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Everything posted by DarkJester

  1. Yes. Feel free to ask. Perhaps a glass of milk to go with those cookies. Cookies and milk do tend to work in Harmony...
  2. Welcome to the forum. Have you read any of Brandon's other works? Here. Have a cookie and an upvote.
  3. XD! Have an upvote because that might actually work for remembering some facts. Just to keep it going I'll add a problem. Problem: You have pancakes but no syrup...
  4. Ah! Nice list! I always forget about Rithmatist for some reason. I don't know why. It was probably my favorite of his short stories... ahh... to be so good and so useless at the same time... story of my life...
  5. @Manukos, I don't think your going to tempt many people with oatmeal raisin cookies... Ok... You might tempt me, but I'm odd. Try some white gold... errrr... I mean chip macadamia nut cookies. Those are great.
  6. That is a problem, and one I've experienced as well, but you've already solved your own problem. Your here at the shard. The greatest gathering of Sanderfans anywhere. We love talking about all things Brandon. (I know it's not quite the same... T-T) Problem: Your bike is stuck in a tree...
  7. On the plus side, those Dark Alley cookies have no Preservati(on)ves...
  8. Remember the devices in BoM that kept them warm? Remember there are always ways to stay warm. If a coat isn't good enough to keep you warm, there are devices made to keep you warm. You can buy hand and feet warmers fairly cheap that stay warm up to 10 hours. Long enough to make it through the day anyway. Problem: I'm stuck at work for 4 more hours! T-T
  9. Hmmm... @Manukos, you could string a needle through Wax(illiam) and kill two birds with one stone... You may Ruin your needle in the process, but I'm sure you could come up with a way to use it...
  10. *grabs a bucket of popcorn and sits back waiting to see how this unfolds*
  11. Depends on if that person is also an Edgedancer and slicked themselves against the wind...
  12. Secretly follows @Secrets to increase his paranoia...
  13. I was riding in a car and had nothing better to do
  14. Ok. For Brandon you have a lot to choose from. The Mistborn Trilogy was already mentioned. It is followed by four more books, (one of which hasn't been released yet...) that take place several hundred years after the first books. They are more entertaining in my opinion, mainly because the first three are pretty serious in feel, and the newer ones have a slightly more comical approach. I wanted to say lighter hearted, but honestly, there are some things in it that in my opinion are much darker than the first trilogy. All of which is good. Elantris is a great stand alone novel that will eventually get some follow ups. It's pretty good. There was a "natural" proses that would strike people randomly and basically turn them into gods. They could heal the wounded. Turn stones to bread. Instantly transport theirselves Hundreds of miles. All with a few flicks of the wrist. Then one night something changed and instead of being blessed with god like bodies and powers, they were cursed with undying bodies that resembled corpses. Bodies that never healed. Pain that never weakened let alone left. Forced to starve daily yet never die from it. It's an important book if you want to keep up with the collection of cosmere books. Then there is Warbreaker. It's actually free to read online from what I've heard. It's set in the cosmere as well. The society there worship the returned. People that have died and returned from the dead in forms that are again, god like. There is a war approaching. Everyone can feel it building, but who's to blame? Like a lot of Brandon's books, it deals with political intrigue, and has a pretty cool magic system. You have Arcanum Unbound that is a collection of short stories done by Brandon that take place throughout the cosmere. It does include Edgedancer. It follows Lift, who you met in Words of Radiance, leading a group of thiefs into a palace so that she could eat their food. It's a fantastic book, but read the others first. The Reconers trilogy is quite enjoyable. It's not cosmere, but it is still a lot of fun. Imagine a world where a strange light starts to shine in the sky one day, and suddenly some people start to develop super powers. Cool right? But wait. The powers corrupt the people that get them, and instead of getting a world filled with super powered super heros, you get super powered super villains. What do you do? Well, you form a small resistance and try to make them pay... Also if you liked the King Killer chronicles, there is a book of short stories by a lot of different authors called Rogues. In case you couldn't tell by the title, each author tells a short story about a rogue. Rothfuss just happens to be one of those authors, and he did his about a day in the life of Bast. So it gives you an extra glimps into that world and one of the characters, but you also have a sampling of other authors to try out and you may find some you like. It was pretty hit and miss for me. I didn't really hate any of them, but some were pretty good, so I do recommend it.
  15. After reading Secret History, I could easily have seen a scenario where the villains were reversed, and Ruin even mentiones it. What is preservation was the bad guy. He wanted to preserve everything the way it was. No death sounds good and all but there would be no growth. No new life. No change... What if he wanted to preserve us all as we were in a little bubble where time didn't exist and nothing ever happened. Ruin was trying to stop that because he's right. Death and destruction are natural things in order for us to grow, old cells die and new take their place. Old ideas change or die as new thoughts take their place. Ruin wasn't trying to end the world, he merely wanted us to be able to grow and follow the natural course of life.
  16. That's actually a pretty good question... Would heat mess with a hemalergic spike? Make it loose it investiture... I know the longer a spike is outside a body, the more power it looses, so cookies should be eaten soon after they come out of the oven... You know... To Preserve the freshness...
  17. So you wish to learn our ways do you? Fine. The first thing you must do is partake of the cookie offered to you by Secrets. Don't worry. It won't Ruin your appetite for knowledge...
  18. I have my own theory on it that I'll post later when I have time and all the points together. Basically though, I believe shard plate is a bonded Larkin. Bonded Spren become weapons and give the ability to draw in Stormlight, and a bonded Larkin becomes armor that makes use of that Stormlight. I'd say Rysn has already bonded her Larkin, but since she has no bonded Spren and therefore no access to Stormlight to properly completely the chain, it is just a Larkin and will remain so for now. I'd say Rysn will be the first to become radiant and to get her shardplate. As we saw Kaladin's big scene of getting Syl to become his sword, we will see a similar scene with Rysn becoming an armored radiant. That's my prediction anyway. But I'll start a thread later with more details so hopefully one day I can say, "See!! I knew it."
  19. Still, he only need to get airborne. I was just throwing out an example of how, but we've seen flying machines in era two. So getting a little distance from the ground shouldn't be too much of a problem. Shoot. Just leap from a tall building and level a city for that matter.
  20. Ok. I'm not sure what all we know of Autonomy. I haven't really looked into it much, but while reading this, it struck me. Have we already heard from Autonomy? I have seen posts that suggest that Autonomy is actually a dragon. I was also told the other day that the letter to Hoid in WoR was wrote by Frost, a dragon. Let's look at the letter... (Forgive me, I'm getting this from the audio version so I will probably butcher it a quite a bit...) I'll address this letter to my old friend as I have no idea what name you're using currently. Have you given up on the gem stone now that it's dead? And do you no longer hide behind the name of your old master? I'm told that in your current incarnation, you've taken a name that references what you presume to be one of your virtues. This I suspect, a little like a skunk naming itself for it's stench. Now look what you've made me say. You've always been able to bring out the extreme in me old friend. And I do still name you a friend, for all that you weary me. Yes I am disappointed, perpetually, as you put it. Is not the destruction we wrot enough? The worlds you now tread bear the touch and design of Adonalsium. Our interference so far has brought nothing but pain. My path has been chosen very deliberately. Yes, I agree with everything you have said about Ryse, including the sevier danger he presents. However, it seems to me, all things have been set up for a purpose. And if we as infants, stumble through the workshop, we risk exacerbating, not preventing the problem. Ryse is captive. He can not leave the system he now inhabits. His destructive potential is therefore inhibited, wether this was Tanivast's design or not. Millennia have passed without Ryse taking the life of another of the sixteen. While I mourn for the great suffering Ryse has caused, I do not think we could hope for a better outcome than this. He bears the weight of gods own divine hatred, separated from the virtues that gave it context. He is what we made him to be old friend, and that is what he unfortunately wished to become. I suspect he is more a force than an individual now, despite your insistence to the contrary. That force is contained and an equilibrium reached. You however have never been a force for equilibrium. You tow chaos behind you like a corpse, dragged by one leg through the snow. Please, harken to my plea. Leave that place and join me in my oath of nonintervention. The Cosmere itself may depend upon our restraint. Here we have a letter from a dragon, begging Hoid to remain autonomous in the events of the Cosmere. To join him/her in Autonomy... Like I said, I'm not exactly up to date on Autonomy and the info on him/her, but it was something that struck me. Am I off the mark on this one?
  21. Remember the oaths we all hold dear my friend. Journey before destination. You may have to travel an hour or more each way, each day, but remember your destination. It's not college, and it's not home each day. Your destination is a brighter future for you and your family. It's a career you can be proud of and a life worth living. Be proud of your journey, because it will determine your eventual destination. Don't dread your journey. Embrace it! Problem: Flat tire.
  22. I like that one. I could see this person being EXTREMELY intelligent. With compounded mental speed he could read a Sanderson novel in like 10 minutes and still have spare time to have it picked apart. If they were to turn towards more scholarly reading, they could hold the knowledge of the world in under a year, and apply it in ways never imagined... Scary indeed...
  23. Ok. I was looking around and saw some posts about twinborns and how the work, and it got me to thinking... What would be the most dangerous twinborn to have running around? Let's say he's a mad man. You can choose his goal. Might be world domination, might be world destruction. You choose. For mine, I'm going with a twinborn that doesn't care if he lives. He wants the world to burn. On top of that, he's double iron. He's spent years storing and compounding his weight. Say he goes out one day and fires a rifle into to air and makes himself light as a feather. He lurches up after the bullet, and after a little hight he lets go and starts falling. Moments before he hits the ground he poors all his stored weight into himself. He doesn't get bigger but he's unimaginably heavy. When he hits, it's like a meteor hitting the ground. Someone just dropped a mountain... So... Who's your mad man?
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