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Another question: What happens if a Coinshot redirects a Seeker or Tineye? Are they given results about "Your Target" (and thus aren't necessarily aware that they were redirected and assume the results are true about their original target), or are they given results about "Player Name" (and thus know they were redirected)?

... I'm not sure what the traditional pattern is, even with directed redirects.

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Forgive me, I have just realized that this game will most likely coincide with my spring break and finals, and must therefore draw out, despite me really wanting to play a faction game for once

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10 hours ago, The Unknown Order said:

@TJ Shade Are roles and/or alignments revealed upon death?


6 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

@TJ Shade what happens if someone is Rioted and their vote from the previous cycle is on someone who died? (Every person voting on the player exed, if someone votes on someone who was killed.)

Well, Rioting fails in this case.

6 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Another question: What happens if a Coinshot redirects a Seeker or Tineye? Are they given results about "Your Target" (and thus aren't necessarily aware that they were redirected and assume the results are true about their original target), or are they given results about "Player Name" (and thus know they were redirected)?

The latter. [Player Name] burned X metal/ targeted Y.

Speaking of Coinshots, I noticed an omission:

14 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

Coinshot: You can burn steel and redirect an action of your target to a random player. You cannot target the same player in consecutive cycles. If your target has multiple targets, only one is redirected randomly. Your action is cancelled if you target another Coinshot targeting you. You are told the redirected target of your target.

is supposed to be:

14 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

Coinshot: You can burn steel and redirect an action of your target to a random player. You cannot target the same player in consecutive cycles. If your target has multiple targets, only one is redirected randomly. Your action is cancelled if you target another Coinshot targeting you. You are NOT told the redirected target of your target.

Coinshots are NOT told of their target's new target.

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10 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

@Tani it's in the "Basics" section of the rules

Thanks Quinn! Sorry I didnt see it


Does that mean Imma get kicked out over vacation? I forgot how long it is... but I think it + the Sunday after = 2 cycles.



No PMs... this gonna be harder than I thought.

Edited by Tani
to avoid doubleposting
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5 hours ago, Tani said:

Does that mean Imma get kicked out over vacation? I forgot how long it is... but I think it + the Sunday after = 2 cycles.

No, if you inform me beforehand that you'll be unable to post due to IRL stuff, I'll not consider the filter.

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On Wednesday or Thursday of next week - I forget which - Im goina be inactive until the Sunday after.

the 17th or 18th through the 21st, I will not be posting (UTC - 05:00).

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I'd like to have my roleplay character be Obliteration inhabiting a man named Nicole Atyo.

Obliteration watched the ash fall. It was so peaceful, those little pieces of destruction. When he settled a Shardworld he would give it ash, so much ash. Fire too, fire, quicksand, ash, death, and Obliteration. 

I wrote a whole roleplay between Obliteration and Harmony before I realized this is era one Scadrial and both of the Shards are tied up at the moment. 

Edited by The Unknown Order
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Hmmm I've no idea whether the timing actually works out for this, and I don't really care: I'll play as Tesse Mourn. I'll figure out how she ends up in this three-way battle over atium later lol

wouldn't it be hilarious if I role Soother again?

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