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2+ shardblades?

Clockwork King


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8 minutes ago, Knight of Eternal Books said:

In theory could you bond with as many dead blades as you want? Like 6 or 7?

Yes. Technically. Also depends on dead blades vs live blades. 




Is there a limit to how many Shardblades you can have? Be bonded to?

Brandon Sanderson

Theoretically, not really. There are some things that could bound that. I can imagine people having a lot. In the original draft of The Way of Kings (2002) Amaram had two. And so, it's definitely possible to have multiples, and I had not thought of someone trying to bond every Shardblade. 


So that means you can be bonded to more than one spren.

Brandon Sanderson

Well, those Shardblades... Can you be bonded to more than one spren? That question's answer is also yes. Potentially. But there is a much harder limit on that.

Words of Radiance Chicago signing (March 22, 2014)


Is it possible to bond with two swords and dual-wield?

Brandon Sanderson

Read And Find Out.

Footnote: It is possible to bond to multiple Shardblades and dual-wield them.
Oathbringer San Francisco signing (Nov. 15, 2017)


Hope that helps

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Absolutely! Dead blades want to be bonded, they facilitate it themselves and make no prohibitions regarding the identity of the recipient. You could have a single wielder bond every blade on Roshar and summon and throw them like ninja stars with every beat of the heart if you wanted to; it would just require more money than even God has to make actually happen.

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As they told you recently, there shouldn't be a problem. You can have as many as you want or rather you can. At first they are extremely valuable even more than the shardplate. 


I think that besides Amaram we have not seen anything similar.

The way of kinds quoting sadeas:


“This weapon is worth fortunes. Cities, palaces, kingdoms.”

If you could afford it somehow, sure. Or if you're skilled enough to win them in duels or the battlefield.

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58 minutes ago, alastorBM said:

As they told you recently, there shouldn't be a problem. You can have as many as you want or rather you can. At first they are extremely valuable even more than the shardplate. 

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I think that besides Amaram we have not seen anything similar.

The way of kinds quoting sadeas:

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“This weapon is worth fortunes. Cities, palaces, kingdoms.”

If you could afford it somehow, sure. Or if you're skilled enough to win them in duels or the battlefield.

This is actually a really good point. One could win a few in duels before people started refusing to contest them. If they gave the excess freely to expert duelists, they could repeat the process a couple times before they were identified as a global threat. Once they hit critical mass of a dozen or so suits and blades, they could hunt and steal the remaining shards with near impunity.


I wouldn't discount the possibility that either the Shin or the Skybreakers have been doing this for decades and just keeping their mouths closed about it. 🥷 everyone keeps saying that there are many hundreds of missing blades after all...

Edit: okay, they would have to also ensure the loyalty of the people they gifted free god weapons too ideologically somehow, or they would simply end up with a bunch of rogue duelists. I'm leaning skybreakers on being the secret keepers of many undocumented dead blades.

Edited by hwiles
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10 minutes ago, hwiles said:

This is actually a really good point. One could win a few in duels before people started refusing to contest them. If they gave the excess freely to expert duelists, they could repeat the process a couple times before they were identified as a global threat. Once they hit critical mass of a dozen or so suits and blades, they could hunt and steal the remaining shards with near impunity.

Local swordsman steals (earns) fortune in dead swords, I can imagine it. 

You can even move kingdoms and do it there... I highly doubt that they will not recognize you or try to annihilate you in this case

12 minutes ago, hwiles said:

I wouldn't discount the possibility that either the Shin or the Skybreakers have been doing this for decades and just keeping their mouths closed about it. 🥷 everyone keeps saying that there are many hundreds of missing blades after all...

Ah, the good breakers of the sky, I find it quite interesting, perhaps perhaps the sons of honor were also there, "recovering material resources" throughout these years, I would opt more for the only order that survived. 

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11 minutes ago, alastorBM said:


Ah, the good breakers of the sky, I find it quite interesting, perhaps perhaps the sons of honor were also there, "recovering material resources" throughout these years, I would opt more for the only order that survived. 

It would be...poetically consistent with the skybreakers given and stated purpose, is what I shall say. There is power in that.

It would represent an interesting philosophical juxtaposition and dichotomy with how kaladin earned his first blade by killing a son of honor, then rejected it (subconsciously) in favor of a living honor spren at the start of his journey, and how Szeth earned an honor blade by being labeled truthless for telling the truth, then rejected and disconnected himself from it by accepting death in favor of a life of continued lies when he finally recognized that kaladin was a true radiant and he (szeth) had demonstrably been correct from the beginning and, subsequently, earned revival and a bond from a highspren from the patron of the skybreakers himself...

I'm rooting for the skybreakers to come barreling in with 300 partially revived deadeyes in the final contest now, thank you. 😃

Edited by hwiles
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On 6/9/2024 at 4:00 PM, hwiles said:

I wouldn't discount the possibility that either the Shin or the Skybreakers

I've been saying the Shin for years lol!! I can see the argument for the Skybreakers though

But to the actual question, I also think the reason we haven't seen it is practicality. Like Kholins could have easily had a dual wielder if they wanted. Elhokar personally owns two blades after his father's death, and I don't remember how many Adolin ends up with after his dueling spree but it's a lot. It just seems like 2 men with shardblades are considered far more effective than 1 man with 2 blades. It it logically makes sense, the only case were a 2nd blade would really be useful would be as a one off suprise in a fight? But even that has a limited effectiveness.

But yeah maybe when we find out what group has been hiding the missing thousands of blades we'll see some dual wielders.

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