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Everything posted by Neithan

  1. Ouch. That's the absolute worst place to have missing pages.
  2. @dbmeboy See Peter’s response to this post
  3. OB chapter 118 makes it seem almost certain, to me, that Nightblood has an aluminum sheath.
  4. US Hardcover page 407, paragraph 5: "they went there automatically. and those who" "and" should be capitalized. This was an easy mistake to make because the Stormfather speaks in small caps.
  5. Is 1200x800 enough? I believe this was just from the Tor cover reveal post.
  6. Search results should have a maximum preview length. Having to scroll through a State of the Sanderson in search isn't fun.
  7. It might be helpful to be able to sort searches in different ways, such as by date ascending or descending
  8. I don’t think anyone has yet mentioned this quote from WoR: This is from HC page 846.
  9. I got it, but can’t decide what to do with it. It looks awful on the bookshelf—even the font on the spine is different:
  10. That rope thing is done in the Dragonsteel Bridge Four chapters, but isn’t mentioned in The Way of Kings.
  11. Early on in TWoK, it is stated that he bridges are “over 30 feet long,” so 60 feet seems unlikely.
  12. How can Sadeas’s bridge crews push bridges over chasms without the bridges falling into the chasms? Pushing something that heavy over a chasm should result in it falling in unless every chasm is very narrow. The crews aren’t described as doing anything to the bridges to hold them up while pushing them.
  13. I just printed out the changed scene and stuck it in my hardcover. That's not a perfect solution, but it's better than reading a paperback or ebook.
  14. from HC page 495: "Gaz sputtered as he grew near." Doesn't "drew near" make more sense? There is another place in the book (I can't remember exactly where) that has the phrase "grew close." This seems odd to me.
  15. In most of Brandon's books, when he mentions Isaac Stewart in the acknowledgments, he puts a random symbol over or replacing one of the letters of his name. For example, in The Dark Talent, the Ts were replaced by umbrellas (Isaac S☂ewar☂). Is it known how this started? I've been enjoying looking for this in all of Sanderson's books.
  16. I'll take it however Rock does it. To think I'd want a cookie. Airsick lowlanders!
  17. I've read every published full cosmere novel. I still have a few novellas I have yet to read. No thanks about the cookie; I'd rather munch a koloss head.
  18. There are lots of other references to other non-Sanderson books and movies. There's Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Quentin randomly says "Churches, lead, very small rocks, and ducks."), the Princess Bride (According to Wink, "Never get involved in a land war in Asia"), and The Lord of the Rings (Alcatraz says something like "I might have to send a character to Valinor but I'm not going to marry Rosie").
  19. I discovered Sanderson just a few months ago, and I've already read most of his books. I don't know how often I'll come on this site.
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