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Everything posted by Shaggai

  1. He meant that insults mean nothing if they don't strike something you already think about yourself. If someone is smart, and they know it, and you call them stupid, they'll laugh at you.
  2. The author is a member of the Seventeenth Shard, though. They'd know about magic systems from other worlds no matter who they were.
  3. I don't think Moelach's direction was specified. Just that it was moving. Anyway, I'm not sure what it contains, but I'm leaning towards one of the Unmade. Not Nergaoul, but possibly Moelach. Nergaoul is apparently moving towards Jah Keved, where Szeth hid the sphere. Because the Thrill didn't start to diminish in Alethkar until around the beginning of the books, Nergaoul couldn't have been directly in the sphere. Whereas the sphere containing Moelach would work as a possibility, because Moelach's effects could stretch, though diminishing in power, to Alethkar. That would be why no bridgemen until Maps uttered Death Rattles - Moelach simply wasn't strong enough in Alethkar to cause more than a few. Also, the Death Rattles didn't start until the Plains were discovered. Gavilar could have found the sphere, allowing Moelach to slowly escape. The Death Rattles would have started, and then, after ten years or so (perhaps ten years exactly), Moelach could fully escape and start moving.
  4. I think Pattern was just suggested that the scribe was a Voidbringer, not a Voidspren. It was just an insult to her appearance. The mirror thing was a way of saying "it's you".
  5. It looks a lot like this fractal:
  6. I'm not sure, but at some point doesn't Eshonai mention that the Listeners remember highstorms existing before the Stormfather? This would seem to imply that the Listeners lived on Roshar a really, really long time ago - before Honor even came to Roshar. So that's about fifteen thousand years or so at the least, assuming Honor and the humans arrived around the same time. And if they're that old, they probably are native. As for the whole blood thing, have we ever seen the blood of a non-Listener parshman? Perhaps the spren bonding changes the color of the blood, in the same way that it changes eye color in humans.
  7. The Bondsmiths were probably not the kings. However, other Radiants probably were. The Radiants being both kings and advisers to kings is possible.
  8. damnation. I wonder what that was talking about, then.
  9. It probably is godspren, but I doubt any of them would be Odium's spren. One of the Death Rattles from WoK says "Three of sixteen ruled, but now the Broken One reigns." Presumably, the third, currently unnamed Shard is the one who's spren is bonded by the third Bondsmith. Cusciech might be the last one, but the comments about Moelach and Nergaoul seem to imply that unique, powerful spren aren't necessarily the godspren (unless Nergaoul or Moelach is Odium's spren and something else accounts for whichever one is left over, Cusciech, and the Nightwatcher).
  10. Hello everyone. I exist.
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