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Everything posted by AngelEy3

  1. Mostly recently I completed The Black Company series by Glen Cook. I liked it a lot. It easily made my top 5 fantasy series list. That list is not too terribly large right now, but I am working on it rapidly. I read The Hobbit real quick for an easy short read before Oathbringer. Then I'm either going to check out the Dandelion Dynasty series, or Instrumentalities of the Night.
  2. Did you try playing on the regular difficulty? It can be rather mobbish more often than not. I've taken a break from it myself for around 2 weeks for mostly the same reasons. Recently I've been playing Starcraft 2 again. The coop missions are quite fun and so is the campaign. It's also now free to play (or will be soon)
  3. Still watching Star Trek: Discovery. It's my favorite show on right now. Too bad it's on break until January as of last night. Still watching The Orville also, but Star Trek has far and away been the higher quality show.
  4. Just keep at it. Somebody will recognize your value soon enough. Crazy. I have about 8.3 years of security experience. Really happy that I'm not doing it anymore either.
  5. 4 days to go! Give or take a few hours for the mailman. He's usually here by 9 on Tuesdays, but since I'm waiting I'm sure it'll be after noon.
  6. @Sunchicken @Darkness_ I'll probably end up going with the digital. My wife spent a bunch of money on a Canon photo printer a few months ago and I should be making better use of it than I have been.
  7. @Sunchicken @Darkness_ I took a few classes in HS and had a lot of fun with it, but that was almost 15 years ago now. I remember some of the terms, but I'd have to brush up on it before I got the hang of it all again. I do have space for a dark room, but no idea what the cost would be these days for chemicals and film. I'll probably do quite a bit of research in both directions before I get started.
  8. Not so much a pet peeve, but... Why don't physical copies of books have an option to include the digital version for a small extra fee? Like buying a Blu-ray disc. You can choose to buy just the disc, or you can almost always find one that includes the digital version for either the same price or just a few dollars more. So why not books? Let's say the list price is $24.99. Why can't I get both versions for say, $29.99?
  9. @Sunchicken Nice! Really cool that you were able to get such a clear photo while it was in flight. As an aside to how much I enjoy crows and ravens and the like, I've been working on The Black Company series for a few weeks now, and there has been no shortage of carrion birds. I've been thinking on getting back into photography. I used to dabble in school when I had access to a dark room, but modern digital tech sort of has me wanting back in. Especially now that I have a little more free time to do something like that. Any suggestions on where to start lookig if I want to find a decent entry level camera? My phone takes really good photos, but not at any sort of distance.
  10. I work nights... Not looking forward to this at all. 8 out of the last 10 years I've worked it in the fall and I've only had the spring reprieve 2x in the same window.
  11. @Ammanas I may have to take a break after Black Company. Especially for the 3-4 days it'll take to read Oathbringer. I'm still thinking about that LOTR reread too. Haven't done one since before Fellowship of the Ring hit theaters 16 years ago.
  12. Yes! I hadn't even bothered to see if he had anything in the oven. Not that I don't have the rest of his works to still read, but now I have another author's releases to look forward to. Sanderson, Erikson, Abercrombie, Eames, Durfee, Lynch, Rothfuss (if that ever happens.... I'll guess i'll just watch him on Twitch in the meantime,) GRRM, and now Cook. I'm sure I'm forgetting someone, but I'm lined up for a new book from a favorite author like once every 7-10 weeks for the next decade or so. Also, if @Ammanas ever suggests you read something, you should probably just go ahead and do it. He's like a curator or something. I haven't read a single book he didn't suggest since around April when I started Gardens of the Moon and I've enjoyed every single one. We're talking 20+ books. Guy knows his stuff. Assuming you like the same things I guess. I wish I had a movie critic so reliable.
  13. I would have thought in almost 24 hrs that more people than just myself would have bit on that obligatory upvote.
  14. Reading Water Sleeps by Glen Cook. It's like book 8 I think of The Black Company. Pretty darn good if anyone is looking for something to read. First book came out in the mid-80's and it's complete I'm pretty sure.
  15. Always off. Hard to rip or crease it that way. I do prefer hardcovers above other options. It feels more like I'm a wizard digging through some ancient tome or something. More immersive somehow, but only if they are giant door stoppers do I get that feeling.
  16. 1. I had just started a new job where I'd have around 5 hours of free time a night. I was at my local B&N looking for A World of Ice and Fire after having recently caught up with aSoIaF and found The Way of Kings discarded in front of it. I picked it up to move it and the front cover caught my eye. Then I read the back... Then I read the opening part with the Radiants... Then I bought it. 3 days later I was back for WoR. 2. Brandon gets to the point while also playing out the slow burn, and his twists are unreal. Through 80% of his catalog I think I've only guessed a major plot point less than a handful of times. He writes great characters and none of them feel recycled. Also, giant soul searing swords, ghostworlds, Allomancy, Breath, the list goes on. 3. Words of Radiance is for sure my #1 and then things get hazy. "Honor is dead, but I'll see what I can do." 4. 7-ish I think? Which puts him mostly ahead of the curve. 5. 9? 6. Brandon is the first author to inspire me enough to join the official fan forum or to even lurk around. Although... He is gaining competitors.
  17. All together now: "Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination." I just may start that habit myself. I usually go with scripture, but Sanderson might be close enough in some cases.
  18. SoS was my favorite of the 2nd era Mistborn assuming I'm remembering the scene in the right place. Could also be BoM.
  19. I've seen part of it once at a community dinner theatre production. They did it as a short scene change at the end of Death of a Salesman. I agree 100% I've been trying to push it on my younger brothers and they can't get past it "not being very funny." I also got the youngest one (23) to check out Battlestar Galactica with my Hulu sub... Noticed the first episode on my "resume" list so I checked it out. He made it 00:08:30 into the first episode before giving up. Kids these days... We have the same parents and 80% of the same school teachers, but they are like from a different generation somehow.
  20. @Ammanas Are you watching Season 4 of Sherlock?
  21. @Briar King that's awesome! It's my 2nd favorite show that's currently airing.
  22. I don't think some people appreciated the ham-handed approach they took to the whole "oh look, women! Isn't it marvelous?" thing they had going on. It's also why nobody complains about Sarah Connor or Ellen Ripley, but why everyone loses their crap about Rey. It's all marketing.
  23. @KnghtstlkerRed Green!!! It's been years since I saw that show.
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