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Everything posted by Shaggai

  1. SmurfAquamarineBodies is asking if the child would need to be Snapped, not if the child would be a potential Allomancer.
  2. I suspect that that was simplified a bit to balance the game. Everything else we see with Feruchemy - Feruchemical tin and Feruchemical copper, for example, and Feruchemical bendalloy to a lesser degree - requires the storage of specific attributes. Feruchemical nicrosil is likely the same.
  3. Wouldn't be very good. Shardweapons are extra-light, and most of the strengths of a mace/morningstar/ball and chain are based on how storming heavy those things are. The point is to batter the enemy into the ground.
  4. Yes, it doesn't add anything to the amount of it, but if you squash it down twice as short a time you get twice the output for the time you have. Depending on how much Investiture can be stored in a given amount of space with the techno-Allomancy, this can be all that really matters for FTL.
  5. Too cliche. Brandon does the unexpected. For a further analysis, see this link. The most likely ship is actually Kaladin/Axies.
  6. Soother/Rioter would be my first choice. Then Coinshot, because flying and stuff. After that, Thug, because the enhancements would be useful.
  7. Yeah, that is a bit of a problem. I wonder if cadmium and bendalloy bubbles can be nested. Cadmium is normally larger than bendalloy, but it might be possible to artificially shrink that. Then you could have the crew area be moving much slower and the ship moving faster.
  8. So I was thinking about Allomantic nicrosil, the theorized Southern Scadrian mist-fabrials, and the use of them with bendalloy. Per WoB, we haven't seen the methods through which Allomantic FTL will be achieved. Most people assume it'll be something with the techno-Allomancy, which seems reasonable. We haven't seen that yet. But we also haven't seen Allomantic nicrosil. So there are a few ways this could play out. Basically, I theorize that Allomantic FTL will be based on what I call nCompounding, short for numerical compounding. Theoretically, a nicrosil Misting could use their power on another nicrosil Misting, giving them a short, extra-powerful burst. The second Misting could then Nicroburst a different Misting, who would get an extraordinarily massive but extremely short burst of Investiture. This could be repeated several times, numerically compounding the effects of the main Allomancer. The timing would be extremely difficult to get right, however, and it would use up metal at an extraordinary rate. That's where the techno-Allomancy comes in. Given the state of advancement that future Scadrial will be at, they will certainly be able to time things. If the techno-Allomancy has survived, they will be able to create mechanisms that replicate the effects of nCompounding. When applied to a bendalloy bubble, it will be able to speed up time so drastically that FTL will be possible. The bubbles are fixed, of course, so that poses a bit of a problem, but having multiple bubble machines that turn on and off in sync will allow the ship to move in a continuous bendalloy bubble. If you have, say, one at the front, one in the middle, and one in the back, each flashing extremely rapidly, they will be able to cover the ship while not exposing it to real time. And depending on how much nCompounding you use, they won't need to flash particularly fast because the ship won't have to move very fast within the bubble to reach FTL speeds. Thoughts? Criticisms?
  9. This is Dalinar in the first book, with a Shardblade. So he has no Kaladin.
  10. Normal koloss only reach twelve feet after quite a while of growth. The trolloss will probably get bigger. Also, it's not using troll spikes, so it won't gain equivalent troll height.
  11. Sell. Scadrian worldhopping will probably stay rare until they have spaceships. The God Beyond is actually the one remaining chunk of Adonalsium that's still Adonalsium and not an Intent.
  12. Buy. Scadrian computers will use the same stuff as mist-fabrials instead of electricity.
  13. It's only got human spikes, though. They added about seven feet or so to the koloss. And the Trolloss, presumably, won't have had time to grow to full size, given that it only got the spikes last fight. So let's assume that it's around seventeen feet tall or so. It's still much, much smaller than a chasmfiend.
  14. Chasmfiends are also faster and more dangerous than their size would suggest, thanks to their gemhearts. Trolls are 9 feet tall or so, so let's assume that a Trolloss is twice as tall as a human and about, oh, three times as wide. It's still tiny in comparison to a chasmfiend. It's stronger than the size would suggest, so let's assume that the chasmfiend can't just stomp it into the ground like it could a human of equivalent size. Still, look at the mandibles on the chasmfiend. Even a Trolloss would probably get bitten in half with ease. It might be able to break some of the back legs, depending on how strong it and the legs are, but chasmfiends are agile and might be able to keep the Trolloss away from the potentially vulnerable bits. The real question here is: what terrain are we on? In a chasm, the chasmfiend has a massive advantage. Even on rocky or mountainous terrain it will have an advantage, because of how many legs it has and how big it is. On flat terrain, however, it's at a bit of a disadvantage, since it's heavily adapted to chasms.
  15. Have you seen how absolutely massive chasmfiends are? If anything, it would take a couple Trolloss to fight a single chasmfiend. Unless you give them Shardblades, but that's just OP.
  16. Here are some of the top worst pieces of what, for lack of a better word, must be called "writing", ever (note: not all of these will qualify as books): 1. My Immortal. No comment on that abomination. 2. The Eye of Argon. The clunkiest, most ultraviolet descriptions ever, without much of a plot to go with it. 3. Various works that you will never read because the people who wrote them realized how bad they were and got rid of them.
  17. Ooh, that one's interesting. Buy. The main purpose of the Ghostbloods is to act as an opposing force to the 17th Shard, or vice versa.
  18. Axies mentions the scouring of Aimia, so it's possible that they did do so.
  19. Soulcasting is a specific way in which certain Orders can interact with Shadesmar. The Basic Lashing is another. When performing a Basic Lashing, Kaladin is using Shadesmar to alter the direction that Roshar's gravity pulls him. That's why he sees Shadesmar without Soulcasting.
  20. I agree. They work, but they encourage people to kill lots of people in order to use the Rattles. This ties into my "Odinalsium" theory - Moelach is being forced to follow its Intent, and so its magic system requires killing, but it's trying to stop Odium so it's giving humanity glimpses of the future.
  21. It's not particularly odd, at least not by Earth standards. It's basically the same as poker. The cards are already in their order in the deck, so it's not predicting the future. You're just trying to tell how good of a hand you have compared to everyone else, and trying to prevent others from figuring out how good a hand you have.
  22. Buy, but they'll be shaped differently because Vorinism has different traditions and symbols. One of the books in the Stormlight Archive will end tragically, with Roshar being destroyed and the remnants of humanity fleeing to Braize.
  23. Buy, because relativity and FTL. Dragons will not breathe fire, but magic, possibly imitating fire.
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