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Assassin in Burgundy

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Everything posted by Assassin in Burgundy

  1. I'm sorry, is it wrong to defend yourself from getting punched? Because what it sounds like to me is that if you try and disprove the evidence set against you, then that obviously means that you're an Elim. Like seriously, it's not like the villagers should defend themselves! Not at all! Doc.
  2. We need a word for people who haven't read things by Brandon.
  3. No, I was actually being serious when I said that. I thought Arinian was Araris's game name or something. I'm sorry. But yes, I don't know why I feel this way, but I just don't want to die. Weird, isn't it? Especially when you know you're a villager and you want to actually try to survive this time now that there's a game as awesome as this. But yeah, I'm sorry. I know how irrational it is to not want to get lynched. I should really get that checked out. EDIT: At this point I'm probably gonna die. 1, will I be able to use my lerasium bead before I die? I really want to know what it does. 2, when I die and it's revealed I was a villager, the sound you will be hearing is my dead body saying "I told you so."
  4. I'm going to withdraw my vote on Araris and vote for Arinian. Sorry @Araris Valerian, I thought you were the same person as Arinian. Since a number of us already find Arinian suspicious, I voted for you because I thought you were him. I'm sorry. I retract my suspicions of you.
  5. I was mostly referring to Ookla the Paranoid when I said that. But to explain my earlier post, @Jondesu, that was basically saying "Hey. I'm here. Please don't lynch me for being inactive now." I've had experiences with that in past games, and I'd rather not repeat that. EDIT: Also, what's with the orange thing?
  6. Both @Ookla the Paranoid and @Araris Valerian are suspicious to me for voting on me for no real reason other then a "gut feel." Correct me if I'm wrong, but this seems like they're both Elims just trying to kill me off. So Araris. Straw, you aren't off the hook for me. Enough people are voting for Araris that we can kill him.
  7. It's my unclever way to say "I have no idea what's going on due to Thanksgiving backlash but I'll pretend like I know what I'm talking about." Sorry. Lots of relative craziness and stuff.
  8. Sorry for my absences, @Clanky I'll try to pay more attention. I'm going to hold off from voting just because I'll probably screw it up due to my inactivity, and as Nyali pointed out, a few more mislynches could cost us the game.
  9. On the Ookla the ______ day, I invite all members of this guild to change their names to Ookla of the ______ (Insert your guild color). This is completely optional but I thought it'd be really cool.
  10. Ookla the Colorful. The Assassins in Technicolor Clothes must rise again.
  11. Anyone else get the feeling when you open the door to your front porch? And there's a package? And when you open it, there's a copy of Arcanum Unbounded in it? It's an amazing feeling. On the day after Thanksgiving, I'd like to say I'm thankful for the Shard. I'm thankful for the awesome community all of us have helped build. And I'm thankful for Brandon's amazing books, something we can all get behind. But most of all, I'm thankful for two-day shipping. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go finish Edgedancer.
  12. @Wonko the Sane, I am a little bit suspicious of Jondesu, though that's a bit prejudiced due to MR17. Basically all of my suspicions are more of gut feelings, so I'll hold off from voting until I actually have some evidence against them.
  13. Shouldn't we all be exploring? Cause for us to win we have to find the Heart of the House and kill it. Exploring does create Elims but there's no way for us to win if we don't find the Heart. So we'll just have to deal with the consequences until we find it.
  14. "Well, I'll make an exception," said the Assassin King. "You will be the Assassin in Gunmetal, even though I'm fairly sure guns don't exist on Roshar yet. Rise, and spread the word. We are growing. Those who help will be rewarded."
  15. I agree. Using a "@" is much more effective since they'll get an actual notification from it. Poke voting basically does nothing.
  16. Szeth-Daughter-Daughter-Neturo, Truthful of Shineyvar, wore burgundy on the day she was to find an artifact. The burgundy was a First of Sun tradition, and foreign to her. But she did as her employers required and did not ask for an explanation.
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