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Assassin in Burgundy

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Everything posted by Assassin in Burgundy

  1. But isn't that Cosmere? (I'm kidding. Please don't hurt me)
  2. Oh then that's probably her. Though Michael Whelan might not have based this off a character. The armor looks like Eshonai's, but the scene looks like the one where Dalinar killed a bunch of archers and saluted Kaladin. But at that point Kaladin didn't have a spear. So I'm guessing he just drew a mix of a lot of things. Also, you can use the @. It'll show up as @dead-moth.
  3. The main thing for me is that the sword perfectly matches Oathbringer IIRC. If there's a description of Eshonai's sword that would be key.
  4. I've always assumed that it was Kaladin and Dalinar. Some people say that it's Eshonai but I wholeheartedly disagree.
  5. Great drawing! When I originally saw this, I thought Kaladin was holding a gun
  6. Yeah! I've already read WoK 25 times, but what the storms! This sounds fun
  7. Yeah it's legal. Murica, land of the free and weapons.
  8. - Harambe is cloned and returned to his zoo, preventing all further memes - Fidel Castro comes back from Damnation in a tiny rowboat he escaped with after the Devil became a dictator.
  9. Guys I'm scared. There's this place where this homeless person lives. There's a bunch of cardboard boxes there and everything. And now there's the case for a storming 18-inch serrated machete. I'm scared.
  10. Wow. @Amanuensis great job. I never would have suspected you. Same with you, @Wonko the Sane And Nyali wasn't actually a traitor? Wow. Didn't see that one coming. Good job to all though.
  11. Oooooh I got a joke David Charleston made a good metaphor
  12. Baby ones are fun. But I've had to release them into the wild after they got too big. I still miss little Eddie Kenway. (Upvote for people who got that reference)
  13. I'd describe him as a self-righteous, cocky bastard. He doesn't care if he's going to live or die. Death smiles on us all. The only thing we can do is smile back. And he definitely does that.
  14. @Amanuensis I voted for Doc because his evidence didn't make any sense. It looked like he was an Elim looking for excuses to lynch me. Sorry.
  15. Wowowowowow. You have a rare, elusive thing called talent.
  16. Or it could be that that's what the Elims want us to think. I'm guessing you and Nyali are the last Elims.
  17. Recently I was playing an MMO at my friend's house. For those who don't know, it's basically a video game where multiple people play on the same map at one time. And so that got me thinking. If I was burning bendalloy, how would that affect the game? Would other players slow down or would my character get really twitchy or something? I don't entirely know how online games work, and help would be much appreciated.
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