1
        included_lists = random.sample(all_inks, number_of_prompts)
        final_prompt = ''
        for list in included_lists:
            final_prompt += list[day_index] + ' + '
        return(f'Your prompt is: {final_prompt.rstrip(" + ")}.')
    def random_writing_prompt_same_list(inktober_year, number_of_prompts):
        inktober_year_list = [2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023]
        prompt_list_index = inktober_year_list.index(inktober_year)
        prompt_list = all_inks[prompt_list_index]
        prompts = random.sample(prompt_list, number_of_prompts)
        final_prompt = ''
        for prompt in prompts:
            final_prompt += prompt + ' + '
        return(f'Your prompt is: {final_prompt.rstrip(" + ")}.')
    def random_writing_prompt_mega_list(number_of_prompts):
        prompts = random.sample(mega_ink, number_of_prompts)
        final_prompt = ''
        for prompt in prompts:
            final_prompt += prompt + ' + '
        return(f'Your prompt is: {final_prompt.rstrip(" + ")}.')
    def main():
        running = True
    Welcome to Dannnnnex's Inktober Writing Prompt Assembler Thing™!
    The idea behind this program is that drawing is stupid and writing is fun and I want to participate in Inktober.
    However, the one-word inktober prompts aren't really specific enough to make a good writing prompt.
    So I simply decided to spend a few hours coding a program to randomly assemble a more detailed prompt by combining Inktober prompts together.
    If I only used the current year however, I'd obviously run out of words. So this program uses prompts from EVERY Inktober, 2016-2023, all 8 lists.
        while running == True:
    To start off, we've gotta choose how to assemble your prompt. You can do it in one of 3 ways:
        1. Input the current day of the month, and your prompt will be randomly assembled from the different list's prompts for this day.
        2. Choose the year of the prompt list you want (or leave it random), and your prompt will be assembled randomly from that list.
        3. Your prompt will be randomly assembled from a pool of every single Inktober prompt.
            while True:
                    menu_input = int(input('>> '))
                    if menu_input in (1, 2, 3):
                print("\nEnter a valid menu option (1-3).")
            if menu_input == 1:
                number_of_prompts = None
                print('\nChoose how long you\'d like your prompt to be. (1-8)')
                while True:
                        number_of_prompts = int(input('>> '))
                        if number_of_prompts in range(1,9):
                    print('\nYour prompt must be 1-8 words in length, as there are currently 8 Inktober prompt lists. Please try again.')
                day_of_inktober = None
                print('\nAlright, what day of October would you like to generate your prompt for? (1-31)')
                while True:
                        day_of_inktober = int(input('>> '))
                        if day_of_inktober in range(1,32):
                    print('\nThere are 31 days in October. Please try again.')
                print(random_writing_prompt_by_day(number_of_prompts, day_of_inktober))
            elif menu_input == 2:
                number_of_prompts = None
                print('\nChoose how long you\'d like your prompt to be. (1-31)')
                while True:
                        number_of_prompts = int(input('>> '))
                        if number_of_prompts in range(1,32):
                    print('\nYour prompt must be 1-31 words in length, since each Inktober prompt list only has 31 words. Please try again.')
                selected_year = None
                print('\nOkay, now choose an Inktober Year. (2016-2023)')
                while True:
                        selected_year = int(input('>> '))
                        if selected_year in range(2016,2024):
                    print('\nYou must select a year between 2016 and 2023, since those are the years with existing Inktober Prompt Lists.')
                print(random_writing_prompt_same_list(selected_year, number_of_prompts))
            elif menu_input == 3:
                number_of_prompts = None
                print('\nChoose how long you\'d like your prompt to be. (1-247)')
                while True:
                        number_of_prompts = int(input('>> '))
                        if number_of_prompts in range(1,248):
                    print('\nYour prompt must be 1-247 words in length, since there are only 247 total Inktober prompts in existence. Please try again.')
            another = None
            print('\nCreate another prompt?')
            while True:
                another = input('>> ')
                if another.lower() in ('y', 'n'):
                    print('\nPlease enter either \'y\' or \'n\'.')
            if another.lower() == 'y':
                running = True
            elif another.lower() == 'n':
                running = False
                print('Thanks for using!')    
    if __name__ == "__main__":


    anyway, do you know the one single inktober prompt across all 8 lists that has been repeated? because I do now. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      I think my PC just had a stroke with how many warnings it showed

    3. danex


      and literally none of these work

      i am a compotent programmer

      i did this before with my text adventure game from forever ago

      why isn't it working now

    4. danex


      this is stupid
      here's the .py file, download python and run it yourself im too frustrated to make it accessbile


  24. THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Dannex Alert System. The purpose is to maintain and improve alert and warning capabilities at the danex, dannex, dannnex, dannnnex and dannnnnnex levels and to evaluate the nation’s public alert and warning capabilities. No action is required by the public. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SmilingPanda19


      Every guy by the name of dan: BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP

    3. SmilingPanda19


      Honestly the National Alert system test yesterday just shows how cruel the world has gotten. We need something to tell us of our impending doom. *sigh* its only going to keep going down from here 

    4. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      I mean, I’d like to know about any impending doom. 

  25. hello i posted a Brandon-related topic for the first time in literally forever you should check it out

    spoilers for SP4 and also just the entire Cosmere





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