The Cosmere RPG Kickstarter is here!
Have you heard of the upcoming Stormlight Roleplaying Game? Well, then you've heard wrong because it's been the Cosmere Roleplaying Game this whole time! Yes indeed, as announced today, the Stormlight RPG we've been getting teased for the past few months is actually intended to be encompassing the entire cosmere, with confirmed modules for Mistborn, Elantris, and for playing as worldhoppers - and a promise of more to come in the future. We'll still be getting the Stormlight part first, though.
The Kickstarter has gone live a few hours ago, and got funded in all of 11 minutes! We didn't break the website this time (thankfully), but as of this writing, the Kickstarter has already made almost 13 times its intended goal (at this point, we shouldn't be surprised; Stormlight is a certified money printer). If you want to pledge to the Kickstarter and get the goodies, you can do so here!
But what are the goodies? The campain offers a lot of different stuff - not just rulebooks for both Stormlight and Mistborn, but also illustrated world guides for both of them, books of pre-made adventures, item cards, custom dice, a game master's screen, maps, tokens and miniatures - all in all, everything and more than you'll ever need to run an RPG campaign on Roshar or Scadrial. It's worth noting that all the physical books also come with digital copies, while all digital copies (if purchased without physical books) also come with virtual tabletop modules, so if you buy one of those, you don't have to get the other separately.
Do keep in mind, however, that it's going to be a while before the books release properly - the digital version of the Stormlight rulebook is expected to go out to backers in the second quarter of 2025, while the physical copies will be delivered closer to the end of that year. Mistborn is even further out, with expected fulfillment in 2026. It's not all a dry spell, though - Kickstarter backers get access to the beta preview ruleset, an online character creator, and a starter adventure called Bridge Nine.
If you have any more questions, you might get your answers soon! Brandon will be running a livestream along with Johnny O'Neal of Brotherwise Games (the company behind the RPG) tonight! You'll be able to watch it on Brandon's Youtube channel at 6:00 PM Mountain Time (1 AM UTC), and if you have any questions, you can try asking them in the associated Reddit thread.
So - big news! What do you think? Are you backing the Kickstarter? Do you have a party ready for some Roshar adventures? Which cosmere world are you most excited to roleplay in? Let us know in the comments!
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