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Everything posted by Snorkel

  1. It's pretty amazing that he can even do a progress bar. Those authors who sit down to write their next novel and write so many words they realise they need to split their book into more than one ... it would be like watching the progress bar on an early version of windows ... the progress isn't going up, and the time remaining is just going up and up!
  2. I kept wondering why you were talking about the DM
  3. I thought they changed artist in book 2 because the original had some unspecified problem* and had to leave the project? *not assigning blame here, could have been health, or any number of extremely valid reasons
  4. I like the new artist better than either of the two previous ones. I wish they could get the new guy to re-draw chapter 6 of Book 2.
  5. Whitesand: "Shella" - darksiders "Aisha" - daysiders
  6. Those catseye marbles should make good spheres!
  7. I wonder whether FFG's Star Wars Force and Destiny rules could be adapted.
  8. Depending on how much craft stuff costs where you live. I usually spend MORE if I try to buy craft materials. D: How about ... I saw this in a Brandon interview the other day ... a glowing bowl of spheres! A bowl, some LED lights of some kind, and some marbles.
  9. Overdrive is a similar service for libraries, and they also have the White Sand books.
  10. I think it's great that he takes his needed breaks from one thing by writing another thing.
  11. I just figured the person who bumped the release date every week had gone on holiday. Nope!
  12. I'm not sure what "a thing" is, but you should totally do a thing.
  13. The one that struck me from the first two books/series I started was: Class prejudice, not just the expected snobbery, but the deep prejudice of the lower classes towards the upper.
  14. That's not gonna happen. GRRARRGH Martin's holdup is that he's a discovery writer, he's been publishing as he goes, and he now has so many new characters and subplots that he needs to resolve, he's kind of gardened himself into a corner. He described writing Dance with Dragons as a gordian knot. I can only imagine how much more complex it is now. Of course the psychological damage of the tv show taking over his books and then having a poorly-executed (IMO) final season* has got to be a massive de-motivational force as well. (*I believe the ending is roughly the same, who dies, who wins etc, I just don't think they presented it in a very likeable way) Meanwhile Brandon has his plan, he's continuing to plan, and he's been chugging out a book every 3 years or so. A couple of months delay is nothing!
  15. Apparently this happened earlier in the year. Nusensei is a really cool archery youtuber, with lots of informative videos. Apparently he made a reaction video to one of Shadiversity's videos, saying a bunch of stuff he disagreed with. Shad responded with his own reaction video "Nusensei: idiot or troll?" Nusensei took down his original reaction video and made the below replacement video. Shad then took down his "idiot or troll" video. So Shad did eventually respond more maturely to this. But I'm really unimpressed with how defensive Shad has shown himself to be about criticism of his speculations. This is something I am worried about specifically concerning the announcement. Wish Brandon would have Scholagladiatoria for new (melee) weapons expert and Nusensei for archery ... or experts who are too busy to make a youtube channel because of how busy they are being experts.
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