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About Bridge4Survivor16

  • Birthday 06/22/1981

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  • Location
    New Jersey

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  1. Happy birthday, thanks for patroning!

  2. This Kickstarter was Epic. But could you really expect anything less for such an epic book! Brandon Sanderson and the Dragonsteel team deserve no less!!!
  3. Awesome Article!!! I am even more hyped now than I was before. November cannot come fast enough
  4. Love the poster... I cannot wait for this Kickstarter to begin!!! This is going to be one for the record books!
  5. I listen to the Shardcasts every week and love coming to this site... I'm in for $5.00 a month for now... hopefully more in the future. Ya'll are the best!!!
  6. Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone (depending on where you are), I am looking to have some slipcases made for the below books and I was wondering if anyone had the measurements of: All UK (Gollancz) hardcovers: I have attached a pic of the books I am talking about for reference. The Way of Kings (UK 1st edition / 1st printing) Words of Radiance (UK 1st edition / 1st printing) Oathbringer (UK 1st edition / 1st printing)
  7. I know this is a long shot but would anyone attending be able grab me a copy of the Skyward sampler and have it signed??? I would of course pay a reasonable price. If anyone can help a fellow fan out please email me at: [email protected] Thank you. Ray
  8. Hello All, I have a quick question. I recently have been looking to purchase a signed Hardcover 1st edition 1st printing of Steelheart. But in searching for a copy I noticed that there seems to be 2 different dust jackets but both are listed as 1st/1st's. Covers shown below. Can someone tell me why there are two dust jackets and which is the true first edition first printing? Thank you. RAY
  9. Please add my name to the drawing as well. This is Epic!!!
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