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About SpinningSky

  • Birthday 10/04/1992

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  1. Hello, This idea started as a silly almost "fanfiction" over on Reddit (some of this is verbatum from there), but truth is the more I think about, the more I like how it closes Kal's arc, I think it's pretty cool and something Brandon might pull. I decided to hop over here hoping to see how this could canonically work with you, fine scholars of the shard! I am quite happy with some of the ideas I have, it's possible but wouldn't go as far as to say it's likely, I'll appreciate any feedback to either deny or confirm it. the premise the only 5th ideal we know is that of the Skybreakers. According to it, the radiant becomes the law, this of course requires almost a sacrifice of one's humanity to become a pure embodiment of the ideal (which is no problem for a mad Herald of course). If we assume this to be the case for Windrunners as well, I think it would be a very bad ending to Kal's arc to have him give his humanity away to an extent, I think it would be horrible to end Kal's story with any act of self-sacrifice really. my outline During the book (WaT), there starts to be a general understanding of the sacrifice any 5th ideal would require. Kal feels he is ready to speak it, buy Syl kind of avoids the topic, she's even more defensive than usual about ideals. In the meanwhile in Urithiru, Dabbid is starting to come out of his shell and gets some help at Kal's psych ward. He also gets a new friend: Notum the Honorspren. While he's not willing to bond a radiant, Notum decided, to try and come to the phisical realm in his congitive form (yes, it's a big leap) , he and Dabbid get paired up because the spren needs his help with some physical things, the two "bond" in a friendly way, Notum appreciates the "straightforwardness" of Dabbid, they make a funny pairing. [Skip to the book final climax] They are all together, and to beat whatever they're facing, they need Kal to speak the 5th ideal, but we see Syl is still conflicted, she knows he's ready, but she also understands that if he does speak it, he'll never get a chance to live a normal life. In the middle of this crisis, Notum finally has a change of heart and opens himself up to bonding Dabbid. Dabbid knows the oaths, no one like him has spent time listening to the radiants, and while he never spoke them, in his simple way he truly, profoundly believes them. He stands up, and speaks the 1st oath. Looks at his friends, and speaks the 2nd. He starts walking towards their enemies, as he speaks the 3rd and Notum appears as a spear in hand. He starts running\flying towards the enemies, windspren follow him, he speaks the 4th and his plate forms. Dabbid looks back at Kal, smiles and mouths "Bridge Four". He speaks the 5th, and saves the day in glorious radiance. Dabbid gives Kal the greatest gift he could, the chance to live a normal life, returning the favor of saving him many years back. "Kal had finally saved someone, and that someone had in turn, saved him" Why I like this so much arc wise I think we have two major arcs to close with Kal: -we need to get Kal to feel like he finally saved someone -we need Kal to accept others can sacrifice themselves for him, and be content with where he is without striving for more btw I'm not impling his depression gets "solved", I mean this as "learning to live with it" I think this idea closes both arcs in a pretty little knot, having the first person he saved "sacrifice" himself for him, though this "sacrifice", for Dabbid, is actually an act of self-healing, so in the same scene not only someone saves Kal, but Kal sees how, over the course of 5 books, he saved someone else, giving worth to all of his struggles, as he enabled Dabbid to become the strongest radiant on Roshar. so, canon, few things that come to mind Dabbid: I think this works in terms of Dabbid, matter of fact if you believe this theory, it really feels like he was written with this in mind all along. We have no doubt he believes and knows the oaths, but there's a good reason he hasn't been speaking them Fifth ideal: I don't think I have a strong argument in favor of my premise, given the 4th ideal was about accepting limitations, it would be a bit weird for the very last one to go in the opposite direction. For the skybreakers it's always about giving yourself up to "something" so it's more linear. Notum (or some honorspren): we have no real reason to believe there's a way for a honorspren to befriend a radiant while knowingly avoiding a bond, but for the ideals speedrun there has to be an established strong relationship between radiant and spren I feel, so I came up with whatever might make it work, but again there's no reason to believe it to be likely. So what do you think? cheers
  2. Good thinking! I was pondering this cause it really makes sense for them to be hollow and somehow kept in the air through investiture (so kinda like blimps) Another thought crossed my mind though, what if instead they're repelling each other? could it be that the different aethers repell each other like same charged particles? It would explain how the moons hold each other in place staying still, and how the seas stay separated
  3. For a theory I made I had to put together all of the Lift info I could find, if you wanna read my "notes" the link is in the signature
  4. It would make an excellent movie, both for visuals and because, being a shorter story, you'd need to cut far less out to make it fit! Actualy, this could very easily make an incredible animated movie more than probably any other Cosmere story (I'm for for real-life adaptation for everything else)
  5. True I see your point! My head canon for this is that we use the word "burning" because that's what Scadrians call "ingesting a metal and doing a thing that consumes its matter", but while the allomantic burning is a way to access Preservation's investiture, for god metals you can just use the very concentrated phyisical investiture that way, similiar to how you immerse yourself in liquid investiture to use that. We could say that Preservation got insipired by how godmetals worked to make allomancy
  6. As @trav just posted, it's a matter of how Brandon has decided to define God metals, not what I think they should or shouldn't do Though I believe that whether exactly all of them can be burned by anyone is still up to debate, he wanted them in general to be usable by many and unrelated to allomancy
  7. I really like this idea, but I'm afraid it starts to fall into the mistake of giving him too much credit, at the end of the day he didn't have perfect future sight and that's important in the books. But I really like at least the idea of him figuring out he needed to put dumb Taravangian in the right conditions, and that in the future there would be more chances of him being dumb I don't think that's right though, smart taravangian is very passionate about what he does, just not empathic\compassionate. Odium is deeply self centered, doesn't care what happens to other shards if he gets more power
  8. Best title ever, I really hope hiding that person's identity throughout future podcasts' titles becomes a tradition
  9. The point goes a beyond Lerasium, it's about all Godmetals. Godmetals should all provide different effects and are detached from Allomancy as a system, that's why you need to clarify that God metals work with different mechanics, and pure Atium had to fit with those. I'm pretty sure they'll become more relevant in SA5 and definitly in era 3
  10. So we should specify, not anyone can burn Atium to get its allomantic effect. Anyone can burn pure Atium to get it's god-metal effect, which we don't know what it is. Only mistborn and Seers can burn Nalatium (alloy of pure Atium called "Atium" on Scadrial) to get the Allomatic power. God metals can be burned by anybody, it doesn't have anything to do with allomancy or feurochemy or Scadrial, at least that's the way I understand it. It's just a way to access the Shard's investiture. I think using a metal as a metal mind is something different and you have to be a feurochemist to do so I doubt it's possible for others. Plus we don't know if you can actually store youth in pure Atium
  11. So everyone saw it, looks fantastic I think it's hard to argue with that given how viral it got When I saw it in the context of the show though, I thought it didn't make any sense whatsoever. Her head is fully on the investigation, she doesn't particularly care for the guy or the dance, and she has no reason to be attracting attentions, she doesn't give any indication that she needs to "lash out" to unload tension or something like that. I was expecting something like "She neeeds to create a distraction, since she does't care what people think she does a weird dance". Put the way it was, seemed to be like a "insert tik tok dance here" moment. I liked the show overall, this was probably the bit the bothered me the most out of the whole thing, which is a shame cause her performance is fantastic. Was I the only one bothered by this?
  12. I think most theories floating around will be about how the shards might be divided according to Dawnshards as you mentioned, we know very little of the Shattering and I think we'll be in the position to do some serious theorizing in about 10 years when we're closer to Dragonsteel If I was to give my two cents on your idea, I'm pretty sure we've been told that Rayse had held the shard for so long that he was almost fully lost in its intent, so I don't think that the personality of the original Vessels defined the shards, but the other way around: most Vessels, after holding the Shard with so long, were fully aligned with its intent. I don't think the vessel's spirit webs could be so powerful as to directly influece the Shattering, but again it's absolutly fair at this point to think as you do! PS: welcome to the forum
  13. My line of reasoning is that to manipulate the chemistry of a pure God-metal you need insane amounts of energy and perfect knowledge of what you're doing (due to the amount of investiture\spiritual shenanigans), so pure atium to be alloyed requires a shard, much like you could technically do hemalourgy on your own but in practice you need a shard's guidance. In the moment the Atium is alloyed, it quits being a God-metal and can be manipulated more easily
  14. Even shards not being able to fully see the future is a big theme in SA, so I'm fully with you in saying that we shouldn't think that Smart-avangian could plan everything and knew exactly what was going to happen, indeed it got less reliable over time. We shouldnt do that cause then we'd be accepting that Cultivation can just make humans that have what is basically more future sight that any shard, so again fully with you, we don't wanna break the Cosmere so soon If he hoped to get somehow to Odium or just king, unless he tells us, wil always up to interpretation I guess, but he couldn't have absolute control over it. My point is slightly different though, I'm saying that not the reliability, but the readibilty of the diagram was misleading on purpose. He didn't know for a fact he was gonna become Odium, but he knew that to get there he needed to hide it from himself, and to create a cult around the Diagram to do his bidding around Roshar.
  15. I think that if you mean: "body" as a manifestation in the phisical realm "sentient weapon" as weapons which have a counterpart in the cognitive and spiritual realm (shardblades, nightblood) Then the weapon IS the body you speak of. If you mean attaching the cognitive counterpart of the weapon to a human, I think the concentration of investiture required to make shardblades\nightblood would not be well handled by the poor human, as shown by how humans tend to react when "spiked" by such weapons Or did you mean something else?
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