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Everything posted by Shaggai

  1. Really, if we're going to be going up against trolloss, the only thing that would really be a challenge would be a chasmfiend against two or three trolloss.
  2. Being able to search phrases has been extremely useful to me. Want to see a list of all the references to Thaidakar? Search it and you're done. Can't remember if Restares is a highprince or someone else? It only takes a few seconds. Need to check if there have been references to Midnight Essence that you missed? Tada!
  3. This is why I got an ebook. That, and how storming big it is. I don't feel like lugging over a thousand pages everywhere I go.
  4. They're Splinters of Endowment, who is a Shard of Adonalsium. Ergo, they are arguably Splinters of Adonalsium. On the other hand, dragons could be Splinters directly of Adonalsium.
  5. He was just an ordinary Feruchemist. He was Terris, remember?
  6. Buy. At some point, we will see either the Nightwatcher or Cultivation herself attempt to kill Hoid.
  7. Only as he touches it, or via a Reverse Lashing.
  8. I know he'll be in it. I meant that the titular Liar will not be him.
  9. Why not? I mean, he's going around collecting magic systems, and he seems to match the Willshaper description. The Liar of Partinel will not be Hoid/Wit/whatever his name is.
  10. Buy. Anyone with that level of stigma against them for magic reasons is going to be important. Hoid will become a Willshaper for the Stormlight.
  11. Totally buy. Hoid will turn out to be one of Lopen's cousins.
  12. Only useless if one of them isn't a Windrunner, because then you get a magic soldier with a Shardblade in return, and a bunch of somewhat-less-powerful magic soldiers to go with him.
  13. I'm not necessarily saying he was Splintered. It might have been possible to do something to siphon the power away instead of breaking it off. If they had already taken on Voidspren (or, in the course of the plan, did so), they could perhaps have had a Spiritual link with Odium, allowing more power to be drawn into them. This is a bit far-fetched, I admit, but we don't have much information as to how Splintering is done and what can be done with Investiture. Allomancers can pull power from Preservation, we know, but that might be simply part of how Leras chose to handle his Investiture. The holders of the Unmade didn't die. By "they gave up their selves", I meant that they became the Unmade instead of whoever they were beforehand.
  14. Possibly. She's still in the Rosharan system, so it's possible that he could manage it.
  15. Ah, true. Odium wasn't part of the Oathpact. Then again, Odium could have been tricked, or Honor could have simply helped the Parshendi. I doubt Odium would bind himself to Roshar system without a compelling reason, and there doesn't seem to be one.
  16. Probably with the help of Honor. They can already absorb spren naturally. With a Shard to help them, they could have taken quite a bit of power from Odium. It might even have been part of the Oathpact, to which Odium was an unwilling party.
  17. Zinc and Chromium Ferrings (or Compounders) make up the financial elite.
  18. Especially during Desolations, when practically everyone would have fought. You're going to need officers from all classes, because there are just so many people to administrate.
  19. I was thinking about the Unmade a bit, and realized a few things. First, they must use up a huge amount of Investiture. Nergaoul and Moelach have auras that can reach across entire kingdoms. They seem to be around the power level of the Stormfather. And there are at least six of them. That's a lot of power. So I started wondering: What if that was how Odium was trapped in the Rosharan system? He's so Invested in it that he can't leave without giving up a vast amount of power. So, to start with I'll list the facts about the Unmade that we know so far, and explain how they fit in. They're extremely, extremely powerful spren (or sprenlike beings). There are at least six of them. They each have different powers (Moelach seeing the future, Nergaoul causing the Thrill, Sja-anat corrupting spren). They hate humanity. They're implied to be ancient Parshendi who "gave of themselves to destroy" by taking on vast amounts of Odium's power. So, how that fits in. Each of them would hold a large amount of Odium's power, thereby weakening him and forcing him to stay on Roshar. Since there are so many, they wouldn't become the holders of Odium. Basically, a safety precaution. They would also take up more of Odium's power. This is where Odinalsium comes in. When Adonalsium shattered, each of the Shards created its own magic system. Each Shard had different powers. Something very similar is going on here, with the different Unmade. It's possible that the Unmade will become a source of information for how the shattering worked, or at least how the Shards work. This is the Intent seeping in. They were considered "personifications of different types of destruction." They contain different fragments of Odium's personality, similar to the Shards of Adonalsium. However, Odium's personality is composed mostly of hatred, so they don't have as much variation. Nevertheless, they still have different aspects. But the overall Intent remains. This is why Moelach gives glimpses of the future - it's trying to undermine Odium, but has to do so in an Odium-like way. They "gave of themselves to destroy". But to destroy what? It's usually assumed that they wished to destroy humanity. I postulate that they took on the power of Odium, giving up their selves, in order to destroy Odium. A reverse Resolution, almost. The intentions were similar, at least. As you see, this theory fits everything we know about the Unmade. Further, it explains why Odium is the Broken One. Three of sixteen ruled, but now the Broken One reigns. The use of "sixteen" implies that it refers to Shards, and the use of "reigns" implies that it refers to Odium. But Rayse likes his Intent. Rayse/Odium would perhaps be the least broken of the Shards. However, if Odium has had a semi-Adonalsium pulled on him, and the Shard proper has relatively little power, he would certainly be broken. He could still harness the Unmade to Splinter Honor, but would have difficulty leaving the Rosharan system. So, what do you think? Am I a complete nutcase who's making up evidence where there is none? Am I the most brilliant person to have existed since the invention of the wheel? And if I'm wrong, where am I wrong?
  20. Shardplate basically just works the same way as simple Stormlight does. It provides speed, it enhances strength, it heals, etc. My personal theory on it is that it's a suit of armor with a lesser spren attached to it (similar to a fabrial, but with the consent of the spren and therefore more varied powers). The gemstones allow it to bond with the wearer, so it can change size/shape.
  21. Leaning towards sell. They'll probably only meet humans and maybe a few humanoids, at least as far as it goes with sentient species. We've seen barely a fraction of what Nightblood can do so far. When he really gets going (i. e. when Szeth wields him in a highstorm), he'll become absurdly more powerful than anything we've seen from him.
  22. It also depends on how much the Intent has superseded Sazed. If he's still basically Sazed, but likes Harmony a bit more, he could probably do it. If he's gone full Harmony, the way Ati did with Ruin, he probably wouldn't be able to do much unless Odium attacked him or his worlds directly.
  23. For some reason Bridge 4 (or at least Kaladin) look just a tad too happy, but Pattern is amazing and Jasnah's expression are absolutely perfect.
  24. It seems that they discovered something that made them abandon their oaths. I suspect that they discovered the betrayal of the Heralds, and just said "storm this!" in unison. If the Heralds betrayed them, there's no reason to keep going. The Stonewards would have continued, because Taln stuck to the Oathpact.
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