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Everything posted by IndigoAjah

  1. Dalinar has a part of Honor's power, and thus a part of his Intent, which is Unity, I think. Similarly, if Kal were in a similar position (impossible as his Spren is a less large and intimate bit of Honor, his powers are spread over more Windrunners etc) with a suitably placed Storm, being over the Singularity etc, he would form a Subshard called Protection, I think, and Shallan might be Imagination or something, Nalan Justice etc. he's clearly not a Full Shard, but he can still be invested enough to Ascend, similar but different to TLR
  2. I think maybe Cultivation was on Roshar, with Parshendi and Spren. i agree that it seems Honor came with the humans, as "no emotion" doesn't sound like it can be Odium to me, unless we've missed something in the definition or the Parshendi were wrong. I think they came from Ashyn, which we know is post cataclysmic. The had an original war. Then Odium swooped in and once again took advantage of competing Shards, and corrupted some humans and Parshendi. but almost any combination of peoples and Shards seems possible
  3. The thing that wasn't explored that I would have liked more of was the Sadeas murder affecting Adolin more- but I think that's still to come. Just because he's ok and Shallan is and Dalinar with it, doesn't mean it won't have consequences when someone finds out. I'm split on the Helarán thing. On the one hand, Shallan getting over it and understanding and still hating Amaran makes complete logical sense from the POV of all involved for numerous reasons. The only slight complication is that Shallan is mentally struggling and I thought that might cause her to be more irrational about it, but in a way it's nice to have a book like this without every possible chance taken for a misunderstanding to occur (something I wish Jordan failed to take the opportunity for a little more often)
  4. I saw that review and thought that it revealed a relatively poor insight into either series' ideology
  5. It would be interesting as well because all 3 have amazing in fight intuition and creativity (Kel's approach to the Inquisitor with a cloud of steel, Vin blinding Inquisitors or guessing how to counter more Atium or even Atium vs no Atium, Wax with his railgun shoot the bullet move). If it's not a pure Steel fight, it's worth considering that presumably the two Mistborn would get access to Chronium and Bendalloy too which would be really quite useful. And Duralumin
  6. That's just my impression, based on little other than gut feeling and the sense of doom around the situation and Kal's unwillingness to find the words
  7. I'm not sure that we have seen the end to any of these issues, Sanderson's characters tend to carry issues across books and lapse into them at unexpected times, much like real people would
  8. I'm not sure it was- I think he would have to have let go of Adolin to contextualise the Words
  9. For me it was a good book: clearly a few ideas mirroring Mistborn but used in a different enough way to remain interesting. Interesting things to say on colonialism and the arrival into the new world, and both sides of conflict, which are new themes for Sanderson. A lot borrowed from Wheel of Time as well, but again I think the direct and the characters used are fundamentally different enough that we will see significantly different results to similar problems faced by our heroes. It certainly seems that Odium's ability to harm, like the Dark One, is largely linked to people giving him permission to do so. I wonder if that's needed to Splinter as well? The frame of mind of Shallan makes me worry that she in particular could be vulnerable to manipulation into allowing him to do this. in terms of too many revelations too soon for the series- I am fairly sure that a lot of this book's revelations, in Sanderson style, will be very misleading and there is a lot to discover still. Certainly, how the original humans were surgebinding pre-Roshar and exactly how Surgebinding works as an interaction between Shards is now very interesting.
  10. This all comes down to guns and whether Vin or Kel can deal with those. That huge technological leap is by far Wax's biggest advantage- his weight is useful in a direct pushing contest that will NEVER occur. If the Mistborn can dodge his bullets, in close quarters he stands no chance at all
  11. There's a limit to how hard any Allomancer can push. Wax can increase his weight exponentially but that doesn't exponentially increase his Push power
  12. As for Wayne, I like Evan Peters
  13. Agreed, Mistborn is made for miniseries- 6 episodes or so per book I'd say. And Fantasy Mini-series are hot property right now. As for the magic, use Khriss for that, like the compendia at the end of each book, maybe in an American Gods like section at the start of each episode?
  14. Everyone refers to the hypothetical metal of Harmony as Harmonium, but based on the other God Metals it would in fact be Sazedium. Now, Ettmetal is sometimes thought to be a candidate for this metal and has new unique Allomantic properties. It also explodes in contact with water. Much like Caesium. Sazeium in fact. Is this a deliberate joke by Sanderson or a red herring or neither?
  15. I'm sticking to Mark Strong for Marsh... Also found my new Wax, and it's Pedro Pascal
  16. As a series: Discworld. Out of the above - the Kingkiller Chronicles so far but some close ones there as well. Stormlight has the potential to edge it
  17. Honor and goodness and different approaches to morality and ethics would appear to be one of Brandon's big themes for SA. I can't wait to see yet other aspects of it. So far we see keeping your word (this binds Kaladin, even where one aspect of keeping his word was obviously unethical) being key to Honorspren, the fixation on Law by Nin, on Truth by Cryptics, and so on. I wonder if there are 10 aspects distinct enough to explore? But the words of the oaths so far seem ethical and moral as well as honorable, so interesting to see what happens. we've also seen ethical codes like deontology, utilitarianism and others pop up and clash. It's a good ground to discuss these aspects (which Mistborn touched on differently), and in that respect it's already excellent Spec Fic
  18. I frequently think about how things go badly when I can handle them but strokes of really vital good luck can come along when really needed and wonder if I'm storing and tapping Feruchemical luck. I'm not sure where my Chromiummind is though
  19. This topic is inspired by the best scenes topic. One of my favourite scenes is Kaladin coming in to help Adolin at the arena, but every time I read it I long for a scene from the PoV of those watching Kaladin, a Darkeyes with only a spear, jump in and the two hold off and beat 4 Shardbearers. Another scene I'd love would be one from Adolin's PoV whilst Kaladin is in prison, putting together that Kaladin's claim against Amaram was true, and deciding to give him Full Shards. What are yours?
  20. A few obvious ones (lots of Kaladin, my favourite being either when he says the Second Ideal, or when he jumps into the arena to help Adolin - even if he balances that out with his foolish impetuosity a bit later) But less obviously for me was when he gives Shen a spear And the Shallan flashbacks where we see the gradual breakdown of her father
  21. Matter and energy are interchangeable. THe energy still has an effect in the physical realm and the actions leading to its use have their source in the cognitive and so the use of the repulsors would still be predictable to Atium
  22. Sharpness would have nothing to do with it. She just needs to get the shots to the right speed and they'll get through anything. Anchored Duralumin Steelpushed bullet sized metal would be enough, and even without that she can easily close down on Tony, dodge anything he has and get the few Pewter blows she needs to give him an extradural and severe internal bleeding with pulmonary contusions without having to even consider actually cracking his armour, something I also think flared Pewter would manage in a prolonged set of strikes.
  23. Really? With Atium? If a Mistborn has enough Atium, unless the other person does Vin's trick, they are pretty much guaranteed to win against something mortal without Atium Agree that Tony can easily make his suit immune to Steel and Iron. But as for getting through the suit, Vin + Steel + Duralumin plus a tiny metal object = railgun. She could get through pretty much anything equipped properly. She can also flare Pewter or use that with Duralumin, and I'm sure that will do some damage to his suit, and if not then cause internal injuries However, if both get to plan a lot, Tony actually probably would win. Vin is a great improviser and acts on brilliant instincts and the ability to quickly discern things, make intuitive leaps an formulate a plan on the fly. Her planning in advance doesn't often work, unlike Stark.
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