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Everything posted by PeterAhlstrom

  1. It's not legal. The problem here stems from Wikia articles having a blanket license that allows publication, and a Wikia had some of Brandon's blog posts on it. That Wikia corrected this a while ago by putting a different license on those blog post pages, but apparently that company didn't get the memo.
  2. Calamity will be in 2016. The Rithmatist 2 probably won't be until 2017, but it all depends on when Brandon writes it. Stormlight 3 is 2016. Alcatraz 5 maybe 2016 too.
  3. They won't be back-to-back, since Shadows of Self will come out after Firefight and before Calamity.
  4. Yes, Chris McGrath is doing the cover again.
  5. Production on the last few books (such as Words of Radiance) has been too rushed and stressful. We are now aiming for a 1-year production time as a general rule. And that starts when Brandon sends the second draft to his editor. And that's the draft that Brandon just finished, so, November 2015 is what we currently project. The decision is up to Tor though. But they are already planning the cover design.
  6. The red-headed attendant who is Jasnah Prime's ward is named Shinri Davar. Brandon considers her to be not the same person as Shallan at all, unlike Merin who he does consider to be the same person as Kaladin, if his life had gone differently. She has a completely different plot from Shallan's. In Prime, Jasnah is much more of a main character than Shinri is. Her plot is my favorite in WoK Prime, though I do enjoy various aspects of Merin's plot. But I definitely have to agree: Merin is much more boring than Kaladin. When Brandon decided he didn't have the writing skill yet to pull that book off before he wrote Mistborn instead, he definitely made the right choice. Way of Kings Prime is a mere shadow of the Stormlight Archive to come. But it's an interesting artifact.
  7. For everyone else wanting to buy Altered Perceptions, it's not out yet, but it will be out within a few weeks. Backers get it early. It's in the 6th chapter. It's not a huge thing, but it's something I knew would interest you. Originally Brandon said to include 5 chapters, but we snuck an extra one in, for that reason and one other reason.
  8. New post: These 6 chapters are being released on Brandon's website in the run-up to the Oathbringer released. They previously appeared in Altered Perceptions, which had a limited release. OLD POST: For the IndieGoGo backers of Altered Perceptions, it went out yesterday. Has Feather finished reading yet? I made sure something was included in there just for her.
  9. In the UK, the trade paperback is one volume and the mass market paperback is split. So the mass market says part 1, part 2, part 1, part 2. In Germany each one is split and there is no united volume, so it's book 1, book 2, book 3, book 4. Actually we told them that it's better to split Words of Radiance into 3 books than 2 (the split points make much better narrative sense that way), but I don't know if any of the countries are going to do that.
  10. Borrowed Princess Jellyfish DVDs and am very much enjoying them. It's a different type of show from what I usually watch, since it has no genre elements other than characters who are huge geeks about very specific interests.
  11. I've been a brony since 1984, but I'm not caught up on the most recent episodes.
  12. The only holdup was bureaucracy. The videos themselves are the same.
  13. Essentially, Subterreanean will release Legion: Skin Deep as soon as their books arrive from the press. That should be before the end of November. We'll put out the ebook right around the same time.
  14. I'm a bit exhausted with books and shows where people are mean to each other. So I'm going with happier shows for now. We had been stalled in Girls und Panzer. Watched 3 episodes last night and enjoyed it. Only the final episode is left. (Skip the recap episodes...) We also watched the first 3 episodes of When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace and Your Lie in April. So far so good. Your Lie in April is definitely more ambitious. I'll compare it to Chiyahafuru at this point. Good characters and an interesting look at a competitive specialty, with a guy who has quit for some reason. (I never experienced Nodame Cantabile, so this is my first look at this artist's work.) Of what we're already watching, I thought the juxtaposition of Log Horizon and the new Sword Art Online arc is interesting. Both are doing a major quest raid. In SAO they have like half an hour to complete the quest. In Log Horizon they've been at it for weeks and it will take more weeks to complete, dying and trying again and again, refining their tactics. Totally different understanding of how MMORPGs work.
  15. Brandon says it's an idiom leftover from centuries earlier.
  16. This story is only in the MAG supplement. There is one episode in the novel Alloy of Law. This story has all the other episodes that have been written.
  17. I still haven't edited the second half of the annotations...
  18. The statements are not related. He had instruction because Shallan and Kaladin both told him how they breathed in Stormlight.
  19. Typos usually get fixed in the next paper printing. I tell them to fix them in the ebook too, but I really don't know if or how quickly that happens.
  20. Don't bother looking for errors. It's a first draft.
  21. Actually this is a very important step. But it could still fall through.
  22. The general rule when you do a Basic Lashing is that it replaces all other Basic Lashings (including the planet's gravity) on you or the object. The default Basic Lashing strength is 1 Roshar gravity. As you get more practiced you can use partial lashings or multiple Lashings, or (Kaladin does this accidentally one time) NOT dismiss the previous Lashings entirely, so that different Lashings are pulling in different directions. But usually when someone does a Lashing, you should assume that Lashing's effect is the only "gravity" that currently exists for that person or thing.
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