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Who did the Diagram interview about Nightblood?


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On 28/09/2021 at 4:10 PM, Zoey said:

Nightblood was made with 1000 Breaths, but it currently holds far, far, FAR more Investiture than that. Enough so that it literally cannot hold all of it in itself and leaks out. But yes, it was created with 1000 Breaths. 

Normally Breaths can be withdrawn, at least in part, from an Awakened item.

If you could do that to Nightblood...what in the Cosmere would happen...

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  • 8 months later...

Necro-ing this topic in light of a WoB from the 6/16/22 spoiler stream:



The Diagram didn't anticipate Nightblood, so Taravangian had to send "agents" to interview one of its former bearers. Did the agents talk to either Vasher or Vivenna?

Brandon Sanderson


YouTube Spoiler Stream 4 (June 16, 2022)

Barring any squirrelyness here about it being Azure/Zahel instead of Vasher/Vivenna, this WoB eliminates the first two possibilities that came to my mind about who the Diagram interviewed. I believe that the only other former bearer we’ve seen on-screen is Nale. I can’t put my finger on why but for some reason it still just seems unlikely to me that Nale was the source of the info.

This WoB could lend some support to the theory that the “criminal” that Azure is chasing is not Nightblood or Vasher but someone else who held Nightblood and/or brought NB to Roshar.

Or perhaps the former bearer Taravangian mentioned is the Nightwatcher? Or some as yet unknown person who took the Nightwatcher up on the offer she made to Dalinar of “A sword that bleeds darkness and cannot be defeated.”


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8 hours ago, mdross81 said:

I believe that the only other former bearer we’ve seen on-screen is Nale. I can’t put my finger on why but for some reason it still just seems unlikely to me that Nale was the source of the info.

Well, do we have any indications on the timeline for when the diagram was developed in relation to Gavilar's Death? If we know Gavilar had dealings with Nale, and Nale already had Nightblood, then it's possible (if unlikely) that information could have spread through Gavilar's "meetings" - an indirect "interview" with Nalan about the sword.

Unlikely, but possible. . .

Personally though, I think Nightblood came to Roshar with a third party (the criminal Azure is chasing - possibly Yesteel) - who came from Nalthis with Nightblood (but may not be from Nalthis if it was a Worldhopper who took Nightblood and left for Roshar) - and that third party is who was interviewed by agents of the Diagram.

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3 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Well, do we have any indications on the timeline for when the diagram was developed in relation to Gavilar's Death? If we know Gavilar had dealings with Nale, and Nale already had Nightblood, then it's possible (if unlikely) that information could have spread through Gavilar's "meetings" - an indirect "interview" with Nalan about the sword.

Taravangian definitely created the Diagram after Gavilar died. Cultivation tells Dalinar when he visits that it’s the first time in centuries she has come herself to personally speak with a human. So Taravangian’s visit had to be after Dalinar’s (which was after Gavilar died) because it was only with Cultivation’s boon that Taravangian was able to create the Diagram. So the Diagram could not have sent agents to speak with a former bearer during the time when Gavilar held his meetings (only one of which was attended by Nale, I believe).

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I wonder: could it have been Hoid who brought Nightblood to Roshar?

  • He might be considered a criminal on many worlds for many reasons.
  • He's important enough cosmere-wise to be hunted through worlds. 
  • He keeps a low profile on Roshar because Rayse would kill him, so Azure probably has no way of knowing he's near Vasher and Adolin's and Kaladin's home.
  • He was on Nalthis when Vasher still had NB and is now on Roshar. He could somehow have acquired NB on Nalthis and have it with him on his journey to Roshar. And he could have passed through Lasting Integrity with it on the way.
  • He has some knowledge of where he has to be at any given time, maybe sometimes also what he needs to bring along?

I don't think however that he was Taravangian's source. 


Edit: Should have searched WOBs before writing this. My bad!



What would happen if Hoid held Nightblood?

Brandon Sanderson

Uh, Hoid would not do that. Hoid would stay very far away.


Not even hold it??

Brandon Sanderson

He would stay really far away. There are very few things in the Cosmere that Hoid is afraid of, and Nightblood is one of them.


I thought he'd be afraid of the blade end.

Brandon Sanderson

So let's just say if very, very, very few things in the Cosmere had a chance of destroying you, you wouldn't even pick one up. You'd try to be in a different room entirely.

R'Shara and Sunbird and JoyBlu

*Whispering about Nightblood being able to destroy Hoid*

Brandon Sanderson

I didn't say, I said theoretically. I said "had a chance of", I did not confirm. Hoid doesn't know. But there's a chance, and so he is not going to risk that.



Edited by Erklitt
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