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The Stormlight Premium Miniatures Kickstarter is live - and already funded


If you wanted to own figurines of Stormlight Archive's main characters, now's your chance, as Brotherwise Games began their Kickstarer for the Stormlight Premium Miniatures set of minis. If you were ever at any point concerned that the Kickstarter may fail, you may lay those worries to rest: it has been an hour and the Kickstarer has already made more than six times its projected goal of 50,000 dollars.

So, what does the Kickstarter have for us? Well, first of all are the character miniatures themselves. Those were designed in tight collaboration with Dragonsteel, and their depiction of characters is considered canon. They are sold in sets of six, and sorted by book. To wit, we have:

  • The Way of Kings pack: Blackthorn Dalinar (i.e. in full Shardplate), Eshonai, Bridge Four Kaladin (i.e. dressed in Parshendi corpses), Syl, Assassin Szeth (in his iconic pose), and Shallan.
  • Words of Radiance pack: Shardbearer Adolin, Captain Kaladin (i.e. in Bridge Four uniform), Pattern, Taravangain, Veil, and Wit
  • Oathbringer pack: Bondsmith Dalinar (i.e. in uniform), Jasnah, a generic Heavenly One, Lift, Renarin, and Skybreaker Szeth (i.e. with Nightblood)
  • Rhythm of War pack: Shadesmar Adolin (i.e. in uniform), Shardplate Kaladin, Maya, Navani, Vyre, and Venli

Unfortunately, there is no way to purchase individual figurines. If you want that one Maya on your shelf, you will have to shell out for the full Rhythm of War set - which is not to be mistaken for the Rhythm of War tier, as in the now-updated FAQ for the Kickstarter, Brotherwise explained that you will be able to choose between any of the four book sets regardless of which of the first few tiers you've selected.

If that is somehow not sufficient to you, however, Brotherwise has more to offer:

  • Four larger-scale, painted figurins of Jasnah, Shardbearer Adolin, Captain Kaladin, and Skybreaker Szeth (the regular minis listed above are unpainted)
  • A set of Stormlight Archive-branded paints
  • A large figure of a Chasmfiend 
  • A set of two generic Alethi soldiers and two Parshendi warriors for your tiny plastic commanders to lead
  • A digital pack of STL files for various generic Rosharan troops and a chull, for the 3D-printer-blessed among us
  • "Clashing Storms", a massive, fully-painted statue showing the clash between Kaladin and Szeth from the end of Words of Radiance, which you can take as a individual add-on for a breezy 350 dollars, or alongside everything else for an appropriately-named "All-In" tier of 475 dollars or more

Additionally, Brotherwise is set to add more figurines as add-ons, to be revealed as the campaign continues to blow past the stretch goals. The first of these has already been revealed to be none other than the Herald of War, Taln. Before you decide to buy him, however, check your pledge level on Brandon's last Kickstarter, the one for Secret Projects, as users who pledged to it at Year of Sanderson levels will receive the Taln mini in one of the swag boxes.

Brotherwise has confirmed that they will not be releasing STL files for any of the named characters, unfortunately, out of concern for piracy. They have, however, stated that they intend to sell the miniatures later through more traditional retailers, so if you cannot afford the minis now, do not worry - you will have the chance to get them later.

If you are interested, though, it is probably the fanciest set of Stormlight collectibles out there, and if you can paint them, they will undoubtedly look stunning in your home.

Edited by Rasarr


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Oh Storms why do they have to look so good! When it comes to figurines and such I'm usually like "what gonna do with that, look at it?". Yes, yes I will look at these!

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It's good that I can get them at a later time because Shardplate would be really fun to make, and would probably go well with Grey knights (if I ever actually paint them). Szeth in both forms would be amazing, and that Chasm Fiend sounds awesome. 

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Regarding individual miniatures: you can't get individual miniatures, but you can get just the RoW set (for example). From the Kickstarter's FAQ:


EDIT: Also worth mentioning is the upcoming Taln miniature, which isn't on the campaign yet but will be available as an add-on. It will be part of the Secret Project Kickstarter's Stormlight merch box, for those who are pledged at that level to the other campaign. But anyone will be able to add it to this new campaign.

Edited by Pagerunner

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11 minutes ago, Pagerunner said:

Regarding individual miniatures: you can't get individual miniatures, but you can get just the RoW set (for example). From the Kickstarter's FAQ:

EDIT: Also worth mentioning is the upcoming Taln miniature, which isn't on the campaign yet but will be available as an add-on. It will be part of the Secret Project Kickstarter's Stormlight merch box, for those who are pledged at that level to the other campaign. But anyone will be able to add it to this new campaign.

Yep, both of those came up after the article was posted; it's now been updated!

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What, no Lirin mini? Lirin with his arms crossed, scowling. Like a bobble-head but his head shakes back and forth in disapproval. 

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4 hours ago, Child of Hodor said:

Oh Storms why do they have to look so good! When it comes to figurines and such I'm usually like "what gonna do with that, look at it?". Yes, yes I will look at these!

Same boat here not really into things like this but man they look so freaking awesome I may have to buy the painted set. I didn't realize I could buy that separately until I read through the FAQ. 

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1 hour ago, Child of Hodor said:

What, no Lirin mini? Lirin with his arms crossed, scowling. Like a bobble-head but his head shakes back and forth in disapproval. 

Gotta save the best for last addons.

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I so wish there were more painted ones, is there any chance more will come out with stretch goals?

The unpainted ones are great too, but I really want something that's shelf-ready

anyways thank you this has me so excited just to see them, something very magical about canonic minis

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i didn't even look at first.  i just went straight to the "whichever option gets me all of these things."  Brotherwise + Dragonsteel == All the cool Fantasy stuff!

Which one do people anticipate being their favorite?  I'm torn right now between the 3: Chasmfiend, Szeth+Kaladin battle, and Szeth + Nightblood smoke.

Damn these things are absolutely gorgeous!  No need to even use them, these can just be nice art pieces all around the house.  We're so blessed to be part of this fandom!!

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I'm not really a gaming miniatures person (yet, anyway) but I do like the figures. I don't trust myself to paint them without botching the job, so I went for the basic $1 pledge and the 4 pack painted  add-ons!

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On 14/09/2022 at 7:50 AM, SpinningSky said:

I so wish there were more painted ones, is there any chance more will come out with stretch goals?

The unpainted ones are great too, but I really want something that's shelf-ready

anyways thank you this has me so excited just to see them, something very magical about canonic minis

I hope so too.

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On 18/9/2022 at 2:46 AM, Casual Ati Enjoyer said:

So I've heard about games with minifigures before, but I've never played one. How do they work? 

While there are some classic "battles between miniatures" games (see warhammer) which is what you're probably thinking about, I think these minis would work for any more modern "dudes on a map war game" (e.g. War of the Ring, Inis, Bloodrage, and many many many others), but I've seen very beautiful minis used in less war-focused board games (Fury of Dracula 4th edition comes to mind).

Having said that, Brotherwise games already has this in their catalogue, so I expect the next Stormlight game to might be something similiar, as they did with "call to adventure":

I'm really looking forward myself to when they actually annouce what the game will be like

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I saw the new Shallan painted sculpture. Nice, but wasn't she a redhead? Might need repainting if I get that, unless it's just the way the tone looks in the picture.



Never mind, I got a reply on Kickstarter:

"Her official color is more auburn than brilliant red, and you're right that in this lighting it looks almost brown. The final miniature will be a bit redder than this."

Great service to reply so quickly.



Edited by Mardragon

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Can't comment on the Kickstarter until you back - but I'm trying to find out if printer files are the only digital reward. No Art packs, wallpapers, etc?

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