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Everything posted by alder24

  1. So it's a WoP, equally definitive on this matter as Peter worked with Brandon on the Atium retcon. He knows what Brandon knows about the effects of pure Atium in comparison with Atium-electrum alloy (which was HIS idea). Another WoP for you: It doesn't, Atium alloy brings you a far more inferior version of the future sight, pure Atium lets you see it all. It's not the same, not even in slightest. Pure Atium is much stronger than Atium-electrum alloy and it allows you to peer straight into the SR, while the alloy needs help from duralumin to achieve that. We've only seen one god metal alloy being burnt with duralumin and it has been confirmed that it produces the same effect as pure Atium. I don't know why you keep trying to refute the WoB/WoP that is proving you wrong in the most straightforward way possible. There is simply nothing I can write to change your mind and truthfully there is nothing I should be writing as the WoP is enough of a proof on its own. I'm ending this here, I've done my part, I've gave you WoP, people can read and decide on their own if the WoP is to be trusted.
  2. You don't need to be a Worldhopper to travel to CR. Being in CR doesn't make you a Worldhopper, you need to travel between worlds. Kelsier didn't become a Worldhopper in SH, he never left the Scadrian sphere of influence. Knowing Realmatic Theory in an industrial world is enough to travel to CR - Kwaan was interested in cognition of trees, not Preservation. We don't know where the Pits were located before Rashek's Ascension, as he changed the geography of Scadrial and moved its crust. But there was also perpendicularity at the Well - two in fact as there was also Ruin's Shardpool there. So it's likely that Atium spawning goods were located close to the Well. And that's Terris homeland, sure it's challenging to go there, but as proven by Rashek from Alendi's journal, for a Ferichemist this is not problematic at all. Source? Metal just glows in CR and that's not because he was a Mistborn, that has nothing to do with it - I have not seen anything that would indicate it's because he was a Mistborn that he saw metal glowing. That’s true, he didn't specifically state that metal glows, he just said only metal can be trusted. Kwaan didn't use his Coppermind, he realized that what other Worldbringers repeated from their Coppermind or texts didn't match with his perfect memory. How he reached the conclusion that metal can be trusted is unknown, but having the knowledge of Realmatic Theory probably helped. But this is a possible explanation, Kwaan said he studied texts for 2 years looking for alterations, so he might have noticed that words written on metal don't change. Also because Kwaan refers to Ruin as the force, something or thing, by his time Ruin was either completely forgotten, or his role was greatly diminished in Terris religion. Preservation would probably be treated similarly.
  3. Reod didn't happen at the same time as the Recreance and the imprisonment of BAM. Those events aren't related.
  4. Mmmmm, it's an interesting pattern. I was thinking about RoW and Kalak is a bit of a stretch, but what about Lift? She was not killed by Mraize, then later by Raboniel and other Fused and most importantly Moash didn't kill Lift when fighting with Teft. She is a child, Moash had an interest in threatening to kill and killing her - forcing Teft to fight him - that might be the continuation of the pattern you're looking for. However, sparing Lift actually achieved that goal. It's still a bit of a stretch in your context but at least she is a real child. RoW ch 104:
  5. I think in this case he meant it literally, as Leras gave the power, otherwise he would say something like "it came from the power of Preservation." Sure, he's a master wordsmith, but he very often makes it clearly confusing. In this case he said it's not a big deal, so I don't think any tricks are involved.
  6. No, it's not it as well. I think the part about Ascensions was a secondary question, or maybe written on a book during a signing, but I'm not sure. No, I can't remember the context at all, I can't find proper words so the search is pointless for now. It's irritating as I want to show the WoB, not just say "trust me bro." But I've found that Feruchemy came from Preservation, something that you were talking before here:
  7. When a spike is driven through the body of a donor, which steals their attributes and holds them in the spike from this point on. How could it be coded when you place it in a recipient and have no contact with a donor at this point? A Hemalurgic spike tears off a part of a spirit web of a donor, it steals it, it carries it with it - it is loaded with attributes when you do that, not when you place it in a recipient. The binding point in a recipient determines only how you connect this piece of stolen soul to your spirit web. If you choose the wrong one, you will get a spike that doesn't work, but it will never give you a different power than it is in the spike. You invest them in the moment of the first spiking. It simply can't work the other way around. Putting a spike in a recipient doesn't invest it.
  8. Identity is a Spiritual property, not physical one, it's coded in your spirit web. Kandra can't touch that, can't replicate that. Eating bodies won't carry Identity to them.
  9. Yes, but TenSoon wore them in addition to his original Blessing, not as a replacement and that's what I meant. If they were unkeyed, they could just switch their Blessings and all would be fine. It's not fine, they have to have their Blessings prepared specifically for them, which suggests they are keyed to their Identity somehow. I agree, we don't know much. I disagree. Attaching a spike to a recipient doesn't steal anything from them, it should not be suddenly keyed to them. If you steal a Feruchemical power from a donor, you can tap their metalminds, because it carries their identity, but if someone takes this spike from you and spikes themselves, they can't use your metalminds that you've made, as they are mostly keyed to your identity, which wasn't transferred with the spike. They eat just bodies, not spirit webs.
  10. Those aren't the WoB I'm looking for. Heh, nice one. I still can't find it. It happened before as well, when was the last time I posted this WoB, I was looking for it for ages, but I'm sure it's there. I just need to find the most important Words the search engine can look for!
  11. Oh yeah, of course I've missed that word. Makes more sense now. Apparently something not that hard has to be done to Koloss spikes first to make them work as Blessings. This might be one of the first steps, but this can't be all of it, otherwise TenSoon's spikes would work on ReLuur without problems. I think they have to be keyed to Kandra too.
  12. There was a WoB that said there were others before Rashek, but not many, however I never can find it. I'm 100% sure of it, I've posted it before, I just can't find it.
  13. Well, it's not about Kandra or Mistwraiths abilities, I think it's about the way Blessings are prepared. They are unlike any other Hemalurgic spike, prepared specifically for an individual, they are not interchangeable, tied to the Identity of its bearer. What if that's the key to attribute spikes that don't mutate you, or minimize those mutations to non harmful levels? Don't make spikes, make Blessings, prepared specifically for you, keyed to your identity so there is no contamination? Anyway, I agree with you, there probably are some ways to wear attribute spikes with minimal mutations. Or I'm thinking you can wear a single spike that mutates your body (giving you strength for example) and treat it like F-pewter - wear it only when you need strength and remove it when it's not needed. Your body would change back to your normal state, but you must place that spike in a non lethal binding point. Kind of like Vin or Wax's earring. I think that’s a possibility we tend to ignore when discussing spikes, that you can just remove them if not needed, or interchange them and we’ve already seen this behavior in books - Paalm was doing that.
  14. That is only THEIR claim that Honorspren are the closest to Honor. Highspren would disagree, claiming otherwise. It's not a fact that Honorspren are the most Connected to Honor. They all came from both Honor and Cultivation. Determining who's the closest to Honor is subjective as even spren can change and modern Honorspren do not act Honorable at all (as seen by Sekeir and others in the Lasting Integrity for example). I don't see Todium saying this, to be honest. I could see Kaladin possibly saying this. Not every time the word "broken" appears it has to be about the Broken One. Personally I think this Death Rattle is predicting the ending of the SA 5 and the Contest of Champions - Odium wins or forces Dalinar to break the terms, Stormfather is deadeyed, Highstorms ends and no Stormlight is given to Roshar (there are a few other Death Rattles which fits this theory). But anyways, if the Broken One is all 3 Shards united, then if this Death Rattle also refers to that entity, who in Cosmere would be able to beat them?? This Death Rattles talks about reasons for being broken - the storm never stops, all have died and ended, he has won. It doesn't seem to be about recombining all 3 Shards from the perspective of the new Vessel/Broken One. The core characteristic of most of Brandon's characters is that they are all broken - Syl even said it, all Radiants were broken. Both Heralds and Fused are broken too. This word is too broadly used to pinpoint it specifically to the Broken One. Everyone can say "I'm broken."
  15. I think Szeth as Honor might be one of the most terrifying Honor's Vessels you can imagine. Blind obedience and mental instability combined with severe punishment for every crime committed is not a good interpretation of Honor. But Szeth is on his way to change as a Skybreaker so he might be able to better judge what's good or bad. Yet I still can't imagine Szeth-Honor as a good ending. He might be even more dangerous than Odium. Keep in mind, Vessels do impact the way Shardic intent is manifested, Szeth will have a massive influence over what Honor is about.
  16. Ohhh, I like this! Yes, it makes sense in that context.
  17. Did Adonalsium ever had the Vessel, or was it just investiture that gained sentience on its own, Vesselless? We don't know. Hoid seems to be the type that does not want to hold that kind of power - he rejected an offer to become a Shard during the Shattering, I don't think he will become Adonalsium if it needs a Vessel. I personally believe Adonalsium was without any Vessel. I see Cosmere going in either of two paths - reformation of Adonalsium, or Splintering Shard to even smaller pieces, so no mortal would ever be able to hold powers of gods in their hands. Reformation of Adonalsium seems like a too obvious thing to end up this way and I certainly don't want to see Hoid wielding the power of all 16 Shards combined.
  18. I guess they just need to touch. Just like Antimatter needs to just touch matter it will interact and annihilate. However Brandon did state that physical form of investiture is more resilient to gaseous anti-investiture. But also that trying to ingest solid anti-investiture would be like pouring molten metal into your mouth - it would destroy your soul. So we don't know in the end. I would say touching is enough if both investiture and anti-investiture are in the same state, or anti-investiture is in the denser state. Well, we've seen Dor outside of Sel and it's a liquid.
  19. It would be interesting to read about it, but I think that's too far in the past to be influential to SA5-10. Right now Shallan might be on her way to free BAM in KoWT and this would not matter that much in the backhalf books. What I think will happen is that KoWT will end in peace or some kind of ceasefire and the prologue of SA5-10 will be about the event that restarted the conflict and brought it to another devastating level. But that’s too obvious so who knows.
  20. I don't think he needed Preservation for that. Realmatic Theory was a part of ancient Terris religion. Kwaan was able to travel to CR and that alone is enough to realize how metal looks for an entity watching it from outside of PR. It glows. If it glows in CR it means that it can't be read. Even Kelsier in SH immediately realized that metal and souls are the same thing. This is simple enough for Kwaan to reach that conclusion as well, especially if he knew about both Preservation and Ruin and their true nature, just like the First Generation of Kandra knew that (admittedly some of that might have come from Rashek after Ascension, but I think it's clear that ancient Terris was still aware of Ruin). Cosmere spoilers:
  21. I think aluminum around the stomach might interfere with your Allomancy, especially steel and iron as those come from that area. What about small watch like primer cubes charged with A-copper? You just turn it on and off when you need it and it won't mess your Allomancy.
  22. This table literally differentiates between pure Atium and its alloys. And you just ignored the WoB I've given to you which quite definitely prove that what Elend experienced IS the same effect pure Atium gives you and that the table IS talking about the real pure Atium effect. That was already after the retcon happened, Peter clearly stated that it is older than people assume in that WoB. Did you even read it?
  23. Oh I love that idea! @Trusk'our what do you think?
  24. To add more, the Dustbringers book in SA will have Ash as the primary flashback character, so it has been theorized that in the future Ash will become a Dustbronger. She keeps destroying stuff and she can't control that, which fits to the main theme of Dustbringers which is to master and self-control your destructive abilities, although this is Heralds madness doing, it won't be as easily solvable as joining Radiant order, as evident by Nale.
  25. This is the Stormlight Archive forum only, spoilers from other books like TSM should not be discussed here, but in the Cosmere Discussion sub-forum. I will ask mods to move it there for you. TSM: Well, Honor is now broken. Or it's all about Odium, as Odium is damaged too because of his fights. You don't have to unite all Shards to create the Broken One (how would that be the Broken One), just unite Honor's broken pieces or Ascend to some of them, like maybe what Dalinar did in OB. Moreover Dalinar alone can unite and merge Shards together as a Bondsmith, he doesn't need any Dawnshards for that: Anyway I think it's possible for someone to unite all 3 Shards of Roshar, Cosmere might aim in that direction IF Adonalsium is ever to be restored. However I think it's more likely that just Odium and Honor will merge without merging with Cultivation. To Ascend to a Shard one has to have a very strong Connection to it and deep understanding of its nature - just because Dalinar was touched by Cultivation doesn't mean he has this strong Connection and needed understanding of what Cultivation represents. I doubt he would be able to Ascend to that Shard. But in my opinion he is well fitted to both Odium and Honor.
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