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Jazzy Kandra

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Everything posted by Jazzy Kandra

  1. I'm pretty sure that it wasn't that long after...but I'll have to find where the timeline WoBs have gone off to...which will probably take some time (I might just pm you later because I have a lot of work to do right now).
  2. Whether or not it is met to be in this case, I'm not going to say...
  3. Ah. Indeed. A thorn of Endowment is possible! I mean, spike, of course I mean spike. And thus, it is completely possible for a "clever" person to con a Shard. That is, take their god metal and blame everything that's gone wrong on said shard (without said shard even being involved). How to start a war between the gods for fun and profit! TM. Or just because you can! I think that Roshar is warm enough (well, some of it is) for her not to need to do so...maybe.
  4. Ah, no. Warbreaker happened shortly after the first Mistborn trilogy. Nightblood was created three hundred years before WB, or six hundred-ish years before SA 1-5. The Wax and Wayne series happens between SA 1-5 and SA 6-10, so, yeah. Pfft. No, but they're obviously not the same person. C'mon. xD
  5. Sel has probably gone through it by the time that the five scholars were active. Elantris happened like 600 years before Mistborn, and at that time, Sel was already in a Ren/Ref/Age of Exploration (in our world, all those things happened around the same time) era, so it's rather likely they have had an Industrial revolution by Mistborn 1; and probably by the time the Scholars went worldhopping (300 years before Mistborn 1). Though, tbh, the Scientific Method was technically in the early Enlightenment Era (from mid-16th to early 18th centuries, people like Galileo, Bacon, Descartes, Newton, etc) created it, and well, the Industrial Revolution didn't really start in England until the latter half of the 18th century (and they were all dead by then). So..., arguably, the worlds really shouldn't have needed to be in the Industrial Revolution era yet for the Scholars to learn this information, but yes, that's beside the point...xD
  6. Because VenDell is a bit insane vain about looking good...or something. Idk. I still think he's an unique kind of crazy. Still think the guy would've gotten along with Kell quite swell...(they're both insane cads!). xD
  7. It could always be an aluminum knife, of course, that could explain the fact that it doesn't glow... Or maybe, seeing as Nazh is a Threnodite, it's made of silver from Threnody (which would make sense, but as Argent says, a heavily Invested metal should glow...though we don't know if that silver is that highly invested or invested at all...). Who really knows. If it's made of said silver, it's far more interesting that nothing bad happened to Kelsier while holding it, given that he's just a cognitive shadow...:P
  8. More awesomeness. Literally. xD Why do I find this far more troubling than reassuring? I guess it means Zahel either talks about her in vague terms, and/or we'll get more from his P.O.V. I really doubt we'll see Viv though, but you never know...as it would be relatively easy for her to be around still (either through acquisition of enough Breath or the strange techniques that other, non-immortal worldhoppers use...) That fits how my weird brain understands Identity...nice.
  9. Wait, what did I say? rust. I must have said something wrong. I really really didn't mean to say Edgedancer? Did I say Edgedancer? Oh, right. Sorry, I thought that...Wow, I'll just have to cite every single WoB in the future. *rolls eyes* But please, let's shame me for forgetting to do that...D;
  10. Seeing as Bavadin won't really be a P.O.V. character for awhile, and won't show up on scene until at least the Lost Metal (I also believe that the new Windrunner is, in fact, the guy who's going to be Drehy's boyfriend...since said boyfriend is supposed to be introduced in Oathbringer...and yeah), I don't believe that Bavadin being genderfluid or non-binary is off the table. She might be, she might not..., but if she is a dragon...shapeshifters like kandra and dragons may have quite a different perspective on this than their human counterparts (for one, their species probably never believed in a gender binary in the first place...) There are others who can explain this better than me, though.
  11. So, I have this game... And Kelsier came to my plaza. Which of you is it? Seriously, there is no way this is just a chance...(nintendo's system isn't smart enough to link kandra to kelsier) >.>
  12. Possibly, but I think that the mining/removal of aluminum from volcanoes was a fairly new process. Somethings, like farming techniques, canning, clockmaking, etc. did advance, or just advanced a lot slower, and I believe that taking aluminum out of volcanoes is one of these slow but steady advancements. Oddly, when we view the Final Empire from a history of technological advancement perspective, it's rather similar to medieval China in a lot of ways, though both the FE and China advanced in that way for a lot of different reasons. This conclusion also doesn't lead to a lot of large spoilers either, since, that's something we kind of already concluded as possible (even though we don't know what it would do...)
  13. *cocks eyebrow* Now I wonder if he's going to smile and RAFO my question about VenDell too. Again. I thought that time on reddit was just a fluke. Dangit, I didn't think that would be RAFO-bait, but now I wonder... :/ Anyways, I think that it being an Atium spike wouldn't bring up that many spoilery questions (other than about what Blessing it gave). ReLuur is said to be one of the oldest kandra still around (third generation), and I think the Lord Ruler would've been more likely to experiment with it at this point than later on, I think. Also, I seem to recall that atium can give any Blessing (I believe it was mentioned in HoA or something), or I might have jumped to that conclusion because it can steal "any power" and thus seemed like a pretty logical guess. None of what we could figure out about Atium Blessings really would lead to a lot of big spoilers, by conjecture I think we can perhaps, now, rule this one out... Ha, so that leaves us with Marasi being right (which would lead us to a lot of questions, but seems unlikely), or Marasi being wrong and the spike was made of something like chromium or aluminum (Blessings seem to come from base metals..., but even if they don't it's likely that a rare, silvery metal would be it), both of which are silvery metals, and are silvery metals that are unlikely to be found in larger qualities given their rarity in most of society. Of course, if it's either of these, that would beg even more questions than if it were just pewter. Those kind of questions would be pretty big spoilers in themselves,* because the LR did not have access to large qualities of aluminum and did not have access to chromium. So, my guess is it's not Atium or pewter, and that it was either something very rare in the Final Empire or that they could not retrieve it because they didn't have the technology to do so. If it's one of the latter two, it could lead to some fun questions (I think they're fun, at least): But all these are kind of insane...and please, take those with a grain of salt, I'm half-joking with some of them... That would be sort of insane...*mutters*
  14. I believe that this has gotten asked, and RAFO-ed, before, though. @Dirigible If you ask the VenDell question (or not) it's fine by all of us, I think. Argent can just ask why Wax, who knows kandra can't be metalborn, accuses VenDell of being metalborn instead...if he wants (okay, this part is a joke). xD
  15. Hmmm, I guess Kelsier despite being an arrogant bastard whose grandiosity knows no bounds, really did want the LR (or somebody who wasn't him, but there aren't many Fullborn around for some reason) to have the credit. Heh. *sigh* So much in BoM is just super strange, especially considering that revel in SH...
  16. Well, given that the southern metalminds would make access to the local Investiture even easier to come by eventually (anyone can use them, in a similar vain to how anyone can use a fabrial), we could add this to the mix. I know we don't have a concrete timeline for these essays, but enough time seems to have passed that Scadrial has recovered and is notably technologically advanced for it's day. I think that means it's likely that these were written around the time of Era 2, so, Khriss knowing about the Southern metalminds seems likely. I'm going to guess Khriss is likely talking about a combination of those metalminds and, Ferrings, Mistings, Twinborn, Feruchemists, and Mistborn (I've excluded Fullborn because there's only been two, and it seems highly unlikely that another will just pop out of the woodwork); since being one of these things for a Scadrian is probably about as likely as a random individual becoming a KR on Roshar. Yet, said random individual, with the right knowledge can still use a fabrial on Roshar, just as a Scadrian can use a Southern Medallion as long as they know it's a metalmind since they have the right knowledge. (Don't take this comparison further than it should go, obviously the magiteks aren't that similar, though, hehe). That means, access-wise, both planets are about equal. Power-wise, well...maybe not so much. However, all twinborn have two intermingling Investitures which create unusual effects similarly to what the KR do with their two Surges. I don't think Khriss was thinking that Scadrians were equal in strength to the Rosharans though (I believe the quote Yata used doesn't even suggest that), just that they had similar levels of access on both Roshar and Scadrial.
  17. So, what do you call a Spike of Endowment made from the Tears of Edgli? A thorn.
  18. I think they can also follow the law of the country that they're in, as well, there's different ways to view which law one is bound to, your country's or the location you're in... But, in Szeth's case, it seems to be his people's laws. I think, for others, though, the oath's could be seen differently depending on how they see the law itself...
  19. I think Edwarn was saying that it had a triangular shape to it, more than that it was a triangle, though. Some Aons have triangles, but it just depends on what they were seeing, too... Also, I believe the implied imagery is that they're three symbols within three circles. I think. xD
  20. So, this is about the three weird symbols/circles, at least, I believe it was three. Good evening. This topic will delve into my favorite activity... PURE SPECULATION. Anyways, in Bands one other thing (of many, but let us not go into that again) has kept bothering me since reading the book: the door with the three weird symbols which Wax has to Push on in a certain order to open said door. What's weird, here, is this: ~BoM, 324 No one really seems to know what those are or what language they are from. While Suit knows what order they should be pushed in because he talked with the Southerner captain (331-2). So, for the fun of speculation, where do you people think these symbols are from? They're probably not from the South (Allik would've recognized them), the North, or, presumably anywhere the characters know... But, there's some hints in the text (maybe, if you pull on it certain ways) as to what they are: After Wax Pushes the first symbol, Edwarn tells him to Push on the second one: ~BoM, 332 This seems to hint that these weird symbols are circles with a symbol inside them (or something like that). A part of me says that they're Aons because that would be Aonic* or some weird symbols from another world, but the rest thinks it's just some meaningless bullcrap that Sovereign made to play with the expectations of his followers (and the readers). Finally, according to Edwarn: "Apparently these symbols spell out something the Lord Ruler would have understood." (333) So, thoughts? *that is not a pun on ironic; seriously. That would be bad. ** Also, I wish I had called this the Dor Mechanism now. Oh well. xD
  21. It would basically serve as a live-stream recording, I think? Except if there's some method where you can just record it then share it later, but idk. But that's probably not the best idea in case some information accidentally gets released that shouldn't be...or a fan asks something that might verge on private/they just don't want to share, both have happened in the past, so, it's best to use older methods to record it.
  22. Yes, I feel the same way a bit, it might be why I prefer MB over SA at this point... I hope, though, that not all Knights end up being 'redeemed' or even 'good', anyways. Some of the orders seem more morally ambiguous than others, even ones like Lightweavers (I could see some interesting characters fit into it; not all of whom are nice) and Skybreaker (which is lawful, but not necessarily lawful-good). I think he's going to be the Interlude novella character, while the Part 2 one will be our new Windrunner if said Windrunner is a POV character at all. So, considering the direction that Eshonai went in the Interludes in WoR, he might be fine (I mean, certain that he's doing the right thing despite that it doesn't align with what others think is the right thing, too).
  23. Did you chose your username for Ecthelion of the Fountain or the (two) Ecthelions of Gondor (the stewards)? :P 

    1. Ecthelion III

      Ecthelion III

      I chose the name because of Ecthelion of the Fountain, though I added the III because of the 2 stewards, So kind of both, I guess?

    2. Jazzy Kandra
  24. Moash acts as a wonderful foil for Kaladin. You're right. That might be why I like him so much. xD I'm not really sure we've had a redemption arch in the cosmere (which interests me, maxal). For SA, I'm also unsure that Eshonai (who, I don't think should be blamed for her actions, given that she didn't have a lot of information, it seemed better for her to go than another, and she was, arguably tricked) or Szeth (who might just stay on the side of 'evil' and being used by others until the very end where he gets a smidgen of it in the end (when he does the right thing).
  25. I...don't think he necessarily has a redemption arch coming...(or so I hope). Personally, Moash seems like the kind of guy whom thinks his actions are good and from his POV they seem good, but is actually in the wrong when it comes to the larger picture. He is sympathetic, but not necessarily right either. Protagonist (in his parts) doesn't have to equate to goodness/redemption...Though, it'll probably be up to the reader to decided if he earned a bit of redemption are not. It's kind of like the Lord Ruler in HoA. Just because Sazed thinks that LR was good/earned redemption by creating the safehouses, doesn't mean the reader has to agree with him. (I don't. Rashek was still villain, even though slightly lesser one than originally thought.) So I guess I'm hoping Moash ends up being rather grey, comparatively...:P
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