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Everything posted by IntentAwesome

  1. From Way of Kings, pg 332 Kindle edition, "To speak of what might be is forbidden," the voice said. "To speak of what was depends on perspective." Emphasis mine. This is during one of Dalinar's visions, and Honor is speaking as Taffa, one of the women in the vision. Also, "Now, as the Truthwatchers were esoteric in nature, their order being formed entirely of those who never spoke or wrote of what they did," from WoR, pg 297. I do think that Cultivation and Truthwatchers are good at seeing the future, and i think that it is unlikely that Truthwatchers bind voidbringers, but what I'm questioning is what are the consequences of speaking of the future. Why did earlier Truthwatchers never speak of what they saw? Why did Renarin just write numbers on a wall (he can barely write glyphs) instead of telling somebody? Why does Honor say it is forbidden?
  2. I'm not really aware of what theories are out there on this, but if I remember correctly, Honor says that to speak of the future is forbidden, not necessarily to just see it. I think in one of the epigraphs it also talks about how the truth watchers were pretty tight-lipped on whatever they saw. I wonder if speaking the future somehow gives odium an edge, or maybe it is forbidden in the oathpact.
  3. Rock would make fun of you all. "Is not heavy, is lighter than bridge, air-sick lowlanders."
  4. To take this back to Wayne for a moment: could his be how well he controls where his speed bubble is and whom it affects? It's been awhile since I've read this, but I can recall several situations where Wax and Wayne are very close to other people, but Wayne only brings in Wax. I imagine the same is very true when Wayne is using speed bubbles to fight. To only catch one person in a speed bubble in the chaos of a fight seems challenging.
  5. I think he might be a little bit busy with a desolation on his hands to write a book right now.
  6. From what we know so far about Oathbringer, I think Kaladin's path will take him to Kholinar. I can easily see him having to take the lead in stopping the riots and restoring peace there. I imagine he would be reluctant to do so. We have seen him take the lead militarily, leading soldiers, but this would be something entirely different. It would be leading civilians, an entire city possibly, and would mean that he would have to become a societal leader as well as a ranking officer in charge of soldiers. It would most likely remind him of being a citylord, which we know he has good reason to hate. I think his next oath will come out of this struggle.
  7. Based on Brandon's response to that question, I've just had a thought. What if someone in-world is writing a book about Dalinar, titled Oathbringer. Navani perhaps? That's something I could see her doing.
  8. Lopen has stuck--to a wall, a couple of times. Sorry, also couldn't resist.
  9. If I recall correctly, he only wore glasses in the surgery because they were too expensive and difficult to replace to risk using them all of the time. Yes: "He rarely got them out except for surgery, as they were too valuable to risk just wearing about. What if they were scratched or broken? Hearthstone was a large town, but its remote location in northern Alethkar would make replacing the spectacles difficult."
  10. You're right. If I recall correctly, Kaladin was meeting with Dalinar when Sadeas was killed, but will they be able to pin the timing down well enough to prove that? Kaladin could easily have done it right before or right after that meeting. Judging from the guards' reaction to Shallan in Urithiru, and the fact that the Radiants' betrayal has been deeply indoctrinated in these people, I would say that Kaladin's Radiant status is more likely to make people nervous about him and his motives, rather than trust/revere him. I think it is enough for them to maybe not openly go against him, but not enough to remove suspicion. And, yes, Kaladin has repeatedly saved the King and the rest of the Kholin family, but is anybody else really privy to this knowledge except the Kholins? Did Sebarial witness his fight with Szeth? Dalinar is making strides politically, but it's still not clear that he has all the highprinces behind him.
  11. Namely, alive. Does anyone else think that Kaladin is in trouble? Just hours after Sadeas' murder--and likely before the murder was even discovered--Kaladin takes off with a bag full of valuable spheres. Kaladin has a known grudge against Sadeas, has demonstrated publicly that he's fond of the idea of revenge, and has proven his fighting capability and his resourcefulness. It seems like he is the obvious culprit. I think Dalinar trusts Kaladin too much to immediately suspect him. But the other highprinces? And if Kaladin gets delayed on his trip to Kholinar (much like Shallan's extended stay in the Unclaimed HIlls), then it may seem more and more like Kaladin split. And will Adolin use this as an opportunity to divert suspicion from himself? Or will he feel guilty about betraying someone who has repeatedly saved his life?
  12. Aseawanah! I figure that means hello on some planet, somewhere. Got to, right? Anyhoo, I first read Way of Kings about a year ago on the recommendation of a friend, and I haven't really stopped reading Sanderson books since, though Stormlight is still my favorite. I've also been stalking 17th Shard for the last year, but I've finally decided that I have some theories of my own to discuss! Are they wacky, unrealistic, and totally off track? Probably. But here goes anyway. Oh, I'm supposed to be introducing myself. Ah, right. Well, I work as a web/content editor. I like to say that I'm a writer, but really I'm barely at the level of part-time enthusiast (heavy on the enthusiasm, light on...well, everything else). Maybe that will change—someday. Mostly, I just enjoy the Cosmere and want to discuss!
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