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Everything posted by AngelEy3

  1. Sounds exactly like the first movie to me.
  2. They may not know they are being manipulated? Cause if you know, then is it really manipulation? I seem to recall it being from Rolland's pov as well. Been a loooong time though
  3. Currently reading Blackwing by Ed McDonald. Highly enjoyable to me so far.
  4. I have all these on my shelf waiting for their turn. It's gonna be a good winter.
  5. @Ammanas In reference to your signature... If Erickson ever releases Gothos' Folly, I'll be very happy.
  6. 2nd time in two days I've heard of this "sabbatical." Checked it out and that sounds amazing. I'd love to take time off for a road trip and have it last longer than a week.
  7. Well done, sir. Well done. Lol, I got nothing but an upvote for you.
  8. Just tossing this out there, but the actual line is "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and the country for which it stands." Not that I feel it makes it any better. I just like my flag jokes to be well informed, lol.
  9. I got over not standing for the anthem or pledge in the 1st grade when the new kid was a Jehova's Witness. Besides, didn't JJ Abrams fix this issue already?
  10. I was able to read the ebook by 3am USCentral Standard Time when Arcanum Unbounded released last fall. I'm not sure how long before then it was available, that's just when I first checked.
  11. @Briar KingStill watching The Orville? Just watched the first episode of Star Trek: Discovery. Gave me the chills no less than a half a dozen times in 40 mins. Which is the only complaint I have so far, that it was only 40 minutes for a paid original streaming show. Luckily the first 2 episodes were released together. Time for round 2! There's a one week free trial available for CBS all access if anyone wants to check it out. At $6.99/month, it comes out to $1.50/episode just to watch Star Trek. Even if I don't watch anything else, I can skip fancy coffee once a month to get a little more Trek. That's a deal in my book. Edit: totally double posted.... Sorry. I might give myself a pass though since it's been 72 hrs.
  12. Lol, nope. Just married. I can totally see mom written all over my post though now that you mention it.
  13. Speaking from experience... Lol You start to feel less accomplished, and more like a gentled Camorri goat, when none of the projects are your own idea and everything weighing more than a cappuccino becomes your responsibility to haul around.... Or rearrange... Or open... Or reach... Or move over by the window and then move back where you got it from... And so and, and so forth, lol. Wouldn't change it for the world though.
  14. Just picked up a used copy of that for $1. I'm interested to see if it's as good as everyone says.
  15. Love Axis & Allies. Just played a game with 3 friends over last weekend, at a cabin, while it rained on us the whole time. I played as the Axis powers and each of my 3 friends played as an Allied power. In the end we were living in the World of the Rising Sun. They never stood a chance against one military mind controlling both Germany and Japan.
  16. Never read Night Angel, but Lightbringer is right up there with the high quality series. Just finished Republic of Thieves. Overall I thought it was good, but I really don't like Denna...sorry, I meant Sabetha... Or did I mean Denna? Not sure at this point, since they might as well be the same person. That being said, I look forward to The Thorn of Emberlain. If a story can get me this riled up, they must be doing something right.
  17. I am also waiting for the full release before I read any Oathbringer.
  18. I thought one had a conscience? That should have been "Evil Dead" cabin, like the horror film. I was careless with my titles, sorry. We went there to go fishing but it rained for 3 days.
  19. Are you? Or maybe she is? Muhaha! I went on a trip to my friend's old evil dead cabin last weekend, and there was a live raccoon in the outhouse hole.
  20. I agree. I'm excited for a movie. Every person irl I've bothered trying to explain SA to has immediately said, "that would be a sweet/cool/awesome/interesting movie/series." If even one of those people decides to pick up the book because of interest in a movie, I'll be happy.
  21. @Lost Owl Needs Tea I think the point of Stranger Things was to reconjure the feeling of the 80s. While watching it I got the vibe that Stranger Things was going for a Stephen King meets Steven Spielberg sort of atmosphere, and I think they nailed it. I felt like the funny parts of the movie were supposed to be funny, and the scary parts ended up being more unsettling than actually being "scary." That's also sort of the point too...it doesn't take the monster (It) very much work to scare the pants off of some 12-14 year old kids. I suspect the "scarier" bits to kick in with the adults in Chapter 2. Also, unless you've spent time familiarizing yourself with King's works, you may well have seen more than 3 movies and not known it at the time.
  22. @Mrs. Delightful FerringAlso, Stargate has Fabrials. SG-1 confirmed world hoppers.
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