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Everything posted by Apollyon

  1. As was everything else that happened in this thread. But that was also irrelevant.
  2. It’s fine. A good half of them know my MB references (minus Era 2). They’re still great people, and can geek out about lots of other things, even if it doesn’t measure up to Sanderson.
  3. Unfortunately, my friends aren’t Sanderfans. My biggest success among them is reading MB Era 1 and Elantris. She did promise to read SA over the summer... so we’ll see where that goes.
  4. Saaaaaaaaaame. It’s fine for me though, since all my friends are at least an 8 on a 1-10 scale. Nothing compared to my 14/10...
  5. Thanks! I’ll add it to my sig. Eventually...
  6. It was oddly dry. Or at least, dry in the way that it wasn’t soaking in blood.
  7. "You mean irrelevant." A narrator corrected. But that was irrelevant.
  8. That narrator happened to be the very same one who hated ghanderflaffles with a passion. That narrator was...
  9. 'Twas a shame that the greatest author would be the one to snuff the others out... -Apollyon
  10. I had the whole spren thing happen, but I realized they were spren after a full two months of fleshing out the system. They were more like Aviar, but whatever. The one I’m on now sounds suspiciously like Ruin had a large part in the making...
  11. Same, same, same. After learning of Brandon’s Laws, I set to work on a new system. (‘Cause my old ones were softer than a naked chull) and I’m really struggling right now with it. Everything I do is parallel to Investiture in every way. It bothers me.
  12. The Fourth Wall had been rebuilt. The narrators and Butt could rest easy.
  13. The narrators call upon the great @Archer to repair the Fourth Wall. Again.
  14. Then the narrators weren't sure if @Niteshado was looking at the right page.
  15. Would you mind me asking for a second one? I’m tapping my Chromium right now and feeling lucky...
  16. It's fine. It wasn't a terrible necro. My worst was 2 1/2 years.
  17. I haven’t read WoK in so long, so I’m not even sure who he is, but I’m guessing Axies.
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