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Assassin in Burgundy

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Everything posted by Assassin in Burgundy

  1. It'd be next to impossible, but it would be amazing if you did one of Shallan's drawings of shard plate.
  2. Wow. Great job. You should try the other KR symbols.
  3. Ok then. So I read the last post and it seems pretty easy to turn him kinda more violent, which is kinda what I want. Is he aligned with the City Guard?
  4. I'm sorry, was "There was an invasion of murderous panda bears" intentional?? Also, was that the most recent post by Florist?
  5. Ok this'll be the third time I post a character here and hopefully this time I'll actually do something with it. So I'd like to make an Epic who's able to make plants grow ridiculously fast and control them and stuff. Her name's Rowena Vallete, and is slightly insane after her house burned down when she was twelve, killing her parents. Now she has a personal vendetta against people who cause burning, but is fine with almost anyone else. Thoughts? EDIT: Also her Epic name would be Cypress.
  6. Does anyone know photoshop? Cause I'd like to put a Santa hat on my avatar but I really have no idea how. Anyone willing to help?

  7. When you have more followers now then you did pre-glitch...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. soyperson


      @Mesa the Ookla am I generally regarded as having many followers?

    3. Assassin in Burgundy

      Assassin in Burgundy

      Basically. To me at least you're like Twi or Kobold when they first started, or at least what I think what that was like. 

    4. Darkness Ascendant
  8. Grandma got run over by a reindeer. What's your favorite relative-title?
  9. I dreamed I was a Mistborn. And I accidentally got myself sucked into a jet engine. Then I woke up. It was sad.
  10. He wouldn't be able to do the pewtermind thing without flesh. He would need to have some muscle mass to do anything.
  11. But if you could melt off his flesh and then have the aluminum cool around him, then his skin wouldn't be able to reform, basically killing him.
  12. That would literally be the easiest person to talk to in history.
  13. When you have more followers now then you did pre-glitch:
  14. My one response is this *In Pete Seeger voice* Where have all the followers gone, long time passing? Where have all the followers gone, long time ago? Where have all the followers gone? Glitches have taken them, every one. When will they ever return? When will they ever return?
  15. *In Pete Seeger voice*

    Where have all the followers gone, long time passing?

    Where have all the followers gone, long time ago?

    Where have all the followers gone?

    Glitches have taken them, every one. 

    When will they ever return?

    When will they ever return?

  17. It's actually been made! It consists of "I am a stick" written 72 times. I'll try to find the link. EDIT: I can't get to it because my phone's spazzing out, but find the "Deleted Scenes" section of Brandon's website and it's there. On a side note, here's the Coppermind article.
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