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Assassin in Burgundy

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Everything posted by Assassin in Burgundy

  1. Question: With the Bondsmith's Adhesion power, do those people have to decide who to vote for together in the thread or PM, or does the Bondsmith's get to choose who they vote for?
  2. As a general rule, I disagree with C1 lunches. They're pretty much pointless and are mostly just a shot in the dark. At this point, we don't have any compelling evidence against anyone, so IMO we should just hold off until we can actually find an Elim. As a side note, I'll be a bit inactive as I'm in Canada and can only log on when I find free wifi. I might be able to make a post or two a cycle.
  3. I'm going to Canada for a few weeks. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to access wifi but either way I won't be posting much. Would this kill me via inactivity?
  4. Going to Canada. I checked the weather a few days ago and it was -16 degrees.
  5. If this is active, then yay. If not, I live in Tacoma, Washington, United States, Northern Hemisphere, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy, et cetera et cetera.
  6. Often online, we're completely different. And since most of us will never meet in real life, I ask this. What are you like in real life? I have two mood sets that vary randomly. The first one is usually when I'm tired or I have stuff to do. I'll be more methodical, quieter, and thoughtful. I'm much more introverted and don't interact much. The second occurs less often. I'll just be happier. I'll have a swing in my step, I laugh and smile more, and just generally feel good. I'm much brasher and much more extroverted. I guess you could say my mood Waxes and Waynes So, what are you like? Response appreciated.
  7. Arinian's been acting weird lately, and I don't really have any other suspects except Kynedath a bit. Arinian. We will lunch you
  8. This kind of gives off Elim-y vibes to me. Mostly a gut feeling, but I think you're just looking for excuses to fly under the radar. Joe. EDIT: Crap, cycle ended. Sorry bout that.
  9. I'm going to Canada for winter break! And the temperature there is -16 degrees. Wonderful.
  11. I'm on to winter break! Aaaaand I have a metric crap ton of homework.
  12. How would they have added a vote without it being recorded? There is that one thing they can do, but isn't that only once per game? They probably wouldn't have used that up in the first lynch, especially if it's only a chance one of them would get lynched.
  13. Your rep title currently being Torturer of the Heralds is so fitting. 

  14. Joining the Shard. What's your favorite forum subtopic? As in General Discussion, Cosmere Theories, et cetera.
  15. A cage. Again. No matter how nice it was, it was still a prison. Fjord realized this. Others didn't. But they hadn't been imprisoned in a perfect prison. He still remembered the days, back when he was trapped in that house. The collector, that treated him as a house cat. He was a Khajit. And he would escape this cage. He'd done it before, and he would do it again. Even if he had to claw his way out of it.
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