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Everything posted by AngelEy3

  1. Ask and Ye shall receive.
  2. You know you're a Sanderfan when you see someone with track marks and think of Kelsier.
  3. I think my favorite was either The Heroes or Red Country. The oxen being Scale and Calder gave me a nice chuckle at the beginning.
  4. Yea, it was me... Lol. Only series I've ever stopped partway thru and for the life of me I can't remember why. I read Malazan after that. Decent memory on you though, I started Malazan way back in April.
  5. It's missing James Horner and Ennio Morricone, but otherwise pretty solid. John Williams is the indisputably great film composer of all time so far. In addition to Indiana Jones he's also written Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind, Jaws, Star Wars, Superman, ET, Jurassic Park, Hedwig's Theme from Harry Potter, and the Olympic Fanfare. That's just the big ones. Dude has more Oscar nominations than anyone but Walt Disney.
  6. I had been shying away from Shattered Sea cause of the description on his website that it's YA. But it must be at least halfway alright to get the Shadowthrone seal of approval, right?
  7. Just finished Red Country. I might have enjoyed it best out of all the First Law world stories.
  8. I did not know. That's awesome though. I'll check them out for sure. Really enjoyed what I've read so far of his.
  9. Speaking of writing speeds... Lol, this is from the front of Red Country from 2012 It's ironically funny to see Rothfuss complain about waiting for the next in a series.
  10. Happy birthday! I start feeling old around here and then you make me feel young.
  11. Starting Red Country in a few minutes. It was a tough choice between it and Kings of the Wyld. Went with Red Country cause I should really finish the series.
  12. I second Malazan. Bittersweet might be an understatement.
  13. Once Upon a Time in the West, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Tombstone, The Outlaw Josie Wales. All good movies that you listed too
  14. You did it @Briar King I had to go back to FFXV. Rushed through the end of XII this weekend. Deleted all my saves and starting completely fresh.
  15. Thanks for thinking of me! As always, the birbs are great
  16. B & C as reasons plus the idea of any fault rely on the assumption that its inherently wrong in the first place. Otherwise it's logically sound from your point of view, imo I always enjoy this topic Double post. Thought I was editing the last one, but I guess not. Sorry everyone
  17. Thanks for adding Salem's Lot. Forgot all about it there.
  18. I'd say the important ones to read are The Stand and Eyes of the Dragon. They both feature Flagg as a main antagonist.
  19. Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks ASOIAF by Martin Chronicles of the Unhewn Throne by Stavely First Law Trilogy by Abercrombie Malazan Book of the Fallen by Erickson Anything by Neil Gaiman or Stephen King. (maybe not anything of King's, but a whole lot)
  20. I will strive to also achieve this goal. Cause why not? It sounds fun.
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