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Everything posted by Exalted

  1. I think TLR would definitely win--he's untouchable burning atium and compounding zinc, would probably be able to predict Obliteration's teleports, and wouldn't be afraid of Steelheart. The only one that might give him trouble would be Prof, but a combination of a duralumin-Soothing (to stun him) and steel compounding could allow TLR to hack him into enough pieces that his regeneration stops working.
  2. Well, we know from the 10th Anniversary Edition of Elantris that Hoid tried to become an Elantrian at some point and failed--maybe the Moon Scepter is his next attempt at gaining access to the Dor, period?
  3. Another interesting idea--could it mask someone from an Awakener's Lifesense? As in, is the effect limited to the Cognitive realm, or does it extend to the Spiritual and mask Investiture as well (similar to a coppercloud)?
  4. I think we have a WoB stating that Kelsier's eye-spike doesn't grant any notable powers--which, considering Brandon, could mean that it allows him to retain his memory, since that isn't technically a "power" in the normal sense of Hemalurgic spikes.
  5. Except Yaezir has pretty much been confirmed to be Jezrien, so they're most likely Heralds. I like the thought, though! So...pancakespren? Lift would love that...
  6. What part of SH gives you that impression? I've only read it once, and not very thoroughly, so I'm not really clear on everything that happens in it.
  7. Considering that it slices through all three Realms, I'm guessing it would act against shades as it does against people. And I doubt the shades have enough innate Investiture to wield Nightblood for longer than a couple seconds, so in all likelihood they'd just shrivel up and die even further.
  8. Of course! That must be what Nightblood is about--it's secretly the Threnody novel at the same time, and it chronicles the adventures of our favorite sentient sword as it attempts to rid the Homeland of evil forever!
  9. INTP here, although my Thinker/Feeler ratio has decreased quite a bit from the last time I took the test...not really sure why.
  10. I think the only official answer we have at this point is "RAFO". But in terms of theorycrafting, I'm of the opinion that if someone managed to channel insane amounts of a splintered Shard's Investiture and had the right Cognitive identity, they'd be able to splice the Shard back together. It would take truly enormous amounts of Investiture to do that, though--possibly more than Vin channeled through the mists at the end of HoA--so there may be easier ways to do it. Or that idea might not work at all. (I mean, to do that with Honor, you'd basically have to gather all of the spheres, gemstones, and highstorms into a single area and somehow channel all of the Stormlight into an appropriate Vessel.) But if I had to put a Shard back together, that's probably how I'd go about doing it.
  11. Wasn't there a WoB somewhere stating that he actually based Feruchemy on that exactly? Something like, "It would be awesome if I had these powers. Ooh, I should make a magic system out of that!"
  12. Comics can be found here - https://sites.google.com/site/emeraldorderdnd/wands-and-wizardry - as well as some campaign logs and homebrew for D&D 5e. Good luck with your endeavors! If you need advice or want to share, feel free to PM me or just start a thread. I'll be waiting to see the awesome things you come up with.
  13. The Martian? "Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much." -Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone "I am, unfortunately, the Hero of Ages." -The Hero of Ages "This book is largely concerned with Hobbits, and from its pages a reader may discover much of their character and a little of their history." -The Fellowship of the Ring "Sadie Kane here. If you're listening to this, congratulations! You've survived Doomsday." -The Serpent's Shadow "The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose up in the ________. That wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turnings of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning." -The Wheel of Time series
  14. Hmm...obtain some sort of program that allows you to go through the videos frame-by-frame so that you can grab the perfect stills for your comic. If possible, watch your source material with the sound off and plan your storylines in advance. Don't be afraid to be completely ridiculous (it's a bunch of friends playing a TTRPG, after all. There is no "too ridiculous"). And if your first arc or two isn't great, don't sweat--you'll get better at it over time (and it's probably not as terrible to other people as it is to you). My biggest problem is finding time to actually sit down and work on the comics, so if you have similar issues, I'd suggest setting aside time specifically to make a strip or two. Otherwise it'll end up as one of those projects that gets halfway through the first arc and putters out. And above all, don't be afraid to post something you might think is slightly subpar. It's a comic strip; you'll likely be putting out over a thousand total strips by the time it's over and done. If some of them aren't great, then that's just human inability to obtain true perfection (and again, it probably looks much worse to you than it'll look to everyone who stops by to read it).
  15. Oh, we're far from normal here...veeery far from normal...
  16. I, personally, think this is a great idea. I started one a while back with the Harry Potter movies, and it's going along pretty nicely right now--and if I can do it, so can you! (Just make sure you post links so that the Shard can stare in awe in its glory.)
  17. Maybe the 11th lamp has been added by the Alethi in the years since the Oathgates fell out of use? Or maybe it actually has a purpose, and the Oathgate in Kholinar has special powers that we don't know about yet.
  18. I was actually about to mention Spinners, but I'd forgotten completely about the medallions--maybe Scardian casinos will have Coinshots or Lurchers posted at the entrances to make sure no one tries to take metal inside? These's also things like Soothing people's suspicion in poker and other bluffing games, so they may want to keep a Leecher on hand as well...
  19. I have a couple, although they may have been answered already: 1. Does the granting of powers via the Shadowblaze bear a resemblance to a Nahel bond? If so, how similar are they? (I suspect either a flat-out "no" or an RAFO) 2. Do they know about 5- and 8-point circles in-world and simply choose not to use them? Or have they never discovered them? 3. At what point does a Line of Forbiddance stop being a line and start being an oversized rectangle of chalk on the ground? (i.e. how high can you make a Line of Forbiddance extend into their air?)
  20. I agree with the sentiment that the Nahel spren don't have Odium in them, but I do think the Voidspren have a good chance of being exclusively of Odium, considering what they do when the Parshendi bond them.
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