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Everything posted by AngelEy3

  1. These posts sealed the deal for me. Just added both books to my list.
  2. Jodie Whitaker is gonna be awesome. I've seen her in a few different things now and she's been really good in all of them.
  3. Sanderson comes in at 11 (counting the stories of AU as 1.) Steven Erikson at 10 GRRM at 9
  4. oh I do it too, i just get crabby because i can't get anyone irl to read a book.
  5. @Draginon I've often wondered if alternate name spellings come from the illiteracy of the parents? Sometimes it really really looks like they were doing their best to sound it out, instead of just looking rust up to begin with. Here's another one.... I hate it when you're trying to sell somebody on a book, and their answer is, "They should make a movie."
  6. The obvious joke for me is that nothing wise is happening in governments the world over, but that's just me.
  7. The English collective noun for owls is a "Parliament." based on the idea that wise people gather there.
  8. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Just watched my Way of Kings get Final Destinationed by a cup of coffee flung from my own hand after tripping on a curled up rug.... Only bright side is that it shielded WoR and Arcanum Unbounded completely from the blast zone. I blame Neil Gaiman. Had I not added him to that specific shelf, the coffee would have gone all over a beat up double I have of Last of the Mohicans. The pet peeve is that I've moved that rug 3 times in as many days.
  9. @Hood Cool! I finished book 10 last week. Best finished book series I've ever read, or my personal favorite at least.
  10. Rise from the ashes, Ye fallen thread. Anyone ever play any Total War? Most specifically Shogun 2?
  11. @Hood I may give that a try someday. I keep telling people that it doesn't work out for me to listen to them, but I haven't REALLY given it a fair turn at all. Plus this specific book keeps getting lots of audio praise. Does your name, by chance, reference Malazan?
  12. Perhaps an attempt at not hamstringing them with the whole "balancing police work and family life" gobbledygook? I'm way behind on detective mysteries in all mediums, but that was the first thing to come to mind.
  13. Indeed. About 20% into it right now. I like how it goes back and forth with the interludes. I've found young Locke's story to be the more interesting at this point.
  14. I get the extreme luxury of roughly 5 hours a night of paid reading time at work. I really enjoyed Midnight Tides. The Edur story was very well done. I'm starting Lies of Locke Lamora tonight. I've worked out SA to needing to start by October 7th to be done in time for Oathbringer.
  15. Just finished Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames. It was very fun to read, and the humor, at times, reminded me of a Wax and Wayne sort of vibe. Looking forward to more works from the author.
  16. AngelEy3

    Ask me anything!

    Straight cut or curly fries? Grapes or raisins? Crunchy or Creamy? Montegue or Capulet? Hatfields or McCoy's? Nestlé or Mars? Targaryen or Blackfyre? Sharks or Jets? Beatles or Rolling Stones? Pirates or Ninjas? Klingons or Romulans? Republic or Separatist? Saga or Screeching Eagles?
  17. I have that happen to me quite often. You can be speaking as cool as the underside of a rock and some people will always take you for being angry if you happen to be questioning or complaining in any way.
  18. When people at work don't fix a problem as it comes along. I work in a group home and came in tonight to a note about ants on the bathroom floor... Why not just crush and sweep them and then mop the floor like I did?
  19. That's a tough one... Depending on which day of the week or sometimes time of the day I would probably say either Final Fantasy 7 or Ocarina of Time. And if you asked at midnight on a Saturday I'd always answer Starcraft.
  20. @Ammanas Ice Hockey A little elbow grease and some good old fashioned colonialist empire. And magic swords. Can't ever have too many of those. Elves Sherlock with Cumberbatch is really all I've seen but loved it. I used to have an answer to that. I'm not sure anymore. I've been into Parliament lately, but overall I tend towards the more skilled grungy bands of the 90s or Heart.
  21. I like both pizza and fish sticks. However, I've not had the pleasure of trying them together. If it's anything like the melding of pizza and Buffalo chicken, then I probably wouldn't like it much.
  22. AngelEy3

    Ask me anything!

    Which do you prefer? Mistborn or Radiant? French Toast vs Pancakes vs Waffles? Boromir or Faramir? Hogwart's House? Imass or Jaghut? Full spectrum polychrome or highest heightening of breaths? Stephen King or Dean Koontz? Westerosi house? Edward or Jacob? Marvel or DC? Star Wars or Trek? Cylons or Skynet? (I have this fun theory about how BSG, Terminator, and The Matrix are all part of the same universe)
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