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Everything posted by AngelEy3

  1. I used to have similar issues in school. Especially when the class took turns reading out loud. Not reading ahead when someone was stumbling over the words was almost impossible for me to do. It was the mental equivalent of having someone walking too slowly ahead of you with no space to go around. Or someone driving under the speed limit in fair weather.
  2. It's not really a gun. It's just another one of Wayne's costume props.
  3. Not sure if this has been pointed out, but..... Beyonce is wearing a Soulcaster!
  4. @officiumdefunctorum Glad you liked Malazan. I enjoyed it enough to buy a bunch of Erickson's other stuff.
  5. Looked into this guy, and he's got a killer awesome body of work going already. Everyone check him out. I only knew of a couple things he did, but yea, really good.
  6. I guess those things didn't bother me, considering I remember living through both situations. Lol, minus having awesome magic rainbow powers, of course. Keisha Newman, if you are out there on the Shard, I want you to know that you had the cleanest hair, and nicest voice in the whole first grade.
  7. @Briar King I've read all the Lightbringer books, which part of 3 didn't you like?
  8. So far, so good. On about page 90 right now. I really enjoy the flashbacks. The parts with Chains and the hideout really do it for me.
  9. My mom does the same thing. She'll leave out important details and when you ask for clarification, she gets mad that your "questioning" her.
  10. Bugg and Tehol are one of the most amusing pairs of characters I've ever read. The dynamic is great. Just finished Red Seas Under Red Skies. Really liked all the pirate stuff. Starting Republic of Thieves next. I have to say that reading them back to back, so far, has been a good time. I don't feel like I noticed any drop in quality. More like the story just continuing on, idk. Starting to feel a little bit like I'm not a very good book critic though. My only 2 judgments are pretty much "was it fun" and "did it drag too much?" I've either found an amazingly long string of quality stories to read, or I don't know my head from a hole in the ground, lol.
  11. Reminds me of a time that I was in a Schmidt music store, looking through sheet music, when this kid started playing Smoke on the Water on a guitar he was trying. Pretty standard visit so far... Until an older guy started playing the bass line... And then an employee hopped on a keyboard. There was no choice for me at that point but to grab a snare and start pounding it out with the rest of them. It was such a cool moment for a couple minutes that the kid's mom started crying.
  12. @Calderis @Mestiv Saw It this morning myself. Very good horror film. Unsettling in the way of some of the best King vibes I've ever had from an adaptation. This was at the theatre we went to see It at.
  13. That's pretty interesting. I wish titles got used more often. Like every nation should have a First Sword or a Destriant.
  14. Not sure about anyone else or whatever, but I gained permanent photosensitivity after taking some really hardcore anti-fungal meds for a bad run in with some nasty stuff in lake water.
  15. Finished Lies of Locke Lamora tonight, and I would recommend it all around. Round 2 starts tonight.
  16. Been playing FFXV again. Starting to get a little burn out on it again though...
  17. Barq's has bite. That's their slogan. To my knowledge it is the only commercial rootbeer to contain caffeine unless you start getting into specialty drinks.
  18. I have not read Dreamsongs, but I got it for my mom for her bday, so it shouldn't be too long before it's my turn to read it.
  19. Patches has to come with too... Oh oh.. You know. Oh oh oh.
  20. Another pet peeve of mine is people who don't say what they mean and then act upset that you "want to pick hairs" when you ask for clarification.
  21. I like your idea much better than mine
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