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Everything posted by DeadFencer

  1. Are we currently allowed to post spoilers for Bands of Mourning and/or Secret History in the main board if they aren't in the titles of threads? Do they have to be spoiler tagged? Or are they still confined to the separate boards? Sorry if this is answered elsewhere.
  2. I'm so hyped for book five. I've waited years for it. I really liked the original four, and was always dissapointed that another one didn't come out. These were the first Brandon Sanderson books I read. They're great, and I will be entering the children's section of a bookstore to buy the fifth this June. Sorry for this unecessary post, I'm just so hyped.
  3. This does work well with early drafts of The Final Empire, where the magic system was based around creation and destruction, not preservation and ruin. It also works well if the metal-creation ability is Harmony's magic system. It's assumed feruchemy is harmony's system, but that's officially the interaction of ruin and preservation. We've never seen a shard made from two merged before; maybe the new shard gets its own magic system unlike the system from prior interaction between the shards. I don't know.
  4. Yes, mistborn can sense any metal's reserves in them, even if it isn't Allomantic. My question was, can Mistings sense reserves of metals that aren't their own?
  5. In addition, it's possible that whatever mass/weight thing feruchemical iron stores could be used to give the spaceship a mass of zero, allowing it to go "at least" the speed of light. That would be very potent when combined with bendalloy.
  6. My question is: are Misting able to burn other metals, but it makes them sick, or can they not burn any metals but their own? I'm under the impression it's the former, since we've only ever seen Vin, a mistborn, try to burn a non-16 metal.
  7. I think the biggest flaw is that Wax looks uncannily like Tom Cruise.
  8. Um that sounds like the best book ever. And I could see Brandon Sanderson writing it. He hasn't been rude about his religion to anyone, so we shouldn't be rude to him about it.
  9. So basically a one in three chance of dragon
  10. Do we even know the original Shardholders weren't dragons
  11. Well, those statistics are based on right now, the first time that LGBT people have been in the public eye. Look at how more youths identify as non-hetero: it's more acceptable, so more will appear. I feel like we can't use modern statistics to determine how many people "should be" heterosexual. However, even if those statistics were somehow accurate, they still wouldn't be useable for Scadrial. The people of Scadrial aren't humans. They're a species created by two Shards based on the humanoid inhabitants of Yolen. We can't assume they even have the same internal organs as humans, let alone ratios of sexualities.
  12. So WoB establishes the Enhancement Metals (specifically duralumin and aluminum) aren't as useless as they seem. Everyone and their mother has a theory on what this means, so what's one more? I suggest that Aluminum and Duralumin (at least) can actually enhance/ reduce feruchemy as well as allomancy. With Allomantic uses of duralumin, it allows for a quick burst of power. Feruchemy has no upper limit on flaring, so that wou don't do anything for it. But what if using duralumin and a metalmind allowed for a sort of mini-compounding effect? Like, the power of the duralumin was used with the feruchemical power, like how compounding works. It would be plausible that no one discovered this yet due to the low number of Twinborn and the assumed uselessness of duralumin.
  13. Yeah, keep in mind that bronze (which allows seeking) is an alloy of copper. Without copper you can't seek or hide Allomancy.
  14. The problem is that evolution doesn't work that fast. Things can't adapt to temperatures (in a way that restoration to normal temperatures would kill them) in 1000 years. Even if Scadralians have magic super-fast evolution somehow, that would mean they could just adapt to the normal temperatures as quickly as they adapted to the high ones to survive those. Maybe we're looking at this the wrong way. Maybe it's not the fact that the Southerners were used to warmth, but that they were at the South Pole. Rashek moved them all there, and it was warm enough to survive due to his moving the planet. When Sazed fixed the planet's orbit, he didn't move the Southerners away from the pole. So it wasn't that they were adapted to heat, it's that even normal humans would die if suddenly stuck in South Pole temperatures. I mean, they managed to survive in the North without brassminds. Maybe they don't like the north's temperature, but can survive it.
  15. I was thinking about having storing determination kill you by making you unable to stop storing (for my post on how storing all of a given attribute at once would kill you for most metals) by then I realized something. Eventually the metalmind would fill (probably quickly if you're storing a bunch of the attribute at once) which would stop the storing for you. So you'd be fine as long as the metalmind wasn't too big.
  16. So Southern Scadrial didn't have 1,000 years of technological stagnation like the north did, right? And they also had no Allommacy or Feruchemy to focus their research on. So does this mean the Southern technology that isn't related to Allomancy is really advanced? I mean, Scadrial was just before the industrial revolution when Rashek came to power. It stands to reason that if that was the rough equivalent of 1700, then the South should be at about a 2700 tech level. Even if we assume the ecological disasters slowed things down, they're still centuries ahead of the North.
  17. Pedantic comment time: Rashek's strength was greater than that of a Lerasium Mistborn. He modified his sDNA to have even greater power than Lerasium gave.
  18. The Bands of Mourning we see in the book are the bands the Soverign used. He (probably Kelsier) had access to all 32 powers, yes. However, he was not TLR. No matter how long he had been compounding, TLR's 1000 years of it would provide more power. At some point, there existed feruchemical bracers containing that power, which was a far larger source than the bands of the Soverign. Are these other bands still in existence? And can we truly call the Soverign's bands the bands of mourning?
  19. Well I mean the Southerners are going to look different physically. The skaa were a group created by TLR, and were described as having an olive complexion. Intermarrying with nobles (who probably didn't look that different) and Terris (who made up much of the population, so most everyone has recent Terris ancestry) over the last 300 years kept distinct ethnic groups from developing in the North. Basically, Northern Scadrial has no history with different racial groups and different cultures. It makes senses that some tension could occur when southerners and northerners interact, especially if first contact was made by The Set. To clarify, that isn't a good thing, just a possible outcome of Set-Southerner interactions.
  20. I'm pretty sure investiture only gives you more health if you naturally have Breath.
  21. Why would investiture allow for temperature resistance?
  22. So the Southerners are able to use the metalminds of other partially because of a metalmind is filled while the storer is also storing aluminum, the metalmind's power won't be keyed to any specific Identity. This requires the storer to "go to zero", or store all of a given attribute (in the case Identity) in the metalmind. However, previous books established Feruchemists cannot store all of an attribute they have at once. They can, for example, store almost all of their strength, but not all of it. This seems like a contradiction. I propose, however, that Feruchemists actually CAN store all of a given attribute. It will just kill them for most metals, which is why they thought it couldn't be done. To support my theory, and because I have too much time in my hands, I have compiled a list of potential side effects of storing all of a given attribute you have at once. Speed: the body needs to be able to move so blood and such can move. Everything in your body stops. You die. Weight: this you can store all of. However, you'll never be truly weightless, since you'll need a metalmind on you to continue storing. Senses: this one seems to not kill you. Maybe you can't recover your senses if you store all of them? Strength: unable to resist pressure of atmosphere. Crushed to death. (Someone with physics knowledge- does the atmosphere require constant resistance by humans like this?) Mental Speed: brain unable to send commands to body. Brain death. Warmth: instantly freeze to death. Breath: instantly suffocate. Food/Energy: instantly starve to death. Health: instantly die of disease/ viruses inside your body. Determination: you entire body loses the will to do anything. Lungs stop pumping. Blood stops flowing. Heart stops beating. Fortune: crushed by meteor. While being hit by car. While dying of mysterious spleen-exploding condition. Connection: lose connection to human experience. Die a death of humanity, which is in itself the most human thing to do. (Okay, this one I have no idea for. Maybe you can go to zero for connection) So that's about 4 of the 16 metals you can survive storing all of an attribute in. Of those, 3 weren't widely known until recently in Scadrial's history.
  23. The plant wants you to think it passes away. In actuality, it survived the Catacendre, because it was really a worldhopping agent of a Share. Which Shard, you ask? Obviously Cultivation. The implications are staggering. If Cultivation had agents on Scadrial, that means that the figure known as Trell is not Odium, as is commonly thought, but Cultivaton.
  24. Determination is electrum. And yeah, a determination ferring would be cool. Frankly, either Allomantic or feruchemical electrum would be nice, since we haven't really seen either. I mean we technically saw Allomantic aluminum in HoA, but it was for a few seconds and was confused by the fact that what Vin saw changed because the inquisitor was burning atium.
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