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Everything posted by Snorkel

  1. Hello! Which books did you read, and which are you going to read next, and what did you like best?
  2. You're going to confuse all the Americans who think that biscuits are a scone-like food you eat with your hot dinner
  3. I think you are here too! Which books have you read, and which ones do you like most? Look out for dodgy fellahs offering cookies, or requesting your breath!
  4. Greetings fellow Oceanian, I'm from New Zealand! Beware of those offering suspicious cookies, or requesting your breath!
  5. They're probably intimidated by all the breaths you have. If you'd like, I can take the burden of those breaths from you, so you'll fit in with your club members?
  6. You should check out Edgedancer, a Novella in the stormlight series It comes between Words of Radiance and Oathbringer. It comes in the Arcanum Unbounded collection and standalone. Be aware, if you get Arcanum Unbounded, some of the stories will be spoilery for Elantris and Mistborn. Quite a few are non spoilery and stand alone though.
  7. Welcome! Are you aware of the Edgedancer novella that fits between Words of Radiance and Oathbringer? If not, it was published both standalone and in the "Arcanum Unbounded" collection, and it's definitely worth making the time to read!
  8. Welcome! Yes, do tell us your favourite character. But I suggest not eating the cookie (they may have hidden extras) or giving your breath away (you probably need that).
  9. That cookie looks distinctly pixelated. I heard that pixels are bad for you.
  10. Are you planning on reading them soon? What else have you read and what's your favourite? PS Don't accept any cookies or repeat any phrases about giving away your breath. That stuff is bad for you!
  11. Snorkel


    Welcome! Don't eat the cookie, it's "spiked". And definitely don't say the words! Who's your favourite character?
  12. Don't eat the cookie! And don't say the words! It's a trap! But otherwise, welcome! Sorry, I don't delve into the theories myself, so I can't answer your questions.
  13. Do you pronounce pronunciation correctly?
  14. Don't say the w... Oh never mind. Welcome! Don't eat the cookies either! What are you going to read next?
  15. I'm imagining it as a movie now. There would be a special, dramatic, full orchestral leit motif that plays when people speak ideals! When someone starts to speak an ideal, but fails, it stops suddenly on a discord. When...a certain someone who I won't name in case of spoilers...speaks the words in Oathbringer...perhaps the leit motif could be played quietly on a guitar instead ... My favourite moment was after reading the poisoning scene in Book 1 (or 2??), Then I went to bed. And I woke up half an hour later going "OH CRAP!" because I realised that all was not as it appeared. I wasn't entirely right about what had happened, but I was desperate to pick up the book again!
  16. Hello, welcome! Don't eat the cookies!
  17. And which house are you in at Hogwarts? (I'm in Hufflepuff, underrated but secretly the best house heh heh)
  18. Hmmmm...I wonder if that would work. If they were so small you could drink them, then they'd have to be REALLY sharp to have any chance of sticking in you. One presumes they have to stick into you, and it's not enough to just have a spike floating around inside. Perhaps one presumes wrongly! Do they need to pierce the skin? Could a tiny metal splinter do the trick? We should investigate...for science!
  19. You should read Warbreaker. Elephant is happy that he got you to say the words and he now has 9 people's virtual breaths.
  20. Could a solution be to promote some people from other time zones to moderator?
  21. Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss, it's brilliant!
  22. It has something to do with eating the cookies, doesn't it? Nah, if you go to full forums and scroll right down, there's the list of guilds and stuff. I guess pick one that looks cool and post in its thread http://www.17thshard.com/forum/forum/14-social-groups-clans-and-guilds/
  23. In forums I frequent, there are many good reasons to edit things you're quoting. 1 - to just quote the relevant part and not clog up the forum with potentially huge posts... 2 - To reply to different parts of a quote individually... I have never seen anybody change a quote for evil and try to get away with it, it's so easy for the quoted person to say "Oy, no!" and everybody else to verify. 3 - And to "fixed that for you" Well, the first and second reasons are things I would definitely miss if taken away. Especially when quoting walls of text.
  24. Anna eh? People in the Stormlight world would like that name.
  25. Hi guys, I would like to buy the digital version of White Sand 2 when it comes out (sooon). I haven't bought digital comics before. I'm thinking ComiXology looks like a good store. Just wondering if people have any advice on how WS1 was from various sources - as in was the formatting good/bad, is the app good to read with etc? I have an Android Tablet that should be nice for reading comics on. (Not really interested in a physical version btw)
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