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Everything posted by Unodus

  1. In a game where suspicions are very hard to justify- yes, I am guilty of focusing on people who are easy to make cases for. shrug But, since Ecthellion is threatening my wife- I am prepared to reevaluate my opinion Edit: Since Jerad hasn't been online in the last 24 hours to make a fair case for himself, and Ecthellion remains undeterred- I would like to reaffirm my vote before I go to sleep, so that vote manipulation should be less effective
  2. "Murder. Just like that, my head was swept out of the gutter- like someone had pulled a comastick on me and called me Shirely. Nobody calls me Shirely. In my mind, I absconded inadvertently back to that bloody night last week to another cold case. It'd been raining cats and dogs- without the dogs- although it's not like those sly cats would tell you otherwise. In this kingdom, it was a dog-sit-on-face-of-other-dog world, and that meant everyone had to hold their breath when it came to making friends. But I had friends in relatively equidistant places, which in layman's terms basically meant nothing- and that's the way I liked it. I may be a P.I, so some people assume I might be a little small- but according to the Knight Inspectorate, I was the hardest Dick in the city. A title I take with absolute seriousness, though I hear hushlanders have made being a dick some sort of slander in the hushlands- which, frankly, is really dumb. I'll explain the rudolph case later, because right now I'd put a hand down my trousers, whipped out my communicators glass and called my lady mistress to tell her to meet me outside with a copy of Shakespeare's last sonnet (the actual last sonnet, not the Hushlander censored abbreviation) and a big stick. If I was going to get to the bottom of the murder of Mr Stick (who I am assured, is a stick)- first of all I'd need to make it to lunch, but in the meantime while everyone else is focusing on canoodling ... There was one man who shouldn't have been there who wasn't, and naturally it was up to me to follow this issue up and hit in the back of the head with aforementioned big stick (not to be confused with Mr stick- who I am assured, is a stick). "This rug race isn't blue enough for the two of us, Joey Jedal. Meet your nemesis." I whispered and thwacked (tapped) the guy who stood in the corner of the room in the back of his noggin. It wasn't enough to knock him into a comma, but it was enough to get his attention. Jedal didn't speak much, which theoretically put him in my good books- so I felt a little bad about ganging up on him, and slightly worse that I couldn't come up with a pun about sticks on the spot ("this is a stick up"? "you're in a sticky situation now, Jeddy"?). But, at the end of the day, nothing stuck out more in a crowded room than a silent fart- so it was up to me to point the finger. And if I was going to point a finger, I wanted to be the guy in the room with the bigger stick." "Oh, and the key to breaking the rudolph case? So simple, even a blind oculator could see it. Marmalade crabs." @Jedal I find lurkers suspicious, and by my count Jedal has contributed just barely enough pretense innocent motions to slip under the radar so far. Do you have an excuse, Jedal? because otherwise, that's where my vote is v: I will be honest, I haven't been paying 100% attention to all the arguments going on because they can be difficult to follow at times, but I was asked to contribute a bit more and this is where my thoughts are atm. Although, if poking lurkers isn't a viable strategy- I don't mind aiming for a different approach.
  3. "It all started at that foggy evening party. There was me, Deuce, ace detective extraordinaire, one hand in the pocket of my barely whiter-than-white wedding tuxedo, the Devil’s Advocate, and one arm over the shoulder of a lady with legs you could probably ricochet an object as large as a cue ball off of (only hypothetically since she sort of frowned at that sort of thing when inquired). Celica Deuce, the only woman in over my ten years of experience of masticating the boulevards I’ve ever met who could rock a Stacey on a fried frog- whatever that means. I breathed out a cloud of heavy thick smoke, not because I believed in that hushlander mumbo-jumbo about tobacco- but because I’m one-thirty-fourth dragon, and I can’t help clouding up a room when an egg hits the wrong side of the butter. It was because, at this point, I realized I was in a room filled with nerds. Don't get me wrong, some of my best friends are nerds- but from a professional point of view this complicated things greatly, because I hadn't brought my sunglasses so I could pretend to be awake if one of them actually started talking to me. I was actually a little relieved when someone turned up stiffer than a month old newspaper so I had an excuse to get my detective shades. I didn't know Squirrelmort personally, but I did know he was a humbug at the decapitlaires fair- and that made two of us. At the end of the day, I learned one thing. It takes two to tango- but one to mango (and at least three to congo). And if you really really think about it, that's what puts the lemons under the table. I guess that's technically four things, but the way I saw it- things were just about to get a whole lot weirder"
  4. plot twist: it's scadrial investiture. Szeth used the bands of morning like Wax on a more serious note, since healing is a rosharian surge- I wouldn't be surprised if someone who knew what they were doing with fabrials could make an object that could heal like that. The rafo could be intepretted to mean that maybe cultivation (where the surge comes from) isn't manifesting completely on roshar or something (perhaps she's hiding on one of the moons, hence the "nightwatcher") idk, just a random thought
  5. "So, there I was, cashing in on the face of a duck bill. Sunnova lug-mudder didn't even finish his homemade colgate sandwich- and not the kind you eat for lunch either. Exactly, but day before tomorrow this'll all be rims and raisins in a skunks rear end. I should know, I was in the thick of it- and the stink was just a tailgate front page in line for a seven-o-seven. That's what I would have said before it all went cannons below- but if a ship sinks in this weather, they'll just call it the new Karlos Hlcandor. And, really, that's all there is to it."
  6. I will also sign up to this game that I apparently don't want to play, I hope I'm not too late \o\ "Free Kingdom Detective, Agent Deuce, reporting for duty- everything I say makes complete sense. Rutabaga." Deuce says and flicks a turnip with a police identification badge carved into it out of his long detective coat and holds it up for inspection. His cools sunglasses are probably fake
  7. Unodus

    The Survivor of Hathsin

    reminds me of the godstones from the banner saga .o.
  8. now to prove that swords are more advanced than guns...
  9. I don't have any quotes on me, but I think Shallans father might've suffered from something similar..? Might be misremembering tho
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this means "they never grow old" there was a returned who was returned as a kid iirc, can't remember the exact details though. Something about always being the individual's perfectly idealized self?
  11. I'm not sure if this really counts as "Returning", but have people considered that there is a parallel between what happened to Wax in the Bands of Morning and the Returned? To refer to the coppermind, compare "Lightsong had a Voice speak to him, offering him a chance to Return and change the events of his vision" and "Harmony gives Wax a choice: freedom, or going back for another adventure. Wax chooses to go back" If this is the case, does that mean all shards have the capacity to restore life before the cognitive aspect unravels- assuming there is an intact anchor and the host is willing? The difference with Endowment being that she gives divine breath to create a new host. In either case, I believe Spool is correct
  12. don' you mean we have an obsession for possession repression depression? :3
  13. this site is good for quotes, but it doesn't have the character names listed... :x https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/38550.Brandon_Sanderson for example: Lightsong: “I try to avoid having thoughts. They lead to other thoughts, and—if you’re not careful—those lead to actions. Actions make you tired. I have this on rather good authority from someone who once read it in a book.” Kaladin: “Honor is dead. But I'll see what I can do.” ps- if you finish the cards and upload them I'd gladly help make mechanics for a Cosmere card game .o.
  14. this article might be of particular note to you: http://coppermind.net/wiki/Steel_alphabet You see, the metallic element symbols are derived from the ancient Terris alphabetic symbols- which in turn seem to suggest some form of movement (ie, they could be seen as interpreting the pushing/pulling, internal/external, and the Physical/Cognitive aspect- of each metal, maybe). But, just like the transition from latin symbols to english- as the old order and the language was changed over generations, the symbols evolved. The transition from the Terris to the intermediary could also likely be due to a simplification of writing with a pen instead of a brush, a way that was lost when the Terris culture was suppressed. It's possible that the addition of spikes was influenced by the existence of Steel Inquisitors in society, who were symbols of authority and closest to the Lord Ruler in the final empire. At a stretch you could consider that the Ruin shaped the symbols to look like spikes as way of subtly manipulating the world into accepting Hemalurgy.
  15. One could argue to the contrary using the Worldsingers/Worldbringers case, there are many parallels. And, personally- unless there's a WoB to say otherwise, I don't think Ati is a coincidence. Ruin and hope both share connotations of change, and I can see a connection to the concept of pandoras box (ie: a box that when opened once will destroy the world, but when opened twice will give the world hope). idk, just throwing it out there v:
  16. They are gas giants, which means the entire planet is made out of gases This quote makes me wonder if the gas giants are the homes of un-bonded spren of each order- since the idea is that they only get sentience through the Nahel bond iirc
  17. has nobody tried drawing a connection between the Iri and the Ire? To me, that seems a little too much of a coincidence to overlook- that two worldhopping organisations should share so similar a name.
  18. Was reading some WoB's and found this btw might be relevant, but doesn't necessarily prove anything
  19. This might be relevant: assuming Odium can use a perpendicularity as a bridge to escape Roshar or something v:
  20. I assumed when Nale said he was worried about Surgebinders creating a bridge- he was specifically worried about Surgebinders that use the transportation surge. This would mean his reason for targeting all surgebinders was that he knows that as long as one exists more will continue to pop up until an elsecaller falls into Odiums grasp. This would imply that Nales apprentices were merely a means to an end to him that he planned to dispose of after they had served their purpose. Since the apprentices believe what they are doing is for the greater good, I expect their highspren would encourage them. "Highspren appear to espouse the following the letter of law and other legal codes, rather than doing what one feels is right"- and to them, Nale is literally the highest authority of the law
  21. I was referring to " If TLR takes Kelsier, and "Kelsier's Inspiration" has not been used, it is used automatically and Oreseur is placed on the king's starting spot.", and other moves that require moving a piece to a starting spot. What happens if that square is already occupied or is already under threat? Perhaps it would make more sense like this: If TLR takes Kelsier, and "Kelsier's Inspiration" has not been used, it is used automatically and the Rebellion player places Oreseur on any unoccupied square that does not put TLR in check. This counts as their move. This would allow you to play much more defensively, able to tactically retreat and defend after losing Kelsier
  22. "My gods are the spirits of the stones." Szeth whispered. "The sun and the stars. Not men." "Kadasixes and stars, this is a puzzle" -An Azish man Not to mention the list of named stars, starspren and the Stormwardens (who are more meteorologists, but still must use star positions for charting parts of the sky, presumably). And that's on Words of Radiance alone, I can't check WoK because I don't have it on kindle form. Does it sound like Rosharians don't care for Astronomy? Yo, that was wishful thinking. Putting the responsibility of ten people on one mans shoulders was doomed to fail, just like if you put 1 guard on duty when you need 10 means you're technically still on duty but you're still not going to be able to do the job of 10 people forever. I never said they were? But each herald represents an essence, and the numbers on the side may be Vorin 1-10- but the symbols on the planet are irrefutably the symbols of each order which the Heralds founded. I'm not saying it's a fully fleshed out theory, just wanted to see if anyone else had considered it.
  23. I love chess and Mistborn- but personally, I think having numbers in chess isn't a good idea (one time uses are ok though). I've got a few alternatives you might want to consider .o. How about this: Soother: Any piece one square away from this piece cannot be moved on the opponents turn. (This does not apply to a king in check) Rioter: Any piece one square away from this piece must be moved on the opponents turn (if there is more than one, the opponent chooses.) (This does not apply if a king is in check) This plays on the idea that emotimancers push on the people around them in an area, which is a thing iirc. Lot's of strategic potential there v: And how about for Koloss, you could change it to: Re-use spikes: If a Koloss takes a major piece (ie: not a pawn), and a Koloss has been taken this game- the piece that was taken becomes a friendly Koloss, and the Koloss that was moved stays where it was. And for Inquisitors, keeping track of how many charges they have seems very tedious. What about something like: Guided by Ruin: The player can make a move with any amount of Inquisitors in addition to his regular turn. This connects the the Inquisitors hunter like nature and moving autonomously to the empire in the shadows, always a step ahead and waiting in ambush Also, canonically speaking, why isn't Elend the king? This seems a little weird from a timey wimey perspective, and he'd make a much more applicable piece for the vulnerable king role.. x3 You also need a circumstantial rule for what happens if the starting square that you're moving a piece back to is occupied (Oresaur, for example) Hope these suggestions help
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