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Everything posted by Ardjet

  1. A quote from when Dalinar was talking to Renarin in The Way of Kings Chpater 18("Highprince of War"):
  2. If I recall, there was a point in the books where Shallan allegedly gets Soothed. I will try to find the relevant material when I'm not on my phone. EDIT: Here's one@ http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/32611-was-shallan-rioted/?hl=%2Bshallan+%2Bsoothing#entry282988
  3. I suppose not that part, of course. You also mentioned that text comes after the prelude, so thus not really part of the chapter. But Desolations are recurring(as are a lot of other things, when I think on it), and who can say that Kalak and Jezrien won't be at the end of the books or not? Not saying this is my belief, just trying to keep ideas and options open. Or, could it be possible that the chapter is in pieces throughout the two books? That would be mean, but very likely to keep us fans from puzzling it out too early.
  4. Ardjet

    Classic Trell

    You get an Upvote for this. I've been reading the Malazan books(just finished Deadhouse Gates, actually), and I kept getting tripped up whenever they mentioned Mappo is a Trell. I'd pause and think "But how d-oh, right. Different Trell."
  5. What if the last chapter is the prelude to Way of Kings? The one with Kalak and Jezrien, immediately following the Desolation? It would make sense to end with a major desolation, and it would also tie the series in a neat little circle.
  6. I feel that an upvote is something you should do when you feel it's right. I upvote when I read a post that makes me genuinely think, smile at a creative idea, or read some confirmed information I haven't read before. Speaking of, I thought I upvoted you for you original post about this Chouta/food talk. But I didn't. I will remedy that now.
  7. This is getting really awesome, guys. I hope we can get more info on it in the third book. Perhaps Brandon Sanderson can throw in a few more mentions of food for us to gobble up(Sorry, I couldn't resist). I'd love to see more authors develop their living, breathing worlds the way Sanderson does, by thinking about what would be important to characters outside of plot, like eating and latrines(i.e. Dalinar using his Shardplate to burrow a latrine in record time).
  8. How long is this debate about semantics and age going to continue? This thread is supposed to be about Dalinar's flashback scene. Can I ask that this age/details debate be taken to another thread? I keep checking this thread because I see more posts and more pages, only to be disappointed and frustrated to find it's just another page of bickering.
  9. Making up recipes from books sounds like a great idea. Really fun, and it has the potential for amazing friends/family . Honestly, I've always imagined chouta to be like a donair, and Herdazian food in general to be kinda like Spanish or Turkish food, in a broad sense. I agree with you about Lavis. In my mind it looks like barley or even risotto. Not sure about the other, but given that there are chickens in the world, I'd lean more towards something else. Though, Rosharan chickens could resemble our sheep as far as meat goes. You never know.
  10. I actually thought this as well, assuming the huge figure was Eshonai and the sleek alien one was a Listener in Stormform. But yeah, on top of those not really matching, Kaladin fought Eshonai at the Battle of the Tower. He'd recognize the Plate. Another mystery to ponder!
  11. First off, thank you for posting this. It isn't a view or opinion I've seen expressed about the Stormlight books before. I can certainly understand why ypu would feel uncomfortable with such an emphasis on eye colour. I believe, personally, that the theme of colourism is something of an observation or parody on similar problems in our real world. I'm not sure how much you have read, so I will try not to spoil anything. But there are many characters in the books who demonstrate and discuss how eye colour does not and should not matter. Likewise, there are characters in the series who believe very strongly in the difference of eye colour. Just like in our world, there are many who do not care what colour someones skin is, and there are people who unfortunately do. In this I feel that Brandon Sanderson has set the stage for a change or shift in his world. At least I hope. The series is still far from finished. What I might suggest is for you to perhaps observe how the characters who don't care about eye colour interact with others, especially of different eye colours. I hope that those characters will give you a more positive message. Hopefully this helps, and again, I'm happy you came here and shared your opinion!
  12. If memory serves, it was when Relis attacked Kaladin, and Kaladin did that Action-Movie moment of sliding on his knees and catching the blade between his palms as it descended.
  13. This amazing. Even without the rotating head I love it. Though that video is completely trippy at the end. Exactly what I'd expect from Pattern. +1!
  14. Or perhaps Radiants could "get more"(runs out slower, takes less to use Surges, more potency) out of stormlight from gems that match their Order's dominant color. Perhaps Windrunners would be the most efficient with using light from sapphires, for example.
  15. Hey, all. Just a fun little idea I had on my commute to work. Do you think the colour of gem Stormlight is contained in has any significance? Colour can often impact our moods and flavour our thoughts. I wonder if the same holds true on Roshar, or if the colour of gem/light has even other effects(other than the obvious Ten Essences, Soulcasting, etc.) Anyone know if Stormlight and colour has been asked/discussed before? Could make a fun re-read, noting the colour of Stormlight in each scene and how people act.
  16. As to the first, I believe it means they do not die. I imagine in the scenario you described, the flamespren would simply revert/retreat completely back in to the Cognitive Realm, until another flame attracts them strongly enough.
  17. Kabsal is the spelling. Just FYI.
  18. About the whole: "Kaladin!" Syl's voice. "Stretch forth thy hand!" She zipped around him, suddenly visible as a ribbon of light. "I can't. . . " Kaladin said, drained. "Stretch forth thy hand!" thing. I, too, find it jarring every time. But the second time she says it, to me it sounds like she's exasperated and impatient in typical Syl fashion. As in, "Stretch forth thy hand!" "I can't-" "Argh! Kaladin! Stretch forth thy hand, idiot!" kind of way. When I read it like that, it makes me chuckle and softens the blow.
  19. Just throwing out an idea that keeps coming back to me. No real basis in fact or research. But going off the fact that the bodies of Preservation and Ruin both have a Physical aspect, what if Shardplate is the physical body of Honor? After all, no one knows how to replicate it. The closest people have come is half-shards. It would also explain why it regrows when given Stormlight. Anyway, just a thought. Stirring the pot and what-not.
  20. Looks awesome! The world needs more Stormlight fan art like this.
  21. Wow. I was JUST thinking about starting a thread for this this morning. This is from the Coppermind page on keteks. I'll post my own if I can manage some inspiration while at my desk. Edit: A little rushed, but here goes: Clouds approach/the sky darkens/howling winds/darken the sky/and approaching clouds.
  22. I actually had the same thought a while back, when thinking about Shardships for the scifi books(and drooling at the thought). That if Atium was Ati's body, why couldn't shardplate, or more specifically the material shardplate is made of, be Honors body?
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