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Everything posted by IndigoAjah

  1. Also, Ashyn (1 n, sorry) is the first planet from the Sun in Roshar, then Roshar the planet, then Braize (which acts like Damnation, in how the Voidspren and Heralds go there), fitting the theological story of humans coming from the Tranquilline Halls (driven by Odium? By the Voidbringers, i.e. Themselves) into Roshar and then the risk being driven to Damnation (Braize)
  2. Same system. Post cataclysmic. Known to have had humans living on it.
  3. It's implied but ambiguous- the unfeeling god mentioned could be Odium or Honor, but WoB saying Cultivation and Honor there longer than Odium implies (with Occam's Razor) that it's Odium
  4. Would be really cool if this were somehow a post-death revenge plan from Ambition herself!
  5. There is a difference between accepting the sacrifice others make (and their choice inherent in that), triage (accepting your limits, the Serendipity) and what Amaram does which is placing the destination ahead of the journey and sacrificing others to get there. Kal doesn't understand this yet. Amaram never could, and uses that misunderstanding to throw accusations of "not so different" at Dalinar, but he is wrong. The same is true when people compare Jasnah's cold prioritisation to Amaram's selfish sacrifice of others to further his ends. Jasnah's approach is another version of the Journey, a moral path, almost anathema to Kaladin's but consistent and logical and there. Amaram's lacks any morality and as Kal reminds him in their final battle, he himself knows it even if he can't accept it.
  6. I think the OP is likely correct and there is likely a degree of those rational categorisations of Allomancy applicable to all Cosmere magic
  7. The Light is metaphorical and represents connection to and favour from Honor and the Spren, IMO
  8. It will be about the serendipity to accept those that you cannot save- key for Kal at the end of Part 3 and Part 4, something he knew was the Words but has never been able to make himself accept, and links into 1) his past experiences esp Tien 2) being a soldier 3) being a doctor/surgeon (and his memories of his father, in fact his issues with this may well starts with the fall out of this aspect and Roshone's son) 4) most importantly a KEY aspect of being a leader (which is where we think the remaining ideals will go)- sacrifice of others and not always just himself. Also pleasingly something he can learn from Dalinar and also his own father which will be nice
  9. If The Nightwatcher is to Cultivation what Stormfather is to Honor, does that imply the third Bondsmith Spren is of Odium?
  10. Obviously they need to find Miracle Max! which reminds me, I sprinkling of the Princess Bride in the Kholinar section!
  11. It uses his catchphrase, refers to his servants, refers to 2 intents and being new to godhood. It doesn't need a WOB, IMO, it's beyond all reasonable doubt, I think
  12. I think Fortune is capitalised because it's a pancosmeric quality like Investiture or Identity or Connection. In the Cosmere it has more tangibility (not quite the right word...) than mere luck
  13. Some (I agree) reckon the second of the three letters is Bavadin because it's quite hostile to Hoid, sounds like a hive mind that would fit Autonomy as a Shard, and talks about involvement in multiple worlds which fits Autonomy as well. or else it could be the Ire
  14. I'm gonna say it's a spike-gem combo. Spike to damage the soul and steal Connection/Investiture/Identity, gem to store it without leakage and with more practical, almost metal mind like, access
  15. Shallan's mental state is all over the place in this book. She has the tools to fix it, but like Kal she can't quite yet. And I like that these characters (and others) can't just have a single revelation and then "develop" past their problems. Because that's not how these things actually work
  16. The HSQ is getting high now and with so many Worldhoppers about and Saze's reply to Hoid, I think we are gonna see some proper cross-planet stuff maybe as early as book 5
  17. Again, Sanderson is taking a bit from WoT here, so maybe One True Threesome on the cards? (I doubt it, but it would be a bit cool)
  18. The Passion idea does fit with the theology of Roshar though, and has interesting potential interactions with a lot of characters (e.g. Nale), and fits his offer to take ownership of people's pain. Seems odd that hes acquired Odium as a name then, though... I'm split on this. if true it makes me think of the Morah though (from the Wind on Fire) and I think does make him more interesting. I just struggle to believe that type of character, esp when he gives off a serious Shai'tan from Wheel of Time vibe
  19. We've seen Shards show a false version of themselves to humans before (Ruin, TWoA), and we know Odium was still holding back, so I think the first bit of the theory is a big presumption.
  20. To be fair, whilst I think it's likely true, Odium saying he is more than just hate is by definition a dubious source
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